This past year has been an excellent one for the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. We were pleased to once again be ranked first in both undergraduate education and graduate education among the Departments of Materials Science and Engineering by U.S. News and World Report. In addition, the National Research Council issued its first ranking in more than a decade of the top graduate programs in the United States. We were ranked first in both quality of faculty and in effectiveness in educating graduate students. DMSE was the only department at MIT to receive first place ranking in each of these four polls. However, our challenge is to continue to improve and to become even stronger in the future.
In spite of the more difficult research funding climate, the research volume of the department has grown over 10% during the past year, and the number of graduate students has increased to 182. The undergraduate student population remains nearly constant at 121. In June we awarded 35 bachelors degrees, 20 masters and 14 doctorates. Our program of offering fellowships to a large percentage of domestic applicants continues to provide us with an outstanding graduate student body; 69% of our entering graduate student class in September 1995 were domestic.
The Graduate Program has evolved to a single General Examination for the department, rather than the six degree program examinations that we had previously. In addition, the faculty voted to increase the number of core graduate subjects from two to four. These will include subjects on "Materials at Equilibrium," "Kinetics," "Mechanics," and "Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Materials." Some of these new and revised subjects will be offered for the first time during the 1996-1997 academic year.
During the past year the department has assumed responsibility for the Archaeological Science Program at MIT. This program, which is home to two faculty, Professors Heather Lechtman and Dorothy Hosler, builds on the strong materials emphasis that was brought by Professor Cyril Stanley Smith '26 ML. This program has begun to flourish in the department with well over 100 students taking subjects in archaeology. We believe that this interface between archaeology and materials science is one of the strongest such programs in the world, and we hope that it will grow and prosper in its new home.
We are pleased that Professor Lorna Gibson of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has elected to join our faculty ranks during the coming year.
It is with regret that I note that Professor Julian Szekely passed away in December of 1995 after an extended illness. Julian was responsible for bringing the concepts of heat and fluid flow to a central focus in the field of materials engineering. His leadership, enthusiasm and insights will be missed greatly.
Under the Institute's retirement incentive program a number of individuals have chosen to retire at the end of this academic year. Professor Robert W. Balluffi '47 ML, and Professor Keith H. Johnson have retired, but Bob will continue to maintain an office in the department and interact with many of us. In addition to the loss of these faculty, Joseph M. Dhosi '59 ML, our most capable and valued Senior Administrative Officer for the past twenty years; Patricia Gavagan, who has staffed the Undergraduate and Graduate Offices for more than thirty years; Guenter Arndt, who has been a Technical Staff Member for more than forty years; and Jean DiMauro, who has been on the Support Staff for more than forty years, have each elected to retire.
In the fall of 1995 we were pleased to host the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth Program for a Materials Science and Engineering Day. Over 250 eighth- and ninth-grade students and their parents visited MIT and attended presentations by faculty members where they were introduced to the science and technology of modern materials. In the spring of 1995 the department hosted the fourth Harry C. Gatos Distinguished Lecture which was delivered by Dr. Craig R. Barrett of Intel Corporation. His presentation was titled, "Technology Futures for the IC Industry."
Our faculty members continue to occupy a number of important leadership positions at MIT. Professor Vander Sande is Associate Dean of Engineering, and between the period June, 1995 and January, 1996 was Acting Dean of Engineering. Professor Kimerling serves as Director of the Materials Processing Center, Professor Thomas serves as Associate Department Head, Professor Rose continues as Director of the Concourse Program, Professor Rubner serves as Director of PPST (Program in Polymer Science and Technology), Professor Allen serves as Secretary of the MIT Faculty, Professor Latanision continues as Chairman of the MIT Council on Primary and Secondary Education, and Professor Lechtman is Director of the Center for Materials Research in Archaeology and Ethnology.
Our undergraduate enrollment remains at historically high levels. Essential to maintaining our undergraduate body are extensive recruiting efforts including a three day Open House, our annual John Wulff Lecture, direct mailings to the freshman class, Freshman Advisor Seminars, and IAP Activities. Our III-B Internship Program continues to attract the majority of the undergraduate students in our department. Through this program we have strengthened our interactions with 35 companies and government laboratories while providing summer experiences for our undergraduates which are relevant to their educational development. Placement of students during the summer of 1996 was difficult, but nearly all eventually found suitable positions. Our undergraduate body currently comprises 51% women, 12% underrepresented minorities, and 3% foreign students.
