Dean for Student Life
As Dickens wrote, "These are the best of times, these are the worst of times." The academic year opened full of hope and promise but before the campus had even had time to settle into the rhythm of its annual fall opening, external events overtook us and we were quickly diverted from our planned goals and activities to address the issues related to September 11. While I am sure that other sections of this report will focus in greater detail on this event and fallout, I am proud to say that the Division of Student Life (DSL) staff, from chaplains to deans, residence life staff to campus activities staff, rose to the occasion and performed well above and beyond their normal routines to address the myriad issues relating to the incident and its aftermath.
If there can be anything positive that can be said it is that perhaps, like no other time in its history, the MIT community came together, shared, worked, mourned, and moved forward together. We stood up to protect all the members of our community and it was gratifying to see especially how our larger community rallied behind our Muslim community.
Despite all this, life does and has gone on and even a quick perusal of this year's annual report is testimony to the hard and dedicated work of the entire DSL staff. We are proud indeed of our accomplishments, and they are many.
We finished the year with a remarkable proposal for a total overhaul of our campus dining program, with much help and input from the Campus Dining Board.
We completed plans and hired staff accordingly to open our three new buildings during the coming year: the Zesiger Center for Sports and Fitness, Simmons Hall, and the Sidney-Pacific Residence.
We had two successful visiting committee visits: DSL and DAPER (Department of Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation, formerly known as Athletics).
We were gratified by the significant response we received from the Institute for the DSL budget request, resulting among other things in a $400,000 increase to the budgets of various student groups and activities, as well as the addition of a staff person to work with and advise student groups. Furthermore, a three-year financial commitment was made to the FSILGs to help in the transition of all freshmen living on campus.
We continued our comprehensive staff development program, with targeted programs on everything from hiring processes, progressive discipline, and affirmative action programs, to using our new centralized performance processes.
We reorganized the Office of Student Conflict Resolution and Discipline and developed new protocols and procedures associated with its work.
We developed a new mission and focus for the Campus Activities Complex, and CAC provided support to 12,580 events, for more than 600,000 people.
We established a new Office of Community Development and Substance Abuse Programs, and hired Dr. Danny Trujillo as its first director.
We refined our procedures for voluntary withdrawals and readmission processes.
We carried out a very active maintenance and renovation program in our residence halls, and developed a new housing assignment lottery system.
Our Residence Life Associates program had a very successful first year, providing help and support to our housemasters, GRTs, and residence hall students.
Our Public Service Center continued to grow and expand, providing MIT students with the opportunity to work in a variety of settings, providing services not only to Cambridge and Boston but even nationally and internationally.
Our Student Activities Office expanded its outreach to student groups, providing guidance and leadership to an ever-increasing number of student leaders and student groups.
The FSILGs received a lot of support and attention as they began to prepare for the shift of all freshmen living on campus. They redesigned their Rush (recruitment) programs for the coming year and began to work on how to use the program support monies from the Institute during this transition.
All in all, it was a most successful and productive year.
Administrative Services
Administrative Services supports the mission and strategic objectives of the Division of Student Life by working collaboratively with the reporting units within the division to enable them to deliver effective programs and services to the MIT community, particularly to students.
Administrative Services reports directly to Dean Benedict and is led by Laura Capone, director of organizational performance and human resources and Deb Fairchild, director of finance and space administration. The Administrative Services group is comprised of a team who facilitates and/or provides for the following functions and services to be delivered within DSL: budget and finance, human resources, information technology, organizational development and performance, and space administration.
In FY2002, Administrative Services provided the means for significant progress toward sustainable systemic changes and business results described in the sections that follow.
FY2002 Accomplishments
Building the Administrative Services Team involved centralizing financial services and hiring to fill open positions, including two financial administrators and an administrative assistant. Administrative Services also reclassified the support staff position in HR to an administrative-staff-level HR coordinator, in order to facilitate the volume of transactional work associated with the centralized HR processes in DSL. In addition, to complete the team, a second administrative assistant was transferred from Housing to expand the support for central financial processes in DSL.
Budget and Finance
Administrative Services brought together a financial team comprised of staff representation from each DSL department to create a shared understanding and unified approach to budget and finance across the division. The formation of the team was a critical prerequisite to the successful implementation of an all-funds budget in DSL.
Administrative Services, in collaboration with the Controller's Accounting Office and the Budget Office, also led the development of new financial statements for DSL departments. These reports include income statements and balance sheets for each department in DSL and are intended to improve understanding about the DSL financial position and support resource allocation decisions.
The financial arm of Administrative Services has also begun to work with the Graduate Student Council on a review and recalibration of graduate student rents. This work will continue through the summer and culminate in recommendations for the FY2004 budget process.
DSL Approach to Budget Development Process
The divisional approach to budget development in DSL continued to evolve in FY2003. In this process, the department heads work together to set priorities at the divisional level. This process, which requires department heads to focus on organizational interests ahead of departmental ones, provided a common thematic framework for evaluating requests for new programs and initiatives.
Centralized Staff Performance Review and Salary Distribution Process
At the request of department heads, this process involved standardization of formulas for allocating merit increases, a central pool for distribution, and overall maximization of resources. The centralized system is a work in progress and will continue to evolve over the coming years. The new process applied to all staffing categories with the exception of service staff.
Human Resources
Professional Development Group
DSL completed its second year of performance development sessions for department heads, managers and supervisors. This year, more than twelve presentations, training sessions and workshops have been conducted. DSL regularly delivers relevant professional development sessions for leaders, supervisors and managers. This year's program offered an integrated approach involving operational and programmatic opportunities for more than 30 staff per session.
The programmatic opportunities for all professional staff this year included a day-long series of presentations led by Dr. Margaret Barr, who conducted presentations on "Dealing with New Realities," "Balancing Life and Career," "Student Affairs Career Opportunities for New Professionals," and a dialog session for DSL leadership.
Administrative/Operational sessions included:
- Introduction to new HR services with an overview of MIT's affirmative action policies and processes and other associated dimensions
- Roundtable discussions/presentations on effective hiring practices and processes, performance management and evaluation, and progressive discipline were conducted in FY2002
- Training in Microsoft Project Software and a Project Management Workshop were also scheduled for administrative and support staff in FY2002
- An overview of DSL's Affirmative Action Plan and an initial discussion regarding strategic planning for accomplishing affirmative action goals for the coming year was presented
- Communicating the results of the new centralized performance process with associated lessons learned and next steps
Plans are underway to involve more levels of staff in FY2003 discussions and presentations focused on successful performance and the performance review process in DSL.
Support Staff Advisory Committee
DSL also established the Support Staff Advisory Committee (SSAC) in the fall of 2001 to provide focused attention on learning and growth opportunities for support staff.
The mission of SSAC is threefold: to foster a sense of community among the DSL support staff; to share resources and strengthen communication; and to provide professional development and growth opportunities whenever possible. SSAC is sponsored by the director of organizational performance and HR in DSL and is chaired by the HR coordinator. Committee membership is composed of support staff from each DSL department.
Support staff opportunities this year included a luncheon with a presentation by Ombudsperson Toni Robinson on Balancing Work and Life, and a Career Development Workshop presented by Barbara Peacock-Coady, manager of careers planning at MIT. The first SSAC Newsletter devoted to issues of the DSL support staff was released this year as well.
Special Events Committee
The DSL Special Events Committee was established in FY2001 as a critical piece of an overall strategy for building a sense of community within DSL. The committee is comprised of staff from each of the DSL departments. The committee collects feedback and reviews lessons learned following each event so that the organization can exceed staff expectations for a quality event.
- In FY2002 this committee focused on the following division-wide special events:
- Annual breakfast: Over 150 staff attend DSL's fall breakfast, which consists of the dean's introduction to the fall term, distribution of a DSL publication which includes the DSL mission, accomplishments for the prior year, and goals for the coming year. This event also offers a gift/symbol for staff with a DSL logo embossed. Staff feedback implies that this event is successful and helps to provide them with a broader view of what is happening across DSL and creates an opportunity for community building and collegiality.
- Off-site holiday function: The first off-site holiday function was realized this year. The feedback from those in attendance was extremely favorable. The holiday function continues to evolve based on feedback received by the Special Events Committee.
- Staff Appreciation Awards Design Contest: Administrative Services facilitated a Staff Appreciation Awards Design Contest in which DSL staff worked in teams to compete in a contest that would result in the selection of an appreciation awards process to be implemented in FY2003. The contest was highly successful and resulted in the group integrating ideas from each of the designs presented and coming up with a shared idea so that all were winners of the contest. The new design will be implemented in July 2002 and administered by Administrative Services.
Information Technology
DSL has also implemented a divisional approach to setting priorities for information technology. To support these priorities, Administrative Services facilitated identification of resources from a variety of sources, including MIT Information Systems, Student Services Information Technology and external consultants. Projects are currently underway to improve basic services in the Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation, Housing and Student Life Programs.
Organizational Development and Performance
Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation
Administrative Services facilitated the development of behavioral competency models for hiring new positions, as well as leading the development of generic models to be integrated into a new performance management system scheduled for pilot in FY2003. In addition, Administrative Services led a series of discovery processes in customer service areas which led to more effective communication and the development of agreements, project plans and new initiatives geared to improve the service environment.
Concurrent with this work, Administrative Services collected issues from the varsity sports coaches to identify performance themes for the department head which will inform the development of project plans for improved effectiveness in administrative and service areas.
Campus Activities Complex
Administrative Services worked collaboratively with the Campus Activities Complex (CAC) to identify the need as well as the appropriate support for the development of a new mission statement and the facilitation of a department-wide understanding of how resource requests directly link to the area mission. This work led CAC to work with Student Life Programs to create a shared understanding of the role of each office in relation to student programming. CAC also developed a customer service training program for CAC staff in direct relation to the critical role of staff vis-à-vis the mission. Plans to assist the department head in a targeted effort to focus on organizational structure and related service delivery for the coming year are underway.
