Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

The department serves a profession distinguished by complex interactions among large constructions, natural environment and human activities. We aim not only at contributing to the economic prosperity and improved quality of life for this generation, but also at a balanced development so that both the resources and the environment can be sustained for all future generations. Recent tragedy at World Trade Center highlighted the challenges to the profession on a new front: security of our society. In order to meet present and future challenges, this department emphasizes the multidisciplinary approach by drawing expertise from and educating young engineers in natural and social sciences, management and systems sciences, as well as computer technologies. This intellectual diversity is reflected the three-pronged organizational structure:

Our specific objectives are to train future leaders capable of developing new knowledge in environmental sciences and engineering, physics and the design of construction materials, man-made and natural, planning and management of large scale constructions, information systems for large infrastructures and natural environment, and system methodologies for the integration of design, finance, management of complex systems in the built environment, on all scales (local, regional, national or global) and including policy, social and cultural elements.



The city of the future is envisioned as a digital city where the infrastructures are intelligent, integrated and IT-enabled. The development of concept and prototype of an I-city is to create the digital nerve system that streamlines the planning and operation of an entire city. Combining sensors, control systems, modeling and simulation, data collection and decision-making systems, this nerve system shall optimize the independence and the intra-dependence of entire infrastructural subsystems such as power, communications, buildings, water supplies, hospitals, etc., in peace times as well as in emergencies. The urgency of this visionary initiative is made clear by the tragedy of September 11. In addition to the pilot project on Flagpole supported by I Campus, a new proposal has been submitted to Cambridge-MIT Initiative. A new teaching laboratory on sensing and information technology is being set up.

Earth Systems Initiative

With a view to directing some of the technological advances toward understanding our home planet, our faculty (led by Professors Penny Chisholm and Rafael Bras) and the faculty of EAPS (led by Professors Kip Hodges and Ron Prinn) have spearheaded the Earth System Initiative. The initiative will serve as a research and educational focus combining geosciences, biology and engineering. With the financial support of MIT, a first step has been launched to develop a new educational program, Terrascope, for freshmen. Terrascope will use the Earth system as a theme for exploring interactions among physical, chemical, and biological processes, in order to explore possible engineering solutions to problems related to the evolution of our planet and its environment. The new program will include three components: a pre-freshman offering, aimed at introducing incoming students, regardless of their probable majors, to interdisciplinary problems in the Earth sciences and to help them develop effective learning cadres; a freshman educational program designed to reinforce concepts learned in the Science Core and other General Institute Requirements by focusing on applications to problems in Earth science and engineering; and an expansive undergraduate research program aimed at providing rising sophomores with summer UROP experiences that may carry over to the sophomore year. Professors Chisholm (CEE) and Hodges (EAPS) are the co-directors of Terrascope.

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Educational Activities

Undergraduate Program

In the past decade there is nationwide trend of low enrollment in civil and environmental engineering. Inclusion of environmental engineering has led to considerable recovery of the trend; see the table below. Aiming at increasing the undergraduate enrollment, Professor Herbert Einstein and Dr. George Kocur are proposing the 1-I program focusing on information technology in civil engineering.

The vitality of our undergraduate program is boosted by the internship program and the study tours in foreign countries. Last year 27 students participated in the summer intern program sponsored by 41 companies in US and abroad including Hong Kong, Australia, Japan, China, and Italy.

Number of students enrolled in CEE in the past six years:

  1997-1998 1998-1998 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002
Undergraduates 102 82 76 69 62
MS 190 128 132 122 139
MEng 34 35 47 66 41
PhD, ScD 75 85 100 101 94
Special 0 0 6 1 1
Total 299 248 279 289 275

Master of Science and Master of Engineering Programs

Our MS program has the traditional emphasis on thesis research and serves well as a preparation for doctoral studies. The total number has remained steady in the past four years despite the recent difficulty in research funding in certain areas. Our MEng program has risen and fell. Because the rising quality of incoming MEng students, they now are a new source for potential doctoral students. The reduction of MEng class in 2000-2001 (in high performance structure and geotechnical engineering) appears to be temporary, as the projected class size for 2002-2003 is about 70. Led by Dr. Eric Adams, we have recently obtained a four-year grant from the Cambridge-MIT Institute (CMI) to help Cambridge University develop a one-year MPhil program, patterned after the MEng program in CEE. The objectives there are to develop teaching modules on sustainable water and sanitation projects in the developing world, sustainability of large-scale water resources projects, sensing and control of buildings and e-commerce and business development.

Doctoral Program

The size of our doctoral class has risen in recent years, due in part to the increasing diversity of our programs. Demands (from industries, government and academia) of our doctoral graduates remain high. MIT's CEE department is a major source of new faculty for universities around the world.

I campus projects

The Flagpole project is a pilot project for the I-city initiative, aiming at employing information technology to monitor the infrastructural health of a city. Sponsored by I Campus as one of several I-Labs projects, Professor Kevin Amaratunga continues to develop a sensing and monitoring system for a flagpole through the internet. He and nine master's students are obtaining displacements, accelerations, stresses, strains and the ambient temperature. Their goals include not only obtaining valid streaming data, but also setting up a foundation for further monitoring and decision support studies at MIT. The flagpole instrumentation project is closely related to the photovoltaic weather station project, which monitors environmental parameters such as wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, temperature, etc and makes them available on the internet in real time.

