Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar promotes the educational goals of MIT by:

In fulfilling its mission, the Office of the Registrar works with the Faculty, Institute/Faculty committees, departments, staff, and students to guide and assist in developing and modifying educational policies and procedures in accordance with Institute policy and local, state, and federal laws. The office will continue to gather, maintain, interpret, and share information through new technologies, broadened capacities, and enhanced communications in the areas that the Institute has entrusted to its charge.


Considerable effort was spent this year in analyzing and implementing new faculty and administrative policies, and in supporting new educational initiatives and community events. We continued to exploit the robustness of MITSIS in meeting all of the challenges within this dynamic environment.

Technological Highlights

In partnership with SSIT, we:

Policy Work

This year, Registrar's Office staff:

Operational Highlights

Office staff:

Classroom Management Highlights

This year, we:


In academic year 2002–2003 student enrollment was 10,317, compared with 10,204 in 2001–2002. There were 4,178 undergraduates (4,220 the previous year) and 6,139 graduate students (5,984 the previous year). The international student population was 2,627, representing 8 percent of the undergraduate and 37 percent of the graduate populations. These students were citizens of 108 countries. (Students with permanent residence status are included with US citizens.)

In 2002–2003, there were 3,483 women students (1,727 undergraduate and 1,756 graduate) at the Institute, compared with 3,457 (1,765 undergraduate and 1,692 graduate) in 2001–2002. In September 2002, 425 first-year women entered MIT, representing 43 percent of the freshman class of 988 students.

In 2002-2003, there were, as self-reported by students, 2,861 minority students (1,971 undergraduate and 890 graduate) at the Institute, compared with 2,834 (1,987 undergraduate and 847 graduate) in 2001–2002. Minority students included 358 African Americans (non-Hispanic), 89 Native Americans, 618 Hispanic Americans, and 1,796 Asian Americans. The first-year class entering in September 2002 included 463 minority students, representing 47 percent of the class.

Degrees Awarded

Degrees awarded by the Institute in 2002–2003 included 1,281 bachelor's degrees, 1,529 master's degrees, 8 engineer's degrees, and 440 doctoral degrees—a total of 3,258 (compared with 3,218 in 2001–2002).

Personnel Changes

Betty Bradley, associate registrar, retired after 35 years of outstanding service to the Registrar's Office and to MIT. To accommodate her retirement two staff members were promoted and responsibilities were shifted among others. Peter Hayes and Dan Engelhardt were promoted to assistant registrars. Marti Ward became a full time staff member as an assistant registrar.

Dave Micus was hired to be associate registrar for classroom scheduling and academic information. Nancy Swallow, assistant registrar in the catalog section, left to pursue an advanced degree, and Lorraine Boyd was hired to replace her.

Margaret Newell, support staff in scheduling, left to pursue an advanced degree and Chris Di Guardia was hired to replace her.

Mary Callahan

More information on the Registrar's Office can be found on the web at

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