Baker Foundation

To perpetuate the memory of Dean Everett Moore Baker

"... our colleges have placed too much emphasis on the imparting and gaining of knowledge and too little on developing opportunities for the acquisition of wisdom and understanding."


About Dean Baker

The late Dean Baker was known throughout the country as an outstanding educator, administrator and theologian. He had attained wide recognition in recent years as a speaker at student conferences and institutes. In August he had flown to Bombay, India, to address the annual conference of the International Student Service of which he was chairman. This organization with the cooperation of the American World Student Service Fund was instrumental in bringing foreign students to the United States for study in American institutions of higher learning.

Dr. Baker had always maintained a keen interest in the activities of young people. His own interest in outdoor activities and sports led to his association with boys' camps early in his career, a field in which he remained active until his death.

A graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy, and Dartmouth College, class of 1924, Dean Baker undertook graduate work at the Harvard Divinity School, completing his studies there in 1929. In 1937, he was elected Vice President of the American Unitarian Association, following a period of active church work throughout New England. In addition to general administrative work, he directed the publishing business of the Unitarian denomination and its fund raising campaign.

Before coming to the Institute in 1947, Dean Baker served as minister of the First Unitarian Church of Cleveland, Ohio. In Cleveland he acted as Chairman of the Unitarian War Service Council under whose auspices he edited and published a book of readings for men and women in the service entitled "Think on These Things." Over three million copies of the book were distributed to men and women in the armed forces. Dr. Baker was president of the Unitarian Ministerial Union from 1944 to 1949, and had been a member of the board of directors of the American Unitarian Association for several years. In 1948 he was elected to a one-year term as president of the Dartmouth Alumni Association.

Under Dean Baker's guidance the Office of the Dean of Students expanded its authority and responsibility in all aspects of student welfare. Both the athletic program and the system of student government received special attention and attained their proper place in the undergraduate program.


Long Term Initiatives

The Baker Foundation takes part in multi-year projects to improve particular aspects of the MIT community.

Baker Fellowships

Baker Fellows are MIT students who choose to work on sustainable community service projects that build capacity for underserved communities locally, nationally, or internationally.


The Foundation elicits student initiatives that enhance the undergraduate experience.

Teaching Award

The Everett Moore Baker Memorial Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching is presented to faculty members, in recognition of exceptional interest and ability in the instruction of undergraduates. This is the only teaching award in which the nomination and selection of the recipients is done entirely by the students. The award is given in memory of Everett Moore Baker, Dean of Students from 1947-1950.

Past Winners
  • 2019: Professor Ibrahim Cissé, Department of Physics
  • 2018: Professor Anna Mikusheva, Department of Economics
  • 2017: Professor Tracy Slatyer, Department of Physics
  • 2016: Professor Srinivas Devadas, EECS
  • 2015: Professor Tonio Buonassisi, Mechanical Engineering
  • 2014: Professor William A. Tisdale
  • 2013: Professor Allan Adams, Department of Physics
  • 2012: Professor Edward M. Greitzer, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Nominate Today!

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Click on the application on the right to download the funding application.

Find the reimbursement form here .

Who We Are

Alden James (Chair)

Hometown: Dallas, TX
Year: 2020
Major: Mechanical Engineering with CS (2A-6), 21-H Ancient and Medieval Studies (AMS)
Living Group: Chi Phi
Fun fact: I was born in New York City.
Whats important to me about the Baker Foundation: The Baker Foundation is a pivotal aspect of MIT student life because it puts the power of change directly into the hands of students. By providing an opportunity to make MIT even better, the Baker Foundation gives students positive influence of the school and their peer’s wellbeing.

Jacob Miske (Webmaster)

Hometown: St. Johns, MI
Year: 2020
Major: NSE (22) and MechE (2A)
Living Group: East Campus
Fun fact: I am a part time nuclear reactor operator.
What's important to me about the Baker Foundation: Student empowerment is essential for a sense of collective interest on campus. Baker Foundation helps provide resources for groups to be empowered.

Natalie Northrup (Secretary)

Hometown: Honeoye Falls, NY
Year: 2022
Major: Civil Engineering (1)
Living Group: Macgregor - J
Fun fact: I have a compost bin in my room
What's important to me about the Baker Foundation: Baker Foundation gives me a sneak peak at all the awesome student-focused events on campus and I get to share those events with the people I know will enjoy them!

Josh Cole (Tresurer)

Hometown: Roswell, GA
Year: 2021
Major: Computer Science and Electrical Eng. (6-2)
Living Group: Zeta Psi
Fun fact:I'm the oldest of four siblings.
What's important to me about the Baker Foundation:I love seeing the incredible variety of ideas MIT students have to improve student life and empowering those students to bring those ideas to fruition.

Kevin Wesel (Publicity)

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Year: 2021
Major: Biology (7)
Living Group: Maseeh
Fun fact:I'm seven years older than my brother but we share the same birthday (May 7)!
What's important to me about the Baker Foundation:The Baker Foundation allows innovative student-led ideas to improve campus life to actually become reality! By working with students with creative ideas and providing them with the backing necessary for implementation of their solution, the Baker Foundation fits closely with the collaborative, problem-solving culture of MIT.

Chelsea Truesdell (Advisor)

Hometown: Buffalo, NY
Department: Office of the First Year
Living Group: Off-Campus
Fun fact:I met Justin Bieber at a pub in Dublin!
What's important to me about the Baker Foundation:I love meeting the students who are working to make MIT a better place - the projects we see come in for funding are unique and the people behind them are amazing.

Professor William Tisdale (Advisor)

Hometown: Belmont, MA
Department: Chemical Engineering
Living Group: Off-Campus
Fun fact:Really wants to go to Disneyworld!
What's important to me about the Baker Foundation:I enjoy meeting students from across campus and from different majors who are all passionate about making MIT a warmer, friendlier, and more fun place to be.


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