Professors Chiang C Mei, Heidi Nepf and five other colleagues from Mechanical Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Mathematics and Physics Departments are continuing the development of an Institute-wide modular program on graduate-level fluid mechanics. The intention is to improve teaching effectiveness by employing information technology, visual demonstrations and numerical simulation, with the eventual goal to consolidate existing subjects to reduce redundancy. A module on fluid wave motion is already complete; new modules on and experimental techniques and slow viscous flows are now being developed by Nepf and Mei respectively, to complement modules being developed by colleagues in other departments on fundamental laws, molecular foundation of continuum equations, high Reynolds number flows, surface tension and potential flows.

In a joint project with the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Professor Herbert Einstein continues to lead the development of IT-based learning modules, collaborative tools and interactive learning procedures to facilitate the interaction of students with the learning instruments, with each other and with instructors. Simulation is used extensively in the learning modules. Video-conferencing softwares enable remote interactions. Handheld devises are used by students to submit questions or responses in real time.

Robot World is the new project led by Professor John Williams. The focus is on e-education.

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Faculty Research Accomplishments and Activities

Engineering Systems Group

Professor Cynthia Barnhart was promoted to professor on July 1, 2002. In addition to a full load of teaching and research, she serves in three capacities of leadership: co-director of the Center for Transportation Studies, Operations Research Center and Leader of Engineering Systems Group. With Professor Amedo Odoni she is co-supervising a large project on airline operations and custom service, funded by the Alfred Sloan Foundation. She further took part in designing two subjects: Airline Industry and Transportation Operations, Planning and Control: Carrier Systems.

In the Intelligent Transportation Systems Program directed by Professor Moshe Ben-Akiva, collaborative research programs have been established with seven foreign universities and the US. MITSIMLab, a microscopic traffic simulator developed at the ITS program, was the focus of an automotive and traffic segment on a recent broadcast of the Discovery Channel Canada. DynaMIT, a dynamic traffic assignment system that works in conjunction with MITSIMLab, received notice as well from MIT's Technology Review magazine in 2001.

With colleagues from MIT and Cambridge, Professor Ismail Chabini started a research project, "Sentient Vehicles"; to develop network-level vehicle-based technological solutions to problems related to mobility and the environment. He also leads a new initiative within the Ford-MIT alliance, on motor vehicle safety. He received the 2002 Best Teaching award from the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, and serves as chair of the INFORMS transportation science section committee on the best dissertation prize for year 2001.

The 2001 Effective Teaching Assistant award in CEE goes to Dr. George Kocur for the popular undergraduate staple 1.00 Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving and the graduate subject 1.264 Database, Internet, and Systems Integration Technologies.

Professor Richard de Neufville was elected as a fellow at Clare Hall of Cambridge University. The Technical University of Delft awarded Professor de Neufville a doctorate honoris causa at their 160th anniversary in January 2002, in recognition of his success in establishing the field of technology policy. At MIT, the Technology and Policy Program presented the Best Teacher award to Professor de Neufville.

Professor David Marks has been named to the Morton '42 and Claire Goulder Family chair in environmental systems. He now heads the new Laboratory for Energy and Environmental Systems, which is a merger of two groups—the Energy Laboratory and the Center for Environmental Initiatives. In recognizing his leadership in creating the Chalmers Environmental Initiative, he was awarded an honorary doctorate degree by Chalmers University, Sweden, in May 2002.

One of this year's highlights for Professor John Miller is the publication of his second textbook on Case Studies in Infrastructure Delivery (Kluwer). This book complements his first entitled Principles of Public and Private Infrastructure Delivery, published last year, which has won critical acclaim by professional journals.

Professor Fred Moavenzadeh has just published a book entitled Future Cities: Dynamics and Sustainability (Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002) He was awarded on May 15, 2001 Bronze Order of the deFleury medal by Lieutenant General Robert Flowers, chief of engineers, US Army Corps of Engineers.

Professor Ruaidhri O'Connor used part of his first year appointment to set up a new teaching laboratory on sensing and information technology. The laboratory will focus on infrastructure monitoring and management, and will become an essential part of the I-city initiative.

INFORMS also gave the Robert Herman lifetime achievement award in transportation science to Professor Amedeo Odoni (CEE and Aeronautics/Astronautics) for his "fundamental and sustained contributions to transportation science."

Professor Feniosky Pena-Mora has signed with Prentice Hall for the publication of a new text, Introduction to Construction Dispute Resolution. He is working on two other books at the same time: System and Project Management, and Interaction Space for Designing and Managing Dispersed Work and Learning Environments.

Professor Yossi Sheffi organized a summer course in supply chain management (June 2002) and a CMI course in supply chain management (with David Simchi-Levi and Professor Duncan McFarlane of Cambridge University).

Together with Professor Charlie Fine from Sloan, Professor David Simchi-Levi has established the "MIT Forum on supply Chain Innovation" with funding from SAP and committed funding from British Telecom. He presented two keynote lectures: one at the