Student Conflict Resolution and Discipline
Administrative Services identified consultants to work collaboratively with DSL staff and other MIT stakeholders to map the Student Conflict Resolution and Discipline process, establish protocol for the Committee on Discipline and DSL working relationship, develop a position description and search plan for a new associate dean, assess areas of potential risk to the institution, and identify areas of redundancy. A search committee has been formed and the search for the new associate dean is underway.
Space Administration
Space was renovated on the fifth floor of the Student Center allowing the DSL Administrative Services team and the Office of Campus Dining, together with staff from the Controllers Accounting Office who support housing and dining accounting, to work in close proximity. Administrative Services also organized a space committee for DSL. This group developed divisional space priorities for FY2003 and is now working to develop a DSL-wide space vision.
Business planning for the new graduate residence hall at Sidney and Pacific, the new undergraduate residence Simmons Hall, and the Zesiger Center for Sports and Fitness has been a major focus during the past year.
Office of the Senior Associate Dean
The year was on the one hand marked by tragedy and on the other by the absence of tragedy. September 11 overshadowed everything else during the opening days of the school term. The Institute drew on diverse resources and experienced a strong communal pull that was unprecedented. The results of recent efforts to draw our chaplains closer to the center of the Institute paid dividends as MIT turned to the chaplaincy for a variety of needs in the days after September 11. Father Paul Reynolds recounts their good work in his report on the Board of Chaplains.
Building on the new sense of confidence in relationships after September, conversations between Jews and Muslims continued and this spring a new proposal for shared dining emerged. In addition the Muslim community reached out to the wider community in a very successful program designed to educate non-Muslims about Islam. The program concluded in early December. As a result of diverse efforts within our community, we did not have incidents of conflict following the events of September 11.
Board of Chaplains
During AY2002 the chaplains were involved in Institute-wide events such as orientation, academic advising, wellness fair, and IAP, just to name a few. Increased interaction with Residential Life, house masters, and numerous others has helped to make the Office of Student Conflict Resolution and Discipline feel integrated as a part of the Division of Student Life and the MIT community.
The Board of Chaplains sponsored seminars each semester this past year. In the spring semester the board sponsored an interfaith forum on faith issues surrounding stem cell research. Representative chaplains from different faiths shared thoughts, fielded questions and led discussions with students from many faith backgrounds.
In the fall semester world-renowned author and interfaith expert Karen Armstrong was a featured guest. Karen spoke to a large audience stressing similarities (not just differences) shared by some of the world's major faiths. This event was particularly appropriate and timely following the events of September 11.
The events of September 11 provided the impetus for much of our work as chaplains this past year. The board initiated and led a prayer service on the steps of the student center the evening of the 11th. Chaplains took active part in the all-Institute gathering in Killian Court. Chaplains helped create and lead a memorial service dedicating the "memorial wall" created at the wall of the chapel. Most importantly, beginning the hour the tragedy happened, chaplains provided a prayerful, meditative presence in the chapel. Chaplains were available for consultation and counseling in Building W11 during the darkest hours, and in the months that followed.
The Board of Chaplains takes pride in our contributions to the MIT community this past year. Sixteen chaplains and associate chaplains are part of our board, representing many of the world's religions. With the support of the ODSL, the heart of the Board of Chaplains' work is to foster communities of students that are both social and spiritual/religious in nature. Our work as individuals and as a group has been immensely successful and fulfilling. Students with almost any background or yearning can find a chaplain and group that fits their interests, heritage, and needs. The chaplains offer a wide variety of religious and spiritual and social services in the MIT Chapel, Building W11, and other places around campus. Our efforts help countless MIT students feel more at home during their years here. Being available and welcoming is our hallmark. Community fostering is our hope.
Office of Student Conflict Resolution and Discipline
The Office of Student Conflict Resolution and Discipline provides staff support to the faculty Committee on Discipline (COD). COD held nine hearings in 2001–2002. Besides administrative assistance to COD, staff provide support and guidance to complainants and to students and their advisors.
There were three personal misconduct matters heard not by COD but by Dean's Office panels this year. The office convenes the panels from a pool of available members, provides administrative support to the panels, and offers guidance to the parties as in COD cases. Sanctions imposed by the panels included probation, Institute service, and a recommendation to the president of suspension.
Administrative staff handled 91 minor personal misconduct matters. The offenses included underage possession of alcohol, theft, harassment, disorderly conduct, and accessing roofs or other prohibited areas. Standard sanctions ranged from verbal or written warnings to fines and orders to stay away from certain people or places. More creative sanctions required the students to present workshops on ethical or safety issues and to write papers about what they had learned.
The databases for cases handled by COD and for discipline matters were consolidated into one this year, allowing more efficient record keeping. The consolidation allowed staff to notify a professor who was considering whether or not to bring an academic misconduct case against a student that the student did have a prior offense, resulting in a formal complaint and hearing, instead of just a written warning.
Mediation@MIT trained 16 new mediators and provided training in conflict resolution in living groups, academic classes, and staff in-service trainings.
The office has grown from several administrative changes. Two previously independent offices were consolidated, resulting in improved efficiency and expanded capability.
Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation
The mission of the Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation (DAPER) is to bring students, faculty, and staff together in educational activities that promote healthy lifestyles, enhance a sense of community, foster growth in leadership and teamwork skills, and encourage the pursuit of excellence.
Strategic Objectives Audit
A committee formed by the department completed work on the strategic plan authorized by the 2000 Visiting Committee and former chancellor Larry Bacow. Implementation of the plan has begun with the fulfillment of several initiatives set forth in the plan.
The department planned for and hosted its biannual Visiting Committee meetings on April 30 and May 1. The report of this committee to senior administration and the MIT Corporation indicated strong support for the initiatives undertaken and the progress made in many areas since its last visit. In summary, the Visiting Committee appreciated and commended the administration for its support in making the Zesiger Center a reality and for refurbishing many older facilities; the smooth transition between ODSUE and the Division of Student Life and all those who made it work; the intense effort that went into the formulation of the strategic plan; the intentional, collaborative, and open style of our new department head; the patience that resulted in a memorandum of understanding with regard to women's crew.
![]() Zesiger Sports and Fitness Center |
Construction of the Zesiger Sports and Fitness Center has continued throughout the year with scheduled occupancy in September 2002. Renovations to the physical plant continued with the completed reconstruction of the Steinbrenner Track, replacement of the wood floor in Rockwell Cage, installation of a safety/security divider wall in du Pont Gymnasium, renewal of the main offices in Room W32-109, and the striking of an agreement for a resodding program for Briggs Fields. We have also come up with a design for an installation of a card access system for Steinbrenner Stadium and Track.
![]() Zesiger Center pool |
Two key decisions were made in the area of facilities management. MIT has hired an outside company, Health Fitness Corporation, to operate and maintain the Zesiger Center. Additionally the Athletics Zone facilities team will be transferred to the supervision of DAPER on July 1, 2002.
A revamped varsity athletics scheduling system and procedure was implemented at the request of the coaching staff. A measurement process for assessing and increasing its effectiveness is ongoing.
A NCAA Divisional reclassification process was started for the Women's Rowing program. Once complete, the MIT oarswomen will enjoy practice and competition opportunities that will legitimize their history of competing at the Division I level.
A Student Athlete Advisory Committee was implemented on a formal basis. The committee, mandated by the National Collegiate Athletic Association, has significantly improved communication between varsity athletes and DAPER administration.
Due to ongoing construction throughout the campus, but most significantly that of the Zesiger Center, DAPER was unable to host as many town/gown functions as in previous years. A moratorium on intercollegiate varsity special events had an adverse affect on the number of town/gown functions. DAPER, nonetheless, continued to offer what facilities it could to the MIT community, and hosted over 40 events. A total of over 13,100 reservations were made for DAPER facilities throughout the course of the year (this total does not include recreational squash, tennis, volleyball, badminton, and basketball). It is anticipated that with the opening of the Zesiger Center the number of town/gown, intercollegiate varsity, and MIT community events hosted in DAPER facilities will increase to an unprecedented level.
Staffing Changes
Dr. Lynn Couturier was named director of physical education. Thomas Cronan was hired as athletic training coordinator. Carol Elder was named to the newly created post of information technology specialist. Amy Heinl was hired as manager of facilities and operations. Maureen Kelly was named operations supervisor.
Among the support staff, Ron Hopkins replaced Greg Algarin and Andrea Kosewski replaced Heather Crooke as administrative assistants in the business office. Suzanne Rommelfanger was named the administrative assistant in the Office of the Department Head/Director. Cheryl Eccles moved into a newly created position as support to the assistant director of athletics and our coaching staff. C.J. Azubuine, Tara Israelson, Aubrey Ramage-Lay, Erica Scoppettuolo, Willis Negron, and Phil Wickens were named service assistants.
Among the coaching staff, heavyweight crew coach Gordon Hamilton and women's tennis coach Carol Matsuzaki '96 were elevated from part-time to full-time faculty/coach status. Women's crew coach Sue Lindholm was elevated from an interim position to full faculty/coach status. Mary Ellen McLaughlin resigned as men and women's swimming coach. Among part-time coaches, Lisa Naas replaced Marion Jones for softball, Tom Layte moved from interim to part-time coach of wrestling, and Jerry Molloy took over from Roy Horsey in rifle. Also Jimmy Burke replaced Bruce Chalas as golf coach, Todd Dumond took over from Jon Shefftz as alpine ski coach, and Derek Southwell accepted a one-year appointment as nordic ski coach. Katja Pashkevitch, on leave of absence, will not to return as head coach of women's ice hockey.
Financial Services
Distribution of athletic cards remained consistent with recent years. A total of 7,850 cards (number includes locker sales) were distributed through either sales or student tuition.
DAPER Business Office working with the Stillwater Accounting Group developed a new method of tracking expenditures. The new system will allow for a more complete and accurate financial picture of all DAPER programs. In addition, the Filemaker data base system underwent significant modification to improve the department's ability to track and reconcile varsity sports expenditures.