Professor David C. Dunand has been instrumental in organizing the Materials Undergraduate Study Exchange Program (MUSE), and in signing agreements to establish the undergraduate exchange program with KTH Stockholm, ETH Zurich and the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris. We hope to send the first students abroad under this program during the coming year.
Our undergraduate textbook initiative continues to progress after the publication of the first two volumes of Thermodynamics by David V. Ragone last year. A third text, Physical Ceramics, by Professor Yet-Ming Chiang with co-authors Professors Dunbar P. Birnie III and W. David Kingery of the University of Arizona was published in the spring of 1996. A fourth text has been sent for review.
The Student Undergraduate Materials Society (SUMS) continued to be a source of strength for the undergraduate program. SUMS assisted in end-of-term subject evaluations, assisted in the organization of the UROP Open House, sponsored seminars by departmental faculty members, planned socials, and assisted in tutoring of fellow students. Officers of the society during the fall semester were: Benjamin Hellweg (President), David L. Ngau (Vice President), William P. Chernicoff (Secretary), and Nancy K. Enright (Treasurer). New officers elected in spring 1996 are: William P. Chernicoff (President), Mary E. Hamilton (Vice President), Kim Marie Levis (Treasurer), and Neil T. Jenkins (Secretary).
Approximately 22% of our graduate students are women and 2.5% are underrepresented minorities. The distribution of students among our six graduate degree programs and their affiliates is little changed from last year. As of February 1996 it was:
Degree Program
of Total Graduate Students
Three of our students in Materials Engineering were enrolled in the Technology and Policy Program, and two were enrolled in the Leaders for Manufacturing Program. Sixteen of our Polymer students were enrolled in the Program for Polymer Science and Technology. We anticipate for the fall 1996 a total graduate class of about 180. The program we adopted five years ago of offering one-term fellowships to a large percent of domestic applicants has been successful. We estimate we will register an incoming class of 46 for the coming fall, over 68% percent of which will be domestic.
Nearly all undesignated gifts to the department are currently being used to fund endowed fellowships (including the Nicholas J. Grant Fellowship, the John F. Elliott Fellowship, the Ronald A. Kurtz Fellowship, the Gilbert Y. Chin Fellowship, the R. L. Coble Fellowship, the Carl M. Loeb Fellowship, the David V. Ragone Fellowship, the H. H. Uhlig Graduate Fellowship, the Stuart Z. Uram Fellowship, the Class of `39 Fellowship, the Julian Szekely Fellowship, and the Department Endowed Fellowship).
Our endowed fellowships now provide sufficient annual income for one-term fellowships for approximately 9 students. In addition to the above we are the grateful recipients of a number of grants from corporations and foundations to aid our first year students. We have received a large grant from the Starr Foundation which has provided up to four fellowships each year for a three year period, as well as a fellowship from the Lord Foundation of Massachusetts. These have been instrumental in assisting us to maintain the size and quality of our incoming domestic student class. We have fellowship support from a number of corporations including TECHINT and SIDOR. Of course, many students have other outside fellowship support as indicated elsewhere in this report. Most recently we have received a fellowship from George N. Butzow, '51 GE, the founder of MTS Corporation. Of the 27 domestic students expected to enter in the fall of 1996, 13 will be entering on fellowships from the department and from a variety of sources including; NSF, DOE, DOD, LFM, NASA, ONR, and the Air Force.
Officers of the Graduate Materials Society (GMC) during academic year 1995-1996 were: Jeffrey Nystrom (President), Shuba Balasubramanian (Vice President), Valarie Benezra (Treasurer), Ben Tao (Secretary), Douglas Blom and Tracey Burr (DCGS Representatives), G. Kris Schwenke (GSC Representative), James Foresi (Social Chair), Kevin Eberman (Athletic Chair), and Harold Ackler and Tracey Burr (MESSeminars). GMC continued its seminars, monthly socials and end-of-the-year barbecue. The group continued to undertake the supervision of the arduous but important task of course evaluations. The GMC voted to revise its officer organization during academic year 1996-1997 by forming a Core Committee with Erika Abbas as Chair. GMC Core Committee members are: Vanessa Chan, T.A. Venkatesh and Phil Soo. Other newly elected officers are: Valarie Benezra (Treasurer), Srikanth Samavedam and T.A. Venkatesh (MESSeminar Co-Chairs), Nicole Lazo (DCGS Representative), Olivera Kesler (GSC Representative), Kevin Eberman (Social Chair), and Ram Ratnagiri (Athletic Chair).
