While many physical changes to the campus were evident once again this year, perhaps the most striking changes involved new ways of doing business and dramatic changes in personnel brought about by the one-time Retirement Incentive Program. In the operating areas alone, 110 individuals retired, including five long-serving department heads. These changes in personnel necessitated reorganization in some instances and searches for replacements in others.
Steady progress continued on the reengineering front with many processes being redesigned or restructured. As a result of recommendations made by a team assembled to review the publication, copy, and audio visual needs of the Institute, the umbrella Graphic Arts Department ceased operations at the end of August and Copy Technology Services and Audio Visual Services became autonomous departments. On another front, the Office of Facility Management Systems separated from the Institute in September with the Institute's space accounting functions being assumed by the Physical Plant. Finally, in November, as a result of the reengineering of Student Services, responsibility for the oversight of the Campus Activities Complex and Housing and Food Services was transferred to the Dean of Students and Undergraduate Education.
Many physical improvements to the campus were evident as well. Chilled water capacity was greatly expanded at the Central Utilities Plant and additional cooling tower capacity will go on-line early next year. Building 56 was occupied following renovation and the total renovation of Building 16 commenced late in the winter. The renovation of Senior House set a new standard of accomplishment with $11 million of construction being completed in just 12 weeks during the summer. Exterior work on the building, including a new grand entrance on Amherst Street, will be completed early next year.
Four Institute projects were the recipient of awards during the year. The School of Architecture Renewal project, the Tang Center, and the Cogeneration project won design awards and the Senior House project received an Owner Excellence Award. In addition, the US Environmental Protection Agency named Physical Plant as its "Partner of the Year" for the Plant's dedication to promoting energy efficient lighting.
Affirmative Action efforts continued throughout the year. Our on-going goal is to hire minorities and women, whenever possible, and to promote women in non-traditional roles. We are pleased to be able to report a number of hirings and promotions consistent with these goals. We were successful in hiring an Asian American as a Safety Officer in the Safety Office, an African American utility worker at the Endicott House, and an African American female as the Assistant to the Director of Planning in the Planning Office. As for promotions, an African American male was promoted to Planning Officer in the Planning Office and an Asian female was promoted to Project Manager of Utilities in Physical Plant. In addition, a female recruit will be added to the Campus Police patrol ranks upon the successful completion of training at the Police Academy.
We will continue to strive toward a goal of a more diverse work force.
Following are individual department reports.
William R. Dickson
MIT Reports to the President 1996-97