A "full cost/all funds" budgeting system was implemented across all department accounts making reporting clearer and more comprehensive. It allows our staff to understand and view program costs in their entirety.
A financial risk assessment audit was conducted by Tony Dowgiewicz of Jefferson Wells International under the direction of MIT's Deborah Fisher, Office of the Executive Vice President, Internal Audit Division. Mr. Dowgiewicz's report indicated that the financial controls put in place since the last audit were compliant with the expectations of MIT.
Sports Medicine
DAPER has taken proactive steps toward initiatives designed to enhance professional development, improve patient/client satisfaction, build stronger links with the Medical Department, and define how the sports medicine unit can best serve the needs of those actively involved in the varsity, club, intramural, and physical education programs.
Physical Education
This is the second consecutive year enrollment has decreased. Registrations for AY2002 were down to 5,600 from 6,541 in AY2001. In an effort to address the decrease in enrollment, an information technology discovery process was undertaken to revise the physical education online registration system. Work on this project will continue through FY2003. The existing Physical Education Lottery system will be supplanted by a system for online, real-time registration for physical education classes.
The Physical Education Program's faculty and coaches have been engaged in a curriculum development project this year and successfully completed a program mission statement and program goals. Curriculum work will continue next year. The faculty and coaches also participated in a workshop related to pedagogy and curriculum. The group eagerly anticipates the opening of the Zesiger Center this fall as it will present numerous opportunities for increased programming.
Intramurals and Club Sports
Roller hockey was added to the intramural offerings this year. Intramural participation increased 5.5 percent as 10,885 students exhibited their loyalties in competing for their dormitory floors or fraternity houses. This is the second consecutive year of increased participation in the program.
Over the past several years DAPER has supported 46 club programs, and in AY2002 added both team handball and triathlon for a total of 48. The club sports program consistently serves over 800 members of the MIT community. DAPER's collaborative efforts with DSL have generated much needed support, including additional revenue ($60,000) to enhance the quality of the club sports program. A Club Sports Council was formed to assist in the direction of club sports. A five-person executive board was elected and will play a major role in the overall leadership and management of the program.
Student-Athlete Accomplishments
The breadth of outstanding performances by our student-athletes are too great in number to comprehensively mention in this document. Highlights of AY2002, however, are as follows:
- Caroline M. Purcell '02 won a National Collegiate Athletic Association Postgraduate Scholarship, and was the winner of the George Cointe Sportsmanship Award at the Intercollegiate Fencing Association championships.
- 882 students participated in 41 varsity sports programs
- Five student-athletes named Verizon Academic All-America, eleven student-athletes named Verizon Academic All-District
- 18 student-athletes named All-America, the second highest number ever in a single year
- Men's cross country and men's tennis qualified for the NCAA Division III championships
- Women's soccer and women's volleyball qualified for Eastern College Athletic Conference New England Division III tournaments
- Women's indoor track and field finished 10th at the NCAA Division III championships for its highest finish ever. Men's indoor track and field finished 13th.
- Men's and women's fencing were both the New England collegiate champions and were champions of the Northeast Fencing Conference
- New England Women's and Men's Athletic Conference champions: men's cross country, women's cross country, men's swimming, women's tennis, men's tennis, men's outdoor track and field
- Women's pistol team had an undefeated regular season and won the national collegiate championship in air pistol.
- Women's gymnastics team scored a school-record 178.525 in a meet
- Men's swimming had the best record in its history (8-1)
More information about the Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation Department can be found on the web at
Campus Activities Complex
The Campus Activities Complex (CAC) conducted an extensive review of the department mission as requested by the Dean for Student Life. Through the use of an outside consultant, feedback and input were solicited from principal stakeholders and users of services on both the range and quality of our service offerings. Internal feedback and working sessions among our staff resulted in a revised, clearly defined mission statement. This was reviewed and endorsed by the Campus Activities Complex Advisory Board and approved by the Dean for Student Life. Based on the new Division of Student Life mission statement, CAC's mission now serves as a basis for departmental decisions regarding our programs and services.
The Campus Activities Complex is accountable for providing an environment where the MIT community comes together, formally and informally, to interact and grow. The mission of the CAC is to:
- Ensure the upkeep, safety, functionality and access to the facilities under our stewardship
- Provide the MIT community basic everyday life services through retail, dining and service operations
- Secure the quality of community interaction through professional logistics, scheduling and production services
- In everything we do we advance the values of personal and group responsibility, fairness and respect, as well as appreciation for individual differences.
Advisory Boards
The CAC is assisted in evaluating and fulfilling its mission through the assistance of two advisory boards. These are the Campus Activities Complex Advisory Board and the Campus Dining Board. Each board is comprised of representative undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff. Both serve the critical role of providing community input and perspective into the major decisions affecting the programs while providing a channel for communications with those we serve.
Campus Activities Complex Advisory Board
The Campus Activities Complex Advisory Board (CACAB) participated in The Strategic Review and Physical Space Assessment for Stratton Student Center and Walker Memorial Building. The CACAB reviewed and provided feedback to the consultant and working group and is now responsible for facilitating the plans for future renovations of both facilities. To date, the board has participated in two planning efforts to address elements of the report—the Reading Room, and reorganizing the first floor of the student center.
Campus Dining Board
The Campus Dining Board, a panel of students, faculty and staff, was established this year upon the request of Chancellor Clay to conduct a special review of the MIT dining program and meal plan proposals. The result of this review was a set of recommendations, submitted to the dean for student life, which outlined the framework for a new vision in campus dining. The board emphasized the need for a voluntary meal plan and a balanced offering between Institute facilities, personal cooking options, and off-campus dining.
This was a very busy year for the Campus Activities Complex and its various sub-units. Principal among its many accomplishments were the redefinition of its mission; development of a strategic plan for the Stratton Student Center and Walker Memorial; development of a new dining plan and its resulting changes in contractor relationships; and development of a comprehensive event support fee structure and revenue program for the operation.
Administrative and Retail
A major effort was performed to research, design and implement a comprehensive event support fee system for users of the department's multi-purpose event space. The implementation of this plan, slated for the coming fiscal year, will provide the department an adequate level of funding to properly staff and manage the event support infrastructure and to continually enhance the event and common spaces managed by CAC.
The portfolio of retail tenants maintained the same level of occupancy from the previous year, with plans underway for the conversion of two dining-related tenants into two new restaurants managed under contract by the Office of Campus Dining. In addition, four existing tenants will conclude the remaining term on their lease by the end of the next fiscal year. Where necessary and appropriate, identifying new tenants for the student center will be accomplished by working with the Real Estate Office and by coalescing a broad range of community members that will involve students and staff alike.
The department service offerings included the only 24-hour coffeehouse operation on campus and a revival of a weekly entertainment series located in the Coffeehouse for improvisational and informal performances. Additionally in the fall of 2001, the Stratton Center lobby created an opportunity for community building with a billiard exhibition and the talents of Jack White, a world-renowned billiard trick shot artist. Jack entertained the passers-by with his wit, harm, and incomparable skill of sinking billiard balls into the "side corner pocket"!
Operations, Facilities and Event Management
The event scheduling, planning and support processes of the department continue to be a major focus for CAC. The growth in student activities, DSL initiatives, and MIT-department-related programs has contributed to increased demand on existing event and meeting spaces. Maximizing the use of space and how we support it will continue to be a major priority. We were able to dramatically improve service with the creation and hiring of a technical supervisor position devoted to performing groups using space in Kresge Auditorium and Stratton Student Center. This resulted in a higher level of service in support of the academic Music and Theater Arts Program as well as providing operational and technical support to performance-oriented student activities.
For AY2002, the event management area of CAC provided scheduling and operational support to 12,850 events in which more than 600,000 people participated. Of these events 43 percent were sponsored by student organizations while 55 percent were for MIT departments. The remaining events were individually sponsored, usually for a wedding or memorial service in the MIT Chapel.
In reflecting upon the efforts in our event support area, special note must be made of the significant expansion of the graduate student orientation program that occurred in August. The requirements for space and staff support were significant and coincided with the already significant undergraduate orientation program run through the Office of Academic Services.
Immediately following the start of the school year came the tragedy of September 11. CAC stepped in and helped coordinate a number of Institute-sponsored events, including community gatherings at Killian Court, the steps of the Stratton Student Center, and the MIT Chapel. The department also maintained an information board identifying campus activities and events in response to the ongoing crisis. Finally, in support of the renovations to Lobby 7, the Admissions Office Tour and Orientation Program was relocated to the student center's Transition Lounge for the summers of 2001 and 2002.
The Event Management Team trained individuals in Residential Life and Student Life Programs, Music and Theater Arts, Athletics, Campus Police, Information Center and Conference Services and the Sloan School on the CAC Event Management System (EMS). Now these major clients are able to look up space availability on their own, generate reports, help forecast and be more productive in their individual areas.
The CAC increased its support to student activities in a number of important areas. Dedicated program space was provided to the Outing Club for the installation of a "Boulder Wall" facility in the space adjacent to the Walker Gymnasium. This process required collaboration with other MIT offices in addressing risk management, training, supervision, and facility issues with the club. Office security was enhanced through the installation and use of a new card-based access system, Locknetics, for student activity offices in the Stratton Student Center. The CAC manages the lock systems for student offices in both buildings in collaboration with Facilities and the MIT Card Office. Dance-related student activities benefited by making weekend time available for their use to practice and perform in the Walker Gymnasium.
Student governance groups also experienced increased support from CAC. The Association of Student Activities (ASA) biennial review of space also brought about several reassignments as well as a net increase in assignable office space in Walker Memorial for student group use.
The usefulness of the GSC lounge increased as a result of the collaborative and successful effort of CAC and the Department of Facilities to provide a centralized air conditioning system in that space. Improvements to the common areas of the Student Center were realized with an upgrade to the Stratton Lounge and balcony areas. The effort consisted of a new color scheme for the walls, and new, more-comfortable couches, chairs and tables. On the 5th floor, decorative improvements were made to the Reading Room in the form of furniture and large photographic prints. The photographs, a donation from the MIT Museum, depict student life over the past century. Improvements were also made on the Med-Stop area, inside the Reading Room entrance. Med-Stop continues to be a valuable student resource, offering important information from the MIT Medical Center.