Officers of the MIT Student Chapter of the Materials Research Society during the academic year 1995-1996 were: T.A. Venkatesh (Chair), and Valarie Benezra (Treasurer). Newly elected officers for academic year 1996-1997 are: T.A. Venkatesh (Chair), Valarie Benezra (Treasurer), and Kevin Chen, Christine Hau, and Michael Whitney (Special Projects Committee). The chapter has been working towards expanding its membership to include materials science students affiliated with other schools in the Greater Boston area, and has also undertaken a special project to check the feasibility, and subsequently initiate the formation of, a New England Chapter of MRS, to be based in Boston. The chapter arranged information sessions, seminars and special lectures dealing with issues of topical interest in materials science.
The Association of Materials Students Societies (aMaSS) is a coalition of student chapters of three materials professional societies: Materials Research Society (MRS), ASM International/The Materials, Metals & Minerals Society (ASM/TMS), and the American Ceramics Society (ACerS). The association was formed in 1992 with the purpose of increasing the profile of MIT in the professional societies of materials research. Membership is offered to undergraduate and graduate students from all departments of MIT who are interested in materials. Officers of aMaSS during academic year 1995-1996 were: Andrew Gouldstone and Lori Maiorino (Co- Chairmen), Valarie Benezra (Treasurer), and Melody Kuroda (Secretary). The Chairpersons of the three student chapters during the academic year 1995-1996 were: T.A. Venkatesh (MRS), Laura Giovani (ASM/TMS), and Sara Ransom and Amy Hsio, (Co-Chairs, ACerS). The 1996-1997 officers of aMaSS and the three student chapters will be elected in the fall.
Faculty members of this department now occupy 14 endowed chairs. The chairholders are: Yet-Ming Chiang, Kyocera Professor of Ceramics; David C. Dunand, AMAX Associate Professor of Materials Engineering; Thomas W. Eagar, POSCO Professor of Materials Engineering; Merton C. Flemings, Toyota Professor of Materials Processing; Linn W. Hobbs, John F. Elliott Professor of Materials; Lionel C. Kimerling, Thomas Lord Professor of Materials Science and Engineering; Anne M. Mayes, Class of '48 Assistant Professor of Polymer Physics; Uday B. Pal, John Chipman Associate Professor; Edwin L. Thomas, Morris Cohen Professor of Materials Science and Engineering; Michael F. Rubner, TDK Professor of Materials Science and Engineering; Subra Suresh, Richard P. Simmons Professor of Metallurgy; Harry L. Tuller, Sumitomo Electric Industries Professor of Engineering; John B. Vander Sande, Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor; and August F. Witt, Ford Professor of Engineering.
Term chairs, especially those held by junior faculty members, are of immense value to the holders in building careers. Faculty from this department currently occupy one such chair; Michael J. Cima, Norton Professor of Ceramics Processing, although The Lord Foundation of Massachusetts has agreed to provide one additional junior term chair for the coming year.
Professor Samuel M. Allen will serve as Vice Chairman of the 1996 Gordon Research Conference on Physical Metallurgy. During this academic year, Professor Gerbrand Ceder was awarded the 1996 Robert Lansing Hardy Award from the TMS. This award is given to a person under 30 years of age who shows exceptional promise for a successful career. Both Professors Joel P. Clark and Donald R. Sadoway were made AT&T Fellows. Professor Emeritus Morris Cohen received the Acta Metallurgica J. Herbert Hollomon Award in recognition of his leadership in guiding U.S. national materials policy and the evolution of the multidiscipline of materials science and engineering, as well as his teaching and research contributions.
