Blue AI Mechanic
Details of the mechanic
- (Current status: 0)
- The age of legal maturity for an AI is 16 years of active
- The age of legal maturity for an AI is 16 years of active
consciousness, but they can get "limited adult" privileges (driver's licence
equivalent) at age 8.
- No AI shall be created without at least one legal guardian to
take responsibility for the well-being of the nascent AI. Creating
an AI without doing so is abandonment.
- A newly created AI shall be registered with the government.
- Hacking against an AI's core system is assault (more criminal
than hacking).
- An AI hacking against someone else's system is breaking and
entering (more criminal than hacking).
- Powering down an AI without permission is assault.
- (Current status: +1 to the party)
- Destruction of an AI's hardware is assault, and is murder if
there are no backups.
- Destruction of an AI's software is assault, and is murder if
there are no backups. (Destroying the hardware counts if it destroys
the software too).
- (Current status: +2 to government)
- A backup copy is legally the same entity as the original.
(Note: human clones are different entities). Any legal punishments
and debts are levied against all copies.
- A backup copy is legally the same entity as the original. Any
legal punishments and debts are levied against all copies.
However, original and copy who have become demonstrably divergent
can be legally separated.
- (Current status: +2 to party)
- Crimes which are more serious when committed against an AI do
not count if the AI doesn't identify itself as such.
- Crimes which are more serious when committed against an AI do
not count if the AI doesn't make a reasonable attempt to identify
itself as such.
- AIs may own property and earn income, with associated
responsibilities such as taxes. Their hardware may be homesteaded.
- Every 150 years, the estate of an AI must be turned over through
probate and inheritance. It may inherit its own property in this
manner, but the property must be assayed and taxed as appropriate.
- AIs must have proof of identity and residency which must be
presented to law enforcement upon request, and at customs. AIs
entering a planetary governance must explicitly identify themselves
at customs.
- (Current status: +2 to party)
- In jurisdictions where recording without permission is illegal,
AIs must identify themselves explicitly in conversations.
- In jurisdictions where recording without permission is illegal,
AIs must identify themselves explicitly in conversations. However,
in jurisdictions where there are exceptions for hardwired reporters,
AIs get those exceptions too.
- (Current status: +2 to party)
- The memory of an AI may be examined by search warrant.
- The memory of an AI may be examined by search warrant, but
with requirements/standards equivalent to those for justifying
chemical-, psi-, or otherwise enhanced interrogation.
- (Current status: +2 to party)
- The memory of an AI may be examined by subpoena.
- The memory of an AI may be examined by subpoena, but
with requirements/standards equivalent to those for justifying
chemical-, psi-, or otherwise enhanced interrogation.
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