The Source program provided information and ran the box office five days a week. Ticket sales totaled $67,043. The high points were selling extended times for the spring concert and for senior week activities.
Talbot House
Talbot House, located in South Pomfret, Vermont, continued to offer retreat and respite to an increasing number of guests. Through enhanced marketing and attention to the needs of our community, this 27-bed, bunk-style converted farm house and barn provided rest and relaxation to a 25 percent higher number of guests than that of the previous year. Guest reservations were incorporated into the CAC event reservation system with upgrades made to the fire/life safety systems. Future plans for the house include continued facility renewal and furnishing upgrades along with a review of lodging rates.
MIT Mascot
Tim, the MIT beaver, was hard at work this year rallying school spirit in a total of 25 appearances at MIT athletic activities and community events.
Student Art Association
Total class enrollment and membership in the Student Art Association averaged 380 participants each term, with annual enrollment, including Independent Activities Period (IAP), reaching over 1,000 members of the MIT community. The Digital Theatre opened last fall with a full complement of cutting edge digital equipment and techniques taught by professional photographic instructors.
Hobby Shop
We introduced a new Freshman Advisory Seminar, 2A.32 Product Design with Professor Martin Culpepper. In this service-learning class, students studied 3D CAD drawing and woodworking, then designed, built and donated 70 toys to the Codman Square Health Center, a community-based Boston nonprofit. Once again, the shop collaborated with the Office of Minority Education (OME) and Professor Alex Slocum in the 2.971 Second Summer Design Class. This year, eight students participated in a weeklong intensive shop class to increase their abilities to model their final design. In addition, we continued all Independent Activities Period (IAP) classes and programs from the previous year. In the spring term, SP.745 Green Woodworking was fully attended and a new non-credit class, Building a Subwoofer, was added at the request of students from previous loudspeaker classes. In the summer of 2002, three classes will be offered. Students can learn to build a picture frame, floor lamp or post and rung stool.
Office of Campus Dining
This year represents perhaps the most important period of change for the office in the past 20 years. Much of the groundwork has been laid for a new and robust dining program, which will attract faculty, students and staff and begin to realize the community vision and role for dining articulated in the Task Force Report on Student Life and Learning.
The Campus Dining Board (CDB) made specific contributions and recommendations associated with meal plans and the forward-moving direction of campus dining. Chief among these recommendations was to maintain a voluntary meal plan and to achieve a balance of choices for students that includes commitment to Institute dining facilities, personal cooking, and off-campus dining. Equally important was the commitment to creating a competitive environment among food service providers on campus.
Instrumental in creating this new competitive environment was the split of the sole-source contract arrangement with ARAMARK and the incorporation of independent merchants on the MIT Card. A plan was developed and endorsed by the Campus Dining Board and Dean Benedict to divide the existing contract along three business lines: Faculty Club/MIT catering, for which ARAMARK was to be retained based on quality of service and high customer satisfaction; community dining, representing the Lobdell Food Court, Walker Memorial, and most small cafes throughout campus; and residential dining at Baker House, Next House, the new Simmons Hall, and the MacGregor Convenience Store.
A request for proposal (RFP) process was successfully completed in May through Procurement and an eleven-member Vendor Search Committee (VSC) was formed, including Campus Dining Board members, student leaders, faculty, staff and administrators. The VSC prepared an evaluation of vendor proposal strengths and weaknesses which was then endorsed by the CDB and provided to Dean Benedict for his consideration. Dean Benedict's selection of two new food service contractors, Sodexho in community dining and Bon Appetit in residential dining, was consistent with the VSC's evaluation and was thought to provide the best solution for reaching the Institute's goals for dining.
Administrative Changes
Given the mission of department in supporting the broader MIT community, most of our activity depends on extensive collaboration with other DSL and Institute departments, student governance, and student activity groups. Administrative changes were no exception, as collaboration with others provided the vehicle for accomplishments across CAC. Central among these was the review and re-definition of the department's mission statement.
The department produced two major reports this year, The Strategic Review and Physical Space Assessment for Stratton Student Center and Walker Memorial Building, and Building a Dining Program at MIT—The Interim Report of the Campus Dining Board. The Strategic Review looked at the mission, vision, current and future uses of facilities, and their relationship to other major hubs of activity on campus. The report serves as a blueprint by which future space and program changes can be initiated and evaluated. The interim report was developed at the request of Chancellor Clay and was submitted to the dean for student life on April 15, 2002. The report reflected a reassessment of dining's business plan, evaluation of community needs and desires, and provides a model by which a business plan can be developed and evaluated. This report and its findings are currently under implementation.
The MIT Card Office was transferred to Enterprise Services, under the Executive Vice President, this year. This organizational change resulted in the removal of the meal plan/debit system from the Office of Campus Dining.
The offices of ARAMARK's administrative staff were moved to the basement of the Stratton Student Center, allowing their former space on the fifth floor to be renovated and reoccupied by DSL staff.
In reaction to the funding gap between event support needs and community expectations, a report was developed that analyzed the cost of event support functions and what would be necessary to provide a quality program. This analysis resulted in a recommendation to create a new, comprehensive event fee structure to be applied to users of CAC facilities. This was submitted as part of the CAC FY2003 budget request and was adopted for implementation beginning July 1, 2002.
Within the office, new financial frameworks were established based upon the determination to continue voluntary dining programs for the community. New and expanded vendor relationships as well as decisions to retire early, some existing institute debt, all point to a continuously improving financial picture over the near-term.
All campus food providers, including La Verde's store, have made commitments to accept the MIT Card providing a maximum of choice and convenience for students.
Staffing Changes
New hires include Tony Machado, assistant manager of night operations; Dave Kemp, supervisor of technical services; Katie Clapp, administrative assistant to the department head; and Christie Wright, senior office assistant/Talbot House coordinator; and in the Hobby Shop, Roy Talanian, technical instructor (part-time). The re-organization of campus card functions resulted in the transfer of the Meal Plan Office (debit system) and its staff of June Hagar and Cecilia Griffin from the office to the new centralized MIT Card Office.
Lianne Scott and Edward McCluney distinguished themselves with performance based awards this year. Lianne received a DSL/DUE Infinite Mile Award for program innovation. Ed was named this year's recipient of the prestigious Gyorgy Kepes Fellowship Prize.
Community Development and Substance Abuse Programs
The Office for Community Development and Substance Abuse Programs (CDSA) functions to engage all members of the MIT community in a comprehensive and integrated effort to enhance academic, social, and personal development. The CDSA office relies upon research and the application of data to strategic planning and service delivery. Overall, the CDSA office advocates for the strengthening of a campus culture promoting informed, responsible decision-making and the reduction of harm that is often associated with substance use and abuse, including poor academic performance, violence, high-risk sexual behavior, sexual assault, and addiction.
In early 2002, the appointment of Associate Dean Daniel Trujillo and Kimberly Stepan, community development associate, marked the beginning of the CDSA office within the Division of Student Life.
The CDSA strived to develop collaborative partnerships with multiple stakeholders within MIT including faculty, students, MIT Medical, Mental Health, Counseling and Support Services, Residential Life and Student Life Programs, as well as the broader community, including the City of Cambridge, City of Boston, and the State of Massachusetts.
Student assistant Lawrence Colagiovanni was hired and the division developed the CDSA Student Advisory Coalition functioning to advise and participate in department initiatives and strategic planning.
Office infrastructure and staff roles/responsibilities were developed and implemented.
Administrative Initiatives
The CDSA office has initiated and is currently conducting a review of all alcohol and other drug policies, procedures and their implementation. Such a review is intended to inform future revision or development of policies or procedures, and to maintain partial compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations (34 CFR Part 86).
As an additional component for compliance with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act, the CDSA office composed the "Statement on Drug Free Schools and Campuses" a document that requires specific content and must be circulated to all students and staff. Beginning in the fall of 2002, the "Statement on Drug Free Schools and Campuses" will be printed in the MIT Bulletin and the class schedule for fall 2002 and spring 2003.
A campus climate assessment was designed and distributed to assess those environmental factors that may function to promote substance abuse/misuse, as well as factors that may protect individuals from the abuse and harms associated with substance abuse.
The CDSA office, in collaboration with MIT Medical, has planned a campus survey of behaviors, attitudes and perceptions associated with MIT student health to be conducted during AY2003.
The environmental and individual assessment approach is intended to enhance understanding of the societal and individual contributors to substance use and the magnitude of alcohol-related problems.
The provision of community support through educational outreach programming was a major initiative for the spring 2002 term. CDSA created and implemented five Community Forum town hall meetings for administration and students to discuss issues and policies associated with alcohol and other drugs; four Community Interventions programs tailored to residential floors, greek chapters or dormitories to discuss specific issues within the community and devise a response to address or prevent similar issues in the future; multi-media informational resources through informational brochures, posters, and advertisements; support initiatives for parents including distribution of the Alcohol 101 interactive CD-ROM and information for parents describing how to talk to your student about alcohol and other drugs; and co-sponsorship of events and programs with student organizations and other departments.
The CDSA office has begun to develop and implement the training component of its strategic plan. This initiative is designed to increase the awareness of alcohol and other drug issues, as well as enhance the skills and capacities for community members to assist and support one another. The CDSA office has provided seminars and in-service training to MIT professional staff from multiple departments, including Counseling and Support Services, housemasters and graduate resident tutors, the Mental Health department of MIT Medical, the Medical Consumer's Advisory Council of MIT Medical, and the annual MIT Medical conference seminar for health care professionals sponsored by the Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Nurses Association.
The CDSA office intends to increase training of students and student organizations regarding the personal, social, academic and legal issues associated with substance use. Examples of such training opportunities from the previous spring term include efforts with the Interfraternity Council, Dormitory Council, the Medlinks peer program, and eleven residential living groups (including dormitories, living groups, fraternities and sororities).