Professor Thomas W. Eagar was the 1995-1996 Taylor Lecturer at Pennsylvania State University. Professor Lorna Gibson completed a second edition of her book, Cellular Solids: Structure and Properties, co-authored with Professor M. F. Ashby of Cambridge University, and was invited to speak at the Frontiers of Engineering meeting sponsored by the National Academy of Engineering. Professor Nicholas J. Grant's membership in TMS was upgraded to Legion of Honor member Grade L, in recognition of his 50 years of membership.
Professor Linn W. Hobbs received the Best Invited Paper Award at the Eighth International Conference on Radiation Effects in Insulators, Catania, Sicily. Professor Klavs Jensen received the Charles M. A. Stine Award of the Materials Engineering and Sciences Division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, was AT&T Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Wisconsin, and received the Best Paper Award at the 2nd International Conference on Rapid Thermal Processing.
Professor Lionel C. Kimerling was one of the first two recipients of the MIT Frank E. Perkins Award which is presented for excellence in advising and mentoring of graduate students. In addition, he received the 1995 Electronics Division Award of the Electrochemical Society for his seminal contributions to the understanding of defects in semiconductors and for his leadership in the field of electronic materials, and was awarded a Department of Energy Research Excellence Award. Dr. Robert A. Laudise received the TMS Applications to Practice Award, and the 1995 Nolt Medal from Union College, Schenectady, NY. Professor Heather N. Lechtman was invited by Trinity University to present its Distinguished Scientist Lecture in March 1997.
Dr. James N. Livingston published his book Driving Force, The Natural Magic of Magnets, which was inspired by a freshman seminar on "The Magic of Magnets" which he has lead for many years. His goals for writing the book included increasing the public's appreciation of science, particularly "magic magnets," and increasing public recognition of the field of materials science, a discipline that "most freshmen who arrive at MIT have still never heard of." His book has been chosen by the Natural Science Book Club.
Professor Andreas Mortensen was the recipient of the Bourse de Haut Niveau from the French Ministry of Research and Education, for partial support of a sabbatical year at the Ecole des mines de Paris. Dr. Robert C. O'Handley was invited to give two prestigious talks. One was at the conference title, CM3 in Philadelphia, PA, and the other was at the APS Meeting in St. Louis, MO. Professor Uday B. Pal received an ALCOA Foundation Science Support Award. Dr. David I. Paul was chosen as House Fellow to MIT Burton House undergraduate dormitory.
Professor Regis M. N. Pelloux was elected an Honorary Fellow and Life Member of the International Fatigue Congress Series. This honor is in recognition of Professor Pelloux's significant contributions to the understanding of fatigue crack growth mechanisms in metals. Professor Pelloux was formally recognized at the International Fatigue Congress, "Fatigue `96," held in Berlin, Germany.
Professor David V. Ragone's textbook titled, Thermodynamics of Materials, was recognized by Choice Magazine as one of the Outstanding Academic Books for 1995. Professor Robert M. Rose was appointed Adjunct Professor of Biomechanics in the Department of Surgery, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine. Professor Michael F. Rubner was made 1996 MacVicar Fellow for Outstanding Teaching at MIT. Professor Kenneth C. Russell continued as the National President of Alpha Sigma Mu, the Materials Science and Engineering Honorary Fraternity, and assisted in establishing the Massachusetts Alpha chapter.
Both Professor Gerbrand Ceder and Professor Chris Scott received a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program Award. This is a National Science Foundation award for support of junior faculty within the context of overall career development and combines in a single program the support of quality research and education.
Professor Subra Suresh received several highly distinguished honors during academic year 1995-1996. He was the Shell Distinguished Lecturer in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University, and the 1996 ASM Sauveur Lecturer. He was elected Fellow of both the American Ceramic Society and of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He was invited to be a Midwest Mechanics Lecturer (one of only two selected in the international community by four midwestern universities). In addition, he was invited to deliver the closing Plenary Lecture at the "Fatigue `96" Meeting, and elected Honorary Member of the Materials Research Society of India. Lastly, Professor Suresh was awarded the Swedish National Chair in Engineering by the Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences (TFR). He is one of six international scholars from among all branches of engineering and basic sciences to be elected to this National Endowed Visiting Chair 1996-1998. The Swedish National Chair is intended to "bring renowned international scientists to Sweden to work with Swedish colleagues in different areas of engineering sciences."
