This page last updated Mon Apr 14 17:22:39 EDT 2003 .
Subject: Analysis of psi crystals
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2003 15:26:53 -0400
From: Derrick Kong
Composition: Crystalline, principally silicon and carbon but with numerous trace organics.
History: For several of the ones you scan: Constructed over a thousand years ago. Put into storage. Ignored for a while, then the building fell in. Dug up about twenty years ago.
For about two out of the five of the one's you've scanned: Constructed just over two years ago. Made with numerous others, most of which were destroyed during construction.
Operation: You hold it and use a psi power. You then read out the results in some way, but the crystal has no innate ability to replay.
Purpose: There might be more back in the over-a-thousand-years-ago, but it's faint and heavily overwritten by "it's for recording psi powers", which is the current purpose.
Type: Memento Mori has more of them, and there are others which other people have, and there are others which are basically unowned and unfound, mostly on Inworlds, such as Sundown. Constructing them is very difficult.
Personal: The used ones are owned by Dr. Trine but have a strong tie to the person who used them. Trine seems to have spent a lot of time with each of them. Ownership is transferring over to the Hippocrates crew at a steady clip.
Combined: Memento Mori has a lot of old Alliance and Hegemonic artifacts like these, which they have not sold or licensed, but instead keep for their internal corporate use. They attempt to recreate the techniques of construction whenever possible and appear to have had limited success with some of these, though with an astounding failure rate.