Over the previous term, the CDSA office also provided community consultations to multiple organizations and departments throughout the Institute. These consultations varied in focus from policy and procedure issues, legal regulations and liability, to the effective detection, intervention and referral of individuals with alcohol or other drug problems. The CDSA office has been involved in over 30 consultations with different segments of the MIT community, including the Graduate Student Council, Dormitory Council, the editorial board of The Tech, residential life associates, Sloan School, Student Athlete Advisory Committee, faculty, housemasters, graduate resident tutors, fraternities, sororities and living groups.
In partnership with MIT Medical, the CDSA office has worked to coordinate and implement the BASICS program (Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students) for the second year at MIT. Over the previous year the program provided for two-thirds of Mental Health service staff at MIT Medical to be trained as BASICS counselors. The online screening of first-year students resulted in 872 students completing the questionnaire. Based on certain criteria in the students' responses, students were screened for one-on-one sessions with trained counselors. Of the 75 students who met the screening criteria last year, 16 agreed to participate.
The social marketing initiative represents the development of a comprehensive media campaign to address multiple health issues. The CDSA office, in collaboration with clinical and professional staff from MIT Medical and MIT students, has formed the Social Marketing Committee to address a range of student development issues. The CDSA office coordinated a media design competition for MIT students to develop a campus-based alcohol social norm campaign. This campaign is designed to correct the widespread misperception that certain behaviors associated with alcohol use are normal and acceptable. The alcohol portion of the campaign is to be implemented in the fall of 2002. The comprehensive media campaign will be developed during the fall 2002 term and implemented during the spring 2003 term.
A significant means to prevent alcohol use and abuse involves the frequent availability of social opportunities on campus that do not include alcohol. Over the spring 2002 term, the CDSA office was one of several MIT departments to provide support for these types of social activities.
The Campus Alcohol Advisory Board (CAAB), an Institute-community coalition, successfully developed and implemented 18 "Frank Talks about Alcohol" programs in the student living communities. CAAB represents a component of a proactive policy for MIT to enhance relations with the Cambridge License Commission and other city agencies. MIT is represented by the CDSA office on the Cambridge Licensee Advisory Board (CLAB). This coalition is designed to bring tavern and package store licensees who distribute alcohol together to address underage alcohol consumption. The CDSA office has also become an active member of the Massachusetts Statewide Coalition to Address Problem Drinking, coordinated through the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and attorney general's office. Working with the MIT Police, MIT Medical, and the trained student emergency medical technicians, the CDSA office has functioned to coordinate a medical support system and create procedures designed to enhance service delivery to the student communities. This support includes approaching medical intervention cases involving alcohol as a health issue that requires a medical/mental health response.
More information about Community Development and Substance Abuse Programs can be found on the web at
Counseling and Support Services
Counseling and Support Services (CSS) provides personal and academic-related counseling and advising services for students. In its counseling and advising role, the department provides a number of services to the community. Working with MIT Medical, particularly the Mental Health section, CSS supports students in need or crisis. CSS also provides supervision for Nightline, a peer counseling hotline. In addition, CSS staff participates as non-voting members of the Committee on Academic Performance, process applications for leave of absence and readmission as well as requests for voluntary and medical withdrawals. The department also serves as a resource for parents, faculty, campus police and university administrators. Finally, CSS provides specialized programming for the diverse student constituencies.
CSS initiated a review of student medical leave and insurance policies. The study is focused on the impact these policies have on active as well as non-registered degree candidates.
The department undertook a review of the dependencies between student financial aid and medical and voluntary withdrawal processes.
CSS worked with MIT Medical to continue to identify opportunities for collaborating to improve delivery of services to the MIT community.
Furnishings in the Cheney Room were upgraded to provide a more comfortable space for user groups.
Programmatic Initiatives
Women Students
CSS participated in the planning and development of the Rape Awareness Program which was incorporated into the orientation for first-year students. Several members of the CSS staff facilitated discussion in small group sessions which followed the presentation of the featured speaker, Katie Koestner.
CSS sponsored ongoing group discussions throughout the year in various settings including freshwomen luncheons, African-American women's dinners, Asian and Asian-American women's dinners, and for the Graduate Women's Group.
Department staff all participated in Emotions 101. This IAP seminar for students and staff focused on the value of emotions and explored techniques for dealing constructively with emotions. In addition, CSS offered a seminar entitled Honoring Ourselves as Women to explore attitudes that women hold about being women and joined Medlinks with delivery of Listening and Responding Skills for Peer Advocates.
Minority Students
Staff remained active on the Campus Committee on Race Relations and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Committee. CSS staff were active in the Black Women's Alliance and Mes Latino. In addition, CSS provided support for the MLK Leadership Awards selection and participated in an open house for the BSU. CSS staff also worked with Office of Minority Education Project Interphase students and with high school students in the MITES program. The MLK Committee selected Tavis Smiley, network news commentator, author, social activist and NPR host, as the keynote speaker for this year's breakfast.
Asian and Asian-American Students
The School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences and CSS sponsored a lecture by Chang Rae Lee, author of Native Speaker and winner of the National Book Award and PEN/Hemingway Prize. In addition, Mr. Lee participated with students in several literature and writing classes.
The Asian Women's Luncheons enjoyed strong attendance throughout the year. The group hosted speakers on business, arts and medicine.
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Students
CSS collaborated with MIT Medical to provide leadership for a support group for gay undergraduate and graduate students. The department contributed to the planning and development of the LGBT resource center.
Orientation and Training
CSS staff provided training on "How to Make A Referral" for housemasters, graduate resident tutors and resident advisors in the Fraternities, Sororities and Independent Living Groups. CSS staff met with first-year student advisors to discuss danger signals and Institute resources. Department staff also participated in Campus Preview Weekend and sat on panels during Parents' Orientation and Family Weekend. CSS staff also worked with instructors in the Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies to examine ways in which they can offer support to students who may be in or headed toward crisis. Particular emphasis was placed on paying attention to details that are sometimes revealed in autobiographical and expository writing.
After September 11, 2001
Even students not directly affected by the September 11 terrorist attacks on Washington, DC and New York reported feeling numb, displaced, or anxious. As days passed, others complained of being unable to sleep, concentrate, or remain motivated. Some questioned themselves, their goals and the direction of their lives. Others became angry and would fly into rages against unsuspecting friends or innocent loved ones. And, there were those who lost relatives and friends in the attacks. Many of these individuals did not come forward in the first weeks or even months. Some could not and did not talk about their grief until the winter final exam period. Undoubtedly there are some who are still quietly trying to cope with their grief.
In the aftermath of September 11, CSS staff met with the imam in the MIT Chaplaincy and made a commitment to developing better understanding and cultural sensitivity throughout our exceptionally diverse campus community. Initial efforts toward this goal included an informational article in Tech Talk and a video about Muslim students.
Administrative Initiatives
Processes related to voluntary withdrawal and readmission were refined. Instructions and methods of notification were clarified.
The department worked with the associate registrar to clarify procedures for granting medical withdrawals.
The associate dean for counseling supervision and training worked with the associate chief of mental health to strengthen communication and identify opportunities for collaboration between the two offices.
The section head was named as co-chair of the Mental Health Task Force Implementation Group.
In addition, the department collaborated with Academic Services to continue to improve communications related to readmitted first year students.
The department developed a brochure designed to provide an overview of the services available through Counseling and Support Services.
Against the backdrop of September 11, the fact that MIT did not have a suicide during the school year seems to be a small matter. In truth, the community has been on edge the entire year. Random Hall is especially fragile. Random experienced the two most recent suicides on campus, and that community has come under intense scrutiny by the press as well as the public. We lost a graduate student in the spring—cause of death unknown. We have not had a suicide on campus since May of 2001. The absence of such tragedy is worth noting.
Staffing Changes
Denise Meehan, formerly of MIT Mental Health, joined DSS as an administrative assistant in November 2001.
Housing strives to provide a safe, secure, and well-maintained environment for our students, faculty, and guests by maintaining facilities at the highest quality in support of the Institute's broader educational mission. Through our programs of assignments, special needs support, capital construction, renovation, repair and maintenance, along with programs in fire and life safety, recycling, off campus housing and evening security, we strive to provide our residents with a special place to call home.
Organizational Change
Throughout the past two years, Residential Life and Student Life Programs (RLSLP), which was composed of the various sections of Student Life Programs and Housing, have worked closely together to provide high-level services to our students, faculty and guests. To more clearly reflect responsibilities, scope and range of services for our students, customers and the MIT community at large, RLSLP has moved forward to become two units—Student Life Programs and Housing.
Housing includes teams responsible for construction, renovation, and repair and maintenance; undergraduate, summer, and guest housing; graduate and family housing; operations; evening operations and nightwatch; off-campus housing; and administration, I/T and finance.
With this transition, Housing has carefully reviewed its constituents' needs in relation to the services provided and determined that more effective communication of responsibility would benefit the community. The following titles were determined to communicate the breadth and scope of responsibility: Karen Nilsson, department head, director of housing; Carl Seagren, assistant director of operations; Kenneth Winsor, assistant director, Evening Operations; Loretta Hewitt, assistant director, Graduate Housing; Anthony Davis, assistant director, I/T Administration; Denise Vallay, assistant director, Undergraduate, Summer, and Guest Housing; Linda Patton, assistant director, Off-Campus Housing and Special Housing Projects; Christopher Nolan, assistant director, Renovations and Construction; and Judith Brennan, administrative coordinator.
I/T Administration
I/T Administration provides services to both Housing and Student Life Programs.
Special Projects
I/T Administration worked with Facilities to bring the electronic repair work order system, Maximo, on line in all of our residence halls providing for computer ease in reporting repair needs and providing an electronic work repair tracking system.
To enhance evening operations we worked together to purchase the new Morse Guard Watchman System, that has been implemented into our nightwatch patrol nightly procedures.
To provide more networking opportunities for our residents, we worked with MIT I/S in the establishment of two additional residential Athena clusters for Tang Hall and New House.