Professor Edwin L. Thomas received a NSF Creativity Extension Award. Professor Harry L. Tuller was appointed founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Electroceramics published by Kluwer Academic publishers. Professor Ioannis Yannas was awarded the honorable title, "Fellow, Biomaterials Science and Engineering" from the Society for Biomaterials at the Fifth International Biomaterials Congress in Toronto, Canada.
During the past year Professor Samuel M. Allen has scaled up his processing for making hardenable injection molding tools by three-dimensional printing (3DP), such that now the largest parts he has made exceed 8 kg. He has also developed a thermodynamic database for use in alloy design of copper-base alloys that undergo spinodal age-hardening reactions, for possible use as infiltrants of 3DP tool materials. Professor Robert W. Balluffi published a major new text titled Interfaces in Crystalline Materials with A. P. Sutton of Oxford University. His research on the structure and electrical properties of grain boundaries of ZnO continue. This work is leading to increased understanding of the operation of varistors. Professor Gerd Ceder has done groundbreaking research in the modeling of multicomponent oxide systems. Professor Yet-Ming Chiang has begun new research programs on lithium-ion battery electrodes collaborating with Professors Ceder, Mayes and Sadoway. Professor Michael Cima's research revealed a mechanism by which single crystal-like films formed from ion-beam assisted deposition on amorphous components with computer controlled composition gradients by 3DP, made a major advance in processing for bulk coating of granular material which provided new basic understanding for bulk coating, and developed an extremely sensitive technique to characterize corrosion of aluminum nitride electronic packages. Professor Joel Clark has established a major research program in life cycle analysis of automotive materials and products. Professor David Dunand was promoted to Associate Professor, and has recently received a patent on his studies of transformation superplasticity in composite materials. Professor Eugene Fitzgerald's work on relaxed GeSi layers shows promise for achieving inexpensive optoelectronic components using silicon-based technology.
Professor Merton Flemings has returned to full time teaching, with research in the areas of semi-solid forming, materials recycling and advanced sensing of materials processes. He spent the spring semester of 1996 at Ecole des Mines de Paris. Dr. John Haggerty has developed a novel electronic packaging system for high-powered applications based on reaction bonded silicon nitride and reaction bonded silicon carbide. Professor Lorna Gibson's research on the effect of osteoporosis on the mechanical strength of trabecular bone has indicated that the way in which the bone is lost has a significant impact on the residual strength of the bone. In addition to his work on high temperature oxidation, Professor Linn Hobbs has started a new initiative in biomaterials using the surface oxides of metals as templates for growth of biological ceramics. Professor Lionel Kimerling's study of silicon optoelectronics is the first comprehensive investigation of a silicon compatible optical interconnection technology. Professor Kirk Kolenbrander, working in collaboration with Professor Ceder, has developed the first determinations of a "critical radius" of a coherently supported quantum dot in a lattice mismatched crystalline host. His work on surface passivation of semi-conductor nanocrystallites is establishing a new understanding of the photoluminescence characteristics of these materials. Professor Ronald Latanision is working on photoelectric chemical techniques to study the passive films formed on iron and titanium. This work should lead to the development of better corrosion resistant alloys. Professor Heather Lechtman received a field research grant from the American Philosophical Society for support of her work in Bolivia and Chile during the summer of 1996.
Professor Anne Mayes has developed a new method for preparing stable hydrophilic surfaces on acrylic polymers that is inexpensive and easily adapted to commercial-scale processing. These materials demonstrate excellent resistance to protein adsorption and may be useful for intraocular lenses, among other applications. Professor Frederick McGarry has found a rational way to increase the fracture toughness and fracture energy of rigid silicone resins, without impairing their resistance to heat and/or fire. This will enable their use in structural composites and adhesives-application hitherto not feasible, because of their extreme brittleness. Professor Andreas Mortensen continues his work in reactive infiltration processing, solidification of metal matrix composites, and in-situ plasticity of metals. Dr. Robert O'Handley is developing a novel magneto resistance device using shape memory alloys. This material should have outstanding applications in sensors and transducers. Working with Reading Tube Corporation, Professor Uday Pal is developing a commercial scale method of electrolytic deoxidation of copper. This is a very novel approach and has the potential to improve the quality and reduce the cost of a wide range of copper products.
