This page last updated Tue Feb 25 17:20:48 EST 2003 .
Subject: Analysis of robot body
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 13:07:24 -0500
From: Derrick Kong
History: It was originally built about three years ago, minus combat buffs, and with a smaller processor. About a year and a half ago, it had the combat buffs installed, as well as a larger processor. About three months ago, it had a new face and voice synthesizer implemented.
Purpose: To impersonate Victor Lazlo to the Resistance.
Type: The more general type (minus combat buffs and spiffy processor) is that of an humaniform android; such are most commonly used in 1) the pleasure palaces, especially the ones catering to snuff or serious sadism fantasies, 2) some battlefield games. This one gives you a stronger resonance with the type 1, not necessarily because it was ever used for that, but because it seems to be more completely convincingly human. (It is, however, as Data would put it, fully functional).
Personal: Its strongest owner is Hippocrates. :) Before that, it's a bit muddled. Ownership isn't quite the right concept, but the personal context is sort of the Matrix and sort of Khan, and sort of a group of three guys: Hoa Dudden, Delmer Menchen, and Willard Wetherbee.