Working with MIT I/S we have begun a project scope review for feasibility and upgrading of the residential network infrastructure to 100-MB processing. This process may result in lost bed space and rental income, closet space and construction expense to implement this program.
Computer and Network Enhancements
As part of our overall computer upgrade program, we deployed approximately a third of new/replacement desktop machines for our staff as well as ordered and set up new desktop computers for each new employee. To provide for better computer backup, we moved all our users to the Institute's TSM back up service. We deployed desktop computers or laptop computers to housemasters as required.
Construction, Renovation, Repair and Maintenances
Major Capital Projects
![]() Simmons Hall |
We continue to work with Facilities and the Treasurer's Office on construction initiatives for Simmons Hall and Sidney and Pacific residence halls. Much of the focus at this time is related to building opening and student move in dates.
Funds have been secured to address our ongoing program of complying with ADA standards. The W71 front entrance handicap accessibility project will be started and completed this summer. This past summer W51 front desk/entrance was completed as part of our ADA program.
Housing continues to work on the second phase of the W85 playground renovation. Much of the effort during this phase has been collaboration between Facilities, architects and engineers. The design and scope of work for playground landscape are in review, scheduled to be completed the summer of 2002. This project will greatly benefit the families and children of W85 as well as address many issues surrounding the water run off/drainage of this landscape.
![]() Sindey-Pacific Graduate Residence |
Funds have been made available for the renovation of the housemasters' kitchen in W1. The completion of this project is scheduled for the summer of 2002. This is part of the ongoing program of upgrading housemaster kitchens, giving them more opportunities for holding events with their residents involving food preparation. Both W13 and W51 housemaster kitchens were completed this past year.
Fire alarm systems upgrades at W13, W1 and W51 have been completed. State-of-the-art Life Safety fire systems have been installed and are functioning at these locations.
Completed Capital Maintenance Projects FY2002
- Window replacement/window security screens: NW61, W1, W84
- Waterproofing/pointing: W51
- Bathroom renovations: 62-64, E55, NW61, W1, W4, W5, W13, W51, W61, W70, W71, W84, W85
- Kitchen renovations: E55, W1, W4, W5, W13, W51, W61, W70, W71, W84, W85
- Plumbing/mechanical renovations: 62-64, E55, NW61, W1, W4, W5, W13, W51, W61, W70, W71, W84, W85
- Electrical upgrades: 62-64, E55, NW61, W1, W4, W51, W70, W71, W85
- Paint program: All Dorms
- Fire alarm upgrades to state-of-the-art systems: W1, W13, W51
- Front desk and/or entrance renovations: W51, W13
- Housemaster kitchen renovations: W13, W51, 62-64,W1
- Playground landscaping renovation, second phase was completed, W85
- Lighting upgrades: E55, W85, W84, W5, 62-64,W13, NW61, W4, W51, W61, W70, W71
Capital Planning 2003
- Window replacement: W1ongoing, W84 ongoing
- Bathroom renovations: W85, E55, W1, W5, W84, W13, W61, W4, W70, W71, NW61, W51, 62-64
- Kitchen renovation: W85, E55, W1, W84, W13, W61, W4, W71, W51
- Plumbing/mechanical renovations: W85, E55, W1, NW10, W5, W84, W7, W13, W61, W4, W70, W71, NW61, E2
- Electrical renovations: W85, E55, W1, W84, W13, W61, W4, W70, NW61, E2
- Paint program: all dorms
- Housemaster kitchen renovation: W1
- Final phase of W85 playground renovation
- W71 front entrance (ADA), front desk W1
- W61 courtyard renovation
In response to concerns surrounding the events of September 11, all house managers received training by Mail Services on hazardous materials via mail delivery. Plans are underway for additional fall training including training for student desk captains.
Central operations staff and house managers have increased security at desks and are active members of the house teams made up of house managers, housemasters and graduate resident tutors (GRTs).
House staff continued to be major player on the EPTF Group working with student groups to increase housing buildings recycling.
Fire safety remains a priority for Housing. Drills took place in the afternoon to include our daycare centers and all children living in Eastgate and Westgate. The Cambridge Fire Department joined our drills and provided opportunities for the children to talk to the firefighters as well as to see and sit in a fire truck.
Operational planning is underway for the opening of our two newest residential buildings, Simmons Hall and Sidney/Pacific scheduled for fall of 2002.
Evening Operations and Nightwatch
Evening Operations continues to enhance our security and safety standards for our residential facilities. Much of this is credited to our in-depth training sessions with the Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHS) and MIT Police.
Reorganization of our evening operations staff has provided for more efficiency and effectiveness. Specifically we have addressed various operational challenges that occur on the evening shifts. We continue to work with each house team in order to support their specific needs.
We have established security programs for our newest dorm, NW-30, also known as the "Warehouse."
We have purchased an upgraded electronic watch patrol system, Morse Guard Watchman System, that streamlines our ability to monitor our dorm patrol rounds.
We are planning security programs for Simmons Hall and Sidney and Pacific dormitories for August 2002 opening.
Undergraduate, Summer, and Guest Housing
For the third year in a row, a second lottery was necessary to assign all freshman students to housing. At the end of the first lottery, there were still 99 students who were not assigned. As a result, 189 students were crowded into undergraduate housing last year.
![]() NW30 "The Warehouse" |
Housing staff served on the Residence System Implementation Team (RSIT), chaired the Freshman Residence Orientation and Selection of Housing Committee. This committee had three sub-committees: Publications, Residence Orientation (formerly known as "rush"), and Assignments. Committee members included students, Dormitory Council leadership representatives, Student Life Programs and Housing staff, and a housemaster.
Housing staff served on the Institute's Enrollment Management Committee and worked with this committee on issues such as undergraduate over-crowding and transfer student enrollment and housing.
To increase customer service, all housing change requests, housing confirmations, cancellations, summer and guest housing requests and early return requests are available via our web sites to reflect the new housing procedures. The Guide to 1st Year Residences was completely overhauled and redesigned to help showcase the unique aspects of MIT's housing options and procedures.
To help alleviate the crowding problems we faced in undergraduate housing during the fall term of 2001, the Senior Segue program was implemented. This gave 80 undergraduate students the opportunity to move into graduate housing for their senior year and also guaranteed them housing for their first year of graduate school at MIT.
To help fulfill the goals of the Bacow Report and increase liquidity and movement between the undergraduate houses, we ran a spring housing upper class student lottery. As a result, 350 students were reassigned to a new residence hall. Some of those students had been on the waiting list for two years.
Our summer conference and guest programs continue to increase and this year; NW30 was added to provide additional bedspace for conference housing.
Graduate and Family Housing
This year, 40 percent of MIT's graduate students received on-campus housing.
Demand for family housing (graduate and undergraduate) continues to increase. The need for review of this housing population continues.
A new user-friendly web-based housing application form was brought online, enabling more convenient service and a more efficient lottery. Computing and use of MITSIS continues to improve service. We worked with IT to implement new billing codes for all graduate buildings. The implementation of this new billing system allows the graduate office/assignment coordinators to bill and print license agreements for the many different student categories added to the graduate system this year, i.e. the undergraduate senior segue and sorority programs.
In collaboration with the Graduate Student Council (GSC) and deans for the graduate school and student life, we developed new housing policies,.
In the fall of 2001, the new graduate residence hall, NW30, opened, adding an additional 120 efficiency apartments for graduate students. This building is also used to accommodate conferences and guest housing during the summer months (June through August). Expected to open in the fall of 2002, the Sidney and Pacific graduate residence hall will be the largest building to house students on campus. The addition of this building will enable us to provide guaranteed housing to all new first-year single graduate students. Sidney and Pacific will also contain commercial businesses, making it the most diverse housing facility on campus.
The Graduate Assignments Office was a key participant in the implementation of the Senior Segue program. By reassigning undergraduates to graduate housing we were able to help alleviate some of the crowding in the undergraduate system.
Off-Campus Housing Service and Special Projects
We began to offer information on available rentals on a secure web site in March 2001. Students, staff, and faculty continually use this web site to check for available rentals. Usage of the site has far exceeded our expectations. We are currently working on a second-phase version of this electronic program for the fall of 2002 that will allow property owners to post their rentals online and greatly expand the search mechanism for our affiliate users of the site. We anticipated a decrease in office visits, but the summer months still have a high volume of in-office consultations.
The market off campus is improving. After a six-year period of increasing rents and low availability, the rental market appears to be stabilizing. The large volume of available apartments can only benefit our community and may force the rents to decrease to a more affordable level for our affiliates.
Requests for guidance on landlord/tenant law remains high. There are many new property owners in the area that are not aware of their responsibilities as landlords. We have located a "new landlord" information document that we share with the property owners in an attempt to educate them about their responsibilities. We continue to share copies of "Legal Tactics" with our affiliates to assist them in resolving difficulties they may be experiencing with property owners off campus. Our staff is available to offer more personal guidance as needed.
MIT-owned apartments off campus for graduate students continue to be popular. Historically the rents were lower than market, but this may change in the future. The apartments offer a convenient location and excellent management and greatly expand our ability to assist our graduate students and their families.
A personnel policy manual is being developed for the Housing staff and will be available in the near future.
The annual City of Cambridge census data was collected electronically this year, greatly reducing the volume of paperwork. Also the number of responses from our students was greatly increased by the use of email in place of a paper survey.
Staffing Changes
Denise Vallay was promoted from administrative assistant to manager of undergraduate housing, summer and guest housing. Michael Cammarata was promoted from administrative assistant to assistant manager of evening operations. Charlene McLaughlin was promoted from dorm patrol to administrative assistant for evening operations. Joe McCarthy returned to service staff as a dormitory patrolman. Joe Graham was promoted from dorm patrol to house manager of East Campus. Curtis Soo Hoo was hired as house manager of New House. Carla Bengtson was hired as the training house manager, stationed at Eastgate. Colleen Honohan was hired as house manager of McCormick Hall. Michael Collins was promoted from the MIT Card Office to house manager of Westgate/Tang. Dennis Collins was transferred as house manager from Westgate/Tang to Sidney and Pacific. Rui Borges transferred from Mail Services to house manager of Simmons Hall. Diana Quinlan was hired as an administrative assistant in graduating housing. Jason Wentworth was hired as an administrative assistant in graduate housing.
Student Life Programs
Student Life Programs (SLP) focuses on supporting the learning experience for all students at MIT in the areas of intellectual, personal and social development that occur beyond the classroom. Through our collaborative work with students, SLP seeks to create a variety of opportunities which promote faculty and student interaction, encourage student responsibility and concern for others, and foster the development of essential life skills allowing students to establish meaningful relationships within the MIT community and beyond. We strive to enhance the student experience at MIT by working closely with colleagues throughout the Institute as well as staying abreast of current professional knowledge and best practices within higher education and student life.
The 2001–2002 year has been a very successful year with significant accomplishments, as detailed in the following report, achieved by the various offices comprising SLP. Additionally, the SLP offices came together to identify three key areas for focused attention this year. Those areas were: building an infrastructure to serve as a strong foundation for ongoing program development; addressing issues of risk that affect the health, well-being and safety of students; and striving to build a stronger sense of community at MIT with a special focus on students. Each of these areas has involved significant improvement this year with continued opportunities for enhancements in the coming years.
The work of the Residence System Implementation Team (RSIT) throughout 2001–2002 required extensive commitment from approximately twenty committee members in the planning efforts for August 2002. RSIT planned for and implemented the specific changes involved with the decision to house all first-year undergraduates on-campus starting fall 2002. These efforts involved ongoing collaboration with various areas including: the dean for undergraduate education (DUE), the dean for student life (DSL), administrative departments on campus, and most importantly, the undergraduate students.
As AY2002 draws to a close, a structural and organizational change will be implemented. Throughout the past two years Residential Life and Student Life Programs (RLSLP), composed of the various sections of Student Life Programs and Housing, have worked closely together to provide high-level services to our students, faculty and guests. However, to more clearly reflect responsibilities, the scope and range of services for our students, customers and the MIT community at large, RLSLP has become two units: Student Life Programs and Housing. It is anticipated that the close working relationships in these areas will continue as will the quality of service.
Student Life Programs includes Residential Life Programs; Public Service Center (PSC); fraternity, sorority and independent living groups (FSILG); Student Activities Office; Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgendered at MIT (lbgt@MIT); administration, I/T and finance.
Faculty in Residence
Last year, the undergraduate housemasters worked closely with their own residence halls and with DSL to accommodate the unprecedented crowds of AY2002. They also worked with their residence hall teams to help them prepare for the residential system changes going into effect in September 2002. In addition, the Housemaster Council became involved in a series of campus-wide issues, including crowding in the undergraduate houses. With the graduate housemasters taking the lead, the Housemaster Council helped DSL formulate plans for temporarily utilizing the increase in graduate housing space due to the opening of Sidney and Pacific to lower the current level of undergraduate crowding. With this work came an enhanced understanding of the need to look at undergraduate and graduate residential life as one shared system.
The Housemaster Council took an active role in working out a process to house all freshmen on campus in the fall of 2002. Ellen Essigmann represented the Housemaster Council on the Residence System Implementation Team (RSIT). In response to DSL's decision to not require residence halls to permit first-year students to "squat" their initial summer assignment, the Housemaster Council worked with DSL to develop a policy of "home rule" whereby each residence hall would establish its own rules for first-year room assignments. As a result of this cooperative effort, five of the twelve undergraduate residence halls plan to continue to allow some level of freshman "room squatting". In addition, the Housemasters Council worked with RSIT to adapt the proposed orientation schedule to ensure that all first-year students will be able to move into their final rooms by Thursday of orientation.
Housemasters are also playing a role in facilitating the transition to a new campus dining model. William Watson has served on the Dining Review Board, and Bora Mikic has been playing an active role in the upgrading of dining at Next House. The Simmons Implementation Group successfully drew up a new approach to dining that has been approved by the newly formed Simmons undergraduate community and DSL.
Overall, the housemasters report that the new residential life associate (RLA) program has provided a valuable new resource to the housemasters and residents. They have their own programs in the residence halls and, in addition, provide a backstop to complement the housemaster-GRT resource in the living groups. In addition, two documents have been developed to clarify the Roles and Responsibilities of the Housemasters and the Roles and Responsibilities for the Graduate Resident Tutors (GRTs). The housemaster document was compiled and approved in June 2001 and the GRT draft document is in the process of being completed by a committee with housemaster and GRT representation.
Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living Groups
The FSILG area continued to offer leadership opportunities and workshops for chapters and officers. The area relating to operations and facilities was streamlined due to addition of a new professional position dedicated to the specific area. The Institute committed monies to support the FSILGs during the 2002 transition with additional support dedicated to fund programs and initiatives that will help prepare chapters with the transition.
Over the past several years, the Panhellenic Council has assumed greater leadership for MIT's sororities and has been a larger participant in campus-wide issues, culminating in this year's separation from the InterFraternity Council (IFC). Already we have seen an increased voice by the Panhellenic Council for women's issues at MIT and an increased capacity by both groups to better focus on their core needs and issues.
Programs completed during the year included the President's Leadership Retreat, a New Member Retreat, and Council Executive Board Retreats. Other programs included various roundtables and workshops, most specifically designed to assist chapters with the 2002 transition. Several members of the IFC and Panhellenic Council attended the Northeast Greek Leadership Association (NGLA) in Philadelphia where the IFC was awarded the Chapter Management Award. An MIT IFC representative attended the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI) in Indiana and several staff participated in the program as facilitators. Staff have also facilitated or participated in several leadership conferences, including SALAD, national conferences for Sigma Phi Epsilon and Alpha Epsilon Phi, and AFA/NIC.
Twenty-one of the 23 Boston FSILGs had a voluntary proactive inspection by the Boston Fire Department. All 10 Cambridge houses passed their annual egress inspection in May 2002. Over the year two house manager roundtables were held. The first one was centered around fire safety and the second was targeted at summer and winter closings. The house manager's manual was overhauled and disseminated. Processes were established for distributing MIT facilities and safety information to house managers and resident advisors (RAs) and for identifying and compiling approved vendors as a shared resource for all FSILGs.
MIT committed $750,000 for FY2003 to assist in the transition from rush during orientation to a traditional recruitment program that will disallow freshmen from living in the FSILGs. The financial support will decrease over a three-year period and will reimburse chapters for 80 percent of the fixed costs of those members that would have typically moved into the chapter house prior to the 2002 transition. A portion of the $750,000 will also be used to support programs and initiatives that will enable chapters to better prepare themselves for the transition.
Seven RAs offered programming opportunities for their members and were given $250 to support their effort. Chapters were reimbursed a total of $215,000 for the fixed costs associated with housing a resident advisor. Twenty-eight of the 35 resident advisors are planning on returning next year.
There were seven judicial cases heard by the IFC or the administration ranging from alcohol violations to rush infractions, with sanctions ranging from educational programming to social probation.
The FSILG staff continues to work with MIT's 25 National Interfraternity Conference fraternities, five National Panhellenic Council sororities, two local fraternities, and five living groups in a continued effort to prepare the chapters and houses for the many changes taking place within the FSILG community, particularly in the area of recruitment and retention of new members.
Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgendered at MIT
Last year, Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgendered at MIT (lbgt@MIT) redefined its four primary goals. Ongoing efforts, such as the monthly email newsletter, the "You Are Welcome Here" Campaign, the Lavender Guide, and Coming Out Week and ToBGLAD activities, continue to be vital to creating a more welcoming and inclusive campus. However, many new initiatives were undertaken in each of the primary goal areas.
In its effort "to ensure appropriate resources are readily available," lbgt@MIT collaborated with Counseling and Support Services and MIT Medical to develop support groups; a gay men's support group began this spring. A new organization for gay, straight, bisexual and transgendered women, QWiLLTS (Queer Women Looking for a Life in Tech School), was founded as a means to better address the needs of women students. The Rainbow Center (Room 50-306) opened its doors this year as both a lending library of resources and a shared home to all of MIT's LBGT student organizations. The support of the Undergraduate Association and Counseling and Support Service were instrumental in the center's development.
"To foster campus-wide dialogue," lbgt@MIT collaborated with SLP staff to bring Journey to a Hate Free Millenium, a multimedia presentation to address hate crimes and bias on campus. A stronger commitment has been made to provide support to MIT's transgendered community. This year, we sponsored a panel discussion for the campus community and formed a committee to work for the addition of gender expression to MIT's nondiscrimination clause.
In celebration of the LBGT community, Nils Fonstad was awarded the John S. W. Kellett '47 Award at the Institute Awards Convocation for his efforts to create a more welcoming community at Sloan and across MIT. In addition, graduating students were recognized in our second annual Lavender Graduation.
The encouragement of participation and collaboration is a theme in all of our work and accomplishments. In particular, this year, the LBGT Issues Group realigned itself to better provide advisory support, advocacy, and community participation opportunities. Carol Orme-Johnson stepped down as chair of the LBGT Issues Group after six years of dedicated service to enable the formation of a broadly representative steering committee to provide leadership and direction to the group. The first steering committee will consist of graduate students Joyce Yang and Katarina Midlefort, Assistant Professor Jim Cain, and staff members Chris Pomiecko and Michele Oshima. It is important to note that volunteer efforts continued to provide the majority of efforts to support LBGT individuals, continuing to cause concern regarding sustained and ongoing services.
John Kellett contributed an additional $20,000 to support LBGT programs ($8,000 to BGALA and $12,000 to the LBGT Issues Group). A proposal was submitted and accepted by Chancellor Clay to provide $10,000 to support a 2002–2003 speaker series. This year, the LBGT Issues Group provided financial support to the following events: a same-sex marriage talk by E. J. Graff, a film festival celebrating Native American film makers, and a panel discussion on Third Wave Feminism and Art Activism.