Professor David Paul has developed theoretical analyses of the magnetization distribution within magnetic thin films. This work is of increasing concern as storage devices used thinner and thinner films. Professor Regis Pelloux has completed a study on the micromechanics of corrosion fatigue crack initiation in aluminum-lithium alloys. Professor Robert Rose has developed an in vivo oxidative degradation model for ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene. Professor David Roylance has completed a text on Mechanics of Materials. Professor Michael Rubner has developed light-emitting thin film polymers which may have a number of exciting applications including flat panel displays. Professor Kenneth Russell has developed theoretical models of nucleation processes which occur in vapor deposited thin films. In addition to a major revision of the freshman elective, 3.091, Introduction to Solid State Chemistry, Professor Donald Sadoway is studying the electrochemical production of tantalum powders.
Professor Chris Scott's research involves study of the compounding of polymer blends. His laboratory has developed the first numerical simulation of phase inversion during compounding. Professor Subra Suresh has developed new theories and computational models for studying the mechanics of multi-layer films which have a wide-range of applications. Professor Edwin Thomas is continuing his outstanding work on understanding the internal surface structures of complex block co-polymers. Professor Harry Tuller's research group has continued its work on developing compatible electrodes/solid electrolyte systems for high temperature fuel cells, and was recently awarded a patent on this technology. Professor August Witt has developed a method of interface stabilization during crystal growth in the vertical Bridgman configuration using multiple sensors. Professor Bernhardt Wuensch has continued reliable measurements of grain-boundary diffusion coefficients in high purity oxide bicrystals of known orientation. Associate Dean John B. Vander Sande has been using high resolution transmission electron microscopy to quantify the structure of soots. This technique, which he calls "soot prints," is being used for soot particulate source assignment. In time he expects to generate a soot encyclopedia, and in this regard he has made excellent progress on the characterization of diesel soots and particulates generated from coal combustion processes.
Patricia E. Gavagan, Administrative Assistant in the Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Office received the James N. Murphy Award.The award is presented to an employee whose spirited contributions to the Institute family have won a place in the hearts of students. Dr. K. C. Chou, Research Associate in Professor Pal's group was elected to the Chinese Academy of Science.
The initiates during the 1995-1996 academic year for the Massachusetts Beta Chapter of Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society were: Martin J. Gilkes, Marnie L. Harker, Benjamin Hellweg, Neil T. Jenkins, Jiang-Ti Kong, Preston P. Li, Angela Y. Lin, and Sara L. Ransom.
Eight seniors were accepted as associate members in the Society of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society of North America: Danielle R. Chamberlin, Albert Li-Yuan Hsu, Paul J. Kang, Christian Lund, John S. McCloy, Kathleen A. Morse, Luiz A. Ortiz, and Surekha Vajjhala.
Carmen R. Berg and Preston P. Li were awarded ASM International Undergraduate Scholarships. Martin J. Gilkes and Justin L. Sanchez were awarded National Science Foundation Incentives for Excellence Scholarship Prizes. Andrew Gouldstone and Danielle Russell won the 1996 DMSE Best Senior Thesis Awards. Janelle Gunther won the 1996 Wulff Award. Benjamin Hellwig `97 was named an NCAA Division III Coaches Academic All-American for wrestling. Erin B. Lavik won the 1995 DMSE Best Senior Thesis Award. The Best Co-Op Report Award went to Christian Lund. Sara L. Ransom was awarded a Society for Women Engineers (SWE) Scholarship.
Six graduate students were accepted as associate members of the Society of Sigma Xi: Kenneth C. Arndt, Shuba Balasubramanian, Denise M. Foss, Jason E. Grau, Linda K. Molnar and Anthony Nichtawitz. Three graduate students were accepted as full members: Harold D. Ackler, John T.-T. Chen, and Gerd Norga.