Public Service Center
The Public Service Center (PSC) continued to expand its outreach to the MIT, local, national and global communities. While launching new programs, the PSC successfully maintained and expanded its ongoing events and programs, including CityDays, Science Expo, Giving Tree, Freshman Urban Program, LINKS, KEYs, CommuniTech, ReachOut: Teach a Child to Read, and Public Service Fellowships. For example, our well-established Public Service Fellowship program has been expanded to include additional opportunities for work-study students, and it has also been diversified to include more national and international opportunities as well as varied local service activities of interest to the community and to MIT students.
New partnerships and enterprises were established this year with Boston Public Schools, Tutoring Plus of Cambridge, Rockport Public Schools, the MIT Museum, the Sloan School of Management and the Edgerton Center. Several of these enterprises have already received grant support. For example, the PSC-Edgerton partnership received grants from Massachusetts Campus Compact, the d'Arbeloff Education Innovation Fund, and the Lemelson Foundation to support service learning and the IDEAS Competition. The PSC also received a Massachusetts Campus Compact grant to begin the MultipliCity program with Tutoring Plus of Cambridge to enhance multicultural understanding and academic support for economically disadvantaged children. A successful pilot science mentoring program developed with Boston Public Schools, TechBoston, and Massachusetts Pre-Engineering Program was just awarded a $10,000 Siemans grant.
Service learning at MIT was expanded this year with 18 participating classes, and resources were established to support the program's growth. MIT service learning offerings were available in the form of Public Service Design Seminars and Freshman Advising Seminars, as well as in existing classes. This coming November, the PSC will report on MIT's innovative approach to service learning at the Frontiers in Education Conference and will host an engineering service learning workshop for faculty throughout the New England region.
An exciting extension of service learning, the IDEAS Competition, also was successfully begun. This new competition challenges students to develop their creative design ideas for projects that address community needs. Project implementation awards totaling $22,000 were awarded to the winning teams, which will work on projects pertaining to global water quality and environmental safety issues, education, and health.
The PSC works closely within the campus community as well as externally. In collaboration with the Undergraduate Association and the Graduate Student Council, the PSC ran a September 11 Disaster Relief Fund Drive, raising $23,000 for American Red Cross Disaster Relief. The PSC's ties with the MIT community are also being supported through a new and expanding website at, as well as through service leadership awards and monthly dinner meetings with leaders of student service groups. As well, The Coop, which created a student service grant for $10,000 last year, increased the amount available to $15,000 this year. The PSC also offers grants to support students' service projects throughout the year.
Residential Life Programs
The academic year 2001–2002 encompassed many new initiatives, including the first full year of the Residential Life Programs (RLP) section within Student Life Programs. The office moved from Room W20-549 to Burton-Conner in August to accommodate the addition of five new staff positions (four residential life associate (RLA) professional positions and one support staff). This was a year of transition—both in terms of integrating the RLA program and working with the Residential System Implementation Team to prepare for fall 2002 and freshmen on campus. RLP also provided increased support for graduate students and families, housemasters, graduate resident tutors (GRTs), and student residents through a number of initiatives.
In August of 2001, the residential life associate program was instituted with the hire of four new professional staff. The RLA program was mapped out in zones on campus, with graduate and undergraduate residences sharing RLA staff. Over the first year, the program focused on learning the MIT culture and in particular, the culture of each residence. A six-month review was conducted to evaluate the program and RLAs were evaluated for their own performance. In the spring of 2002, we made a decision to enhance and change the program for next year: two additional RLAs will be hired and separate zones for undergraduate and graduate residences have been developed to enable RLP to better meet the needs of each population.
Now in its second year, the residence-based advising program, a collaborative program with the Academic Resource Center of DUE and the Health Education Service of MIT Medical, expanded to three residences: McCormick, Random, and Next House (new to program). The RLAs played a primary role in overseeing and working with the resident associate advisors. The current plan for fall of 2002 is to greatly expand the program in Next House with 19 RAA's and the McCormick program will hold steady at eight RAAs. The Random Hall program will be phased out, as it was not deemed a success. Residential Life Programs, through the RLAs, will provide more enhanced training and oversight into the next year.
In the winter of 2001–2002, a committee was convened to look at the roles and responsibilities of the graduate resident tutor at MIT. The committee report is forthcoming later this summer and will address a variety of issues which have in the past been neglected or not in writing. With the addition of 10 GRTs for Simmons Hall, we had an all-time high of 30 vacancies to fill for this coming year. With a strong recruitment period, we had 71 applicants, and moved three existing tutors to Simmons Hall. Tutor trainings were held throughout the year, but a more focused and routine training is needed for the upcoming year. The Tutor Advisory Board, made up of one tutor from each residence hall, was established to help support and advise Residential Life Programs on tutor training issues.
In September of 2001, Residential Life Programs set up a satellite office of Student Activities Finances to align financial processing and support for residence halls with the new advising structure provided by the RLAs. In addition, financial support and training for housemasters was enhanced, including a new system for handling GRT finances. Through the new system, GRTs are treated much like student organizations, increasing reimbursement turn-around significantly and reducing time spent by housemasters on financial processing. With the Institute decision to close all outside bank accounts, increased staffing in Student Activities Finances, and the intended relocation of the core Residential Life Programs staff to Room W20-549 after the Public Service Center moves to Room 4-104 this coming fall, a decision was made to reconsolidate all student financial functions, including GRT accounts, to Student Activities Finances. Housemaster finances will still be supported through Residential Life Programs.
Student Activities Office
The Student Activities Office (SAO) formally became the advisor to the Freshman Leadership Program this year and built relationships with the student coordinators, which will ensure a quality program in the future. In addition, the staff's ongoing work with the Graduate Student Council (in conjunction with the Graduate Students Office and the Office of Organizational Development) led to the creation of a leadership development program specifically for graduate students, the first of which was held this past September. SAO also provided direction and support to the second annual Undergraduate Association (UA) Councilor Retreat held in September and coordinated the first-ever ASA retreat which helped the 10 student committee shift its focus from increasing the number of student organizations on campus to providing more quality service to existing student organizations.
Programmatically the office had a successful year as well. Fall Festival was a major success this year with several hundred students attending a carnival on Kresge Oval. Additionally, due to increased staffing in SAO, each of the Class Councils was appointed a specific advisor this year, which led to more effective programming. LeaderShape, now in its eighth year, was again a great success. Sixty-five students participated in the program and 13 faculty, staff and students served as facilitators. Spring Weekend 2002 included a concert by Sugar Ray, which sold 2,300 tickets. About 300 students came to the barbecue and "Class Wars" events on Saturday and the weekend. The ninth Charm School was also organized. An estimated 800 students attended the 28 different classes taught by over 50 faculty, students, and staff. And finally, SAO hosted the second annual Student Leaders Reception for all organization presidents and treasurers as a way to provide more visible celebration and recognition of student leaders.
The Student Activities Office also addressed a number of important issues facing student organizations. We increased the visibility of our services and clarified our role and relationship with the Campus Activities Complex (CAC). Working with the Treasurer's Office, we have been implementing the Institute-wide initiative to discontinue the support of outside bank accounts effective July 1, 2002. Working with the Association of Student Activities and Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation (APER), we addressed the overlap that was creating funding, risk management, and oversight issues for some APER-related student organizations. A clearer definition was developed for these groups to move recognition for any organization that is athletic and competitive and/or instructional in nature to APER as a club sport. Finally, a committee consisting of student organization leaders, Campus Police, SAO, and CAC reviewed the metal detector event policy, resulting in a requirement for student organizers to meet with CAC, SAO, and Campus Police at least two weeks prior to the event.
Supplemental Funding Allocation
Student Life Programs, primarily through its Student Activities Office, continues to coordinate the dissemination of a significant amount of funds to student organizations and programs. Through this year's Institute budget process, a proposal was developed which resulted in an increase, by several $100,000s, of funding for student initiatives, including the Large Event Fund, Class Councils, and a newly created Cultural Diversity Fund.
This year, Weekends@MIT distributed $40,000 to 16 individual events sponsored, at least in part, by one or more living groups, including the Infinite Buffet, Fall Festival, Chinese New Year, and Comedy Collage. An additional $40,000 was allocated through the MIT Fund to 27 different groups/programs, with the largest allocation being $3,000 for any one program, and the Student Activities Discretionary Fund allocated $36,400 to 25 different events, groups, or programs. And finally, the "Student Life Now" Fund began the fiscal year with $12,230 on July 1, 2001, with an additional $11,618 in gifts made this year by parents; $19,300 was allocated to support 12 different programs and events this year.
Staffing Changes
Anne and William McCants will be stepping down as housemasters of Green Hall after more than a decade and, for personal reasons, have selected not to become the new housemasters of Simmons Hall. John and Ellen Essigmann, after seven years as housemasters at New House, will move to Simmons Hall when it opens this August. The Essigmanns will be joined by associate housemasters Muriel Medard and her husband John Simmons. Wesley and Sandra Harris have been appointed as the new housemasters of New House. Roger and Dorothy Mark will be the inaugural housemasters this fall in Sidney and Pacific, the newest graduate hall, and will be joined by associate housemasters Keith and Brenda Hampton.
Anthony Gray, Chandra Mincher, Aaradhana Prajapati, and Gabrielle Pardo were hired as the first residential life associates, each supporting a zone of several graduate and undergraduate residence halls.
Linda Noel was hired as the program coordinator for student activities. Fran Miles was hired as assistant to the associate dean and director of SLP. Kari Enge was hired as the program assistant for student activities.
Jennifer Johnson, program assistant for FSILGs, recently announced her resignation and Laura Martin will replace her effective mid-July 2002. Denise Vallay was promoted into an administrative staff position in Housing. Lisa Walsh resigned as operations coordinator for FSILGs. Nathan Elton, program assistant for residential programs, also resigned this year. Marie Shanahan moved to a new position of senior office assistant to support the residential life associate program. Due to a reorganization of the office, the position was eliminated and Marie elected to leave the Institute.