John Chen won an MRS Graduate Student Award for excellence in graduate materials science and engineering research. Patrick Tepesch received a graduate student award from the Materials Research Society, and received the DMSE Teaching Award. David Walton was invited to participate in the Japanese Association of Mathematical Sciences Japan-U.S. Seminar to take place during the summer of 1996. Harold Ackler won First Prize at the American Ceramic Society New England Section Student Poster Contest and Erin B. Lavik won Second Prize. Gerd Norga won the Best Student Paper Award of the Journal of Electronic Materials for his paper "Metal Adsorption on Silicon Surfaces from Wet Wafer Cleaning Solutions." Sridhar Seetharaman won the 1995 Best Graduate Student Award in Materials Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Fellowship Awards for one or more semesters were held during academic year 1995-1996 by 54 students: Axel Van De Walle, American Chemical Society Fellowship; Laura M. Giovane, DOD Fellowship; Ittipon Diewwanit, H. F. Taylor Fellowship; John W. Lum, H. F. Taylor Fellowship; Arvind Sundarrajan, H. F. Taylor Fellowship; Jeffrey D. Nystrom, Kurtz Fellowship; Robert W. Hyers, NASA Fellowship; Brian J. Gally, NDSEG Fellowship; Andrew Kim, NDSEG/SCEEE Fellowship; Erika D. Abbas, ONR/SCEEE Fellowship; Valarie I. Benezra, ONR/SCEEE Fellowship; Kevin W. Eberman, ONR/SCEEE Fellowship; Samuel A. Newell, ONR/SCEEE Fellowship, Alice M. Man, ONR/SCEEE Fellowship; Yot Boontongkong, PPST Fellowship; Naomi A. Fried, Rasmussen Foundation Fellowship; Akihiko, Suwa, Rocca Fellowship; Ramabhadra, Ratnagiri, SIDOR Fellowship; Anton F. Van Der Ven, SIDOR Fellowship; Christian Lund, SIDOR Fellowship; Catherine M. Bambenek, Starr Fellowship; Kevin M. Chen, Starr Fellowship; Matthew T. Currie, Starr Fellowship; Anand J. Reddy, Starr Fellowship; Todd S. Stefanik, Starr Fellowship; Charles W. Rowe, 3M Fellowship; David G. Walton, Petroleum Research Fund Fellowship; Morgan J. Slade, Carl Loeb Fellowship; Nicole Lazo, MPMI Fellowship, Adam Powell, AT&T CRFP Program Fellowship; Isako Hoshino, AT&T GRPW Program Fellowship; Michael Morse, AT&T Ph.D. School Program Fellowship; Eric Werwa, AT&T Ph.D. School Program Fellowship; James E. Neely, DOE Integrated Manufacturing Fellowship; Jeffrey D. Nystrom, DOE Integrated Manufacturing Fellowship, Stephen C. Britten, NDSEG Fellowship; Tracey A. Burr, NDSEG Fellowship; Edison C. Chu, NDSEG Fellowship; Jason A. Gratt, NDSEG Fellowship; Olivera E. Kesler, NDSEG Fellowship; Michael J. Fasolka, NSF Fellowship; Darrell J. Irvine, NSF Fellowship; Erin B. Lavik, NSF Fellowship; Randy J. Logan, NSF Fellowship; Sanjeev Makan, NSF Fellowship; Vanessa Z.-H. Chan, NSF Fellowship; Benita J. Dair, NSF Fellowship; Michael F. Durstock, NSF Fellowship; Michael F. Durstock, NSF Fellowship; R. E. Kirchain, Jr., NSF Fellowship; Aimee L. Smith, Ida M. Green Fellowship; Anil Jain, Cambridge Technology Center Fellowship; Lan Hoang, EIP Graduate Fellowship; Elicia M. Maine, International Motor Vehicle Program Fellowship; Anna M. Lokka International Motor Vehicle Program Fellowship.
As noted last year, our challenges for the future include completion of the undergraduate textbook initiative, and the development of our new core graduate curriculum. It is anticipated that we will develop a graduate textbook initiative in future years to compliment the new graduate curriculum. The numerous changes in our faculty provide both a challenge and an opportunity. The challenge is to maintain our educational programs at a consistently high level with a short term reduction of over 20% of our faculty. The opportunity is to reshape the direction of our department through the many new faculty hires which we will need to make during the next few years. We continue to need to strengthen biomaterials, magnetic materials, ceramics manufacturing, and heat and fluid flow within our faculty ranks.
Thomas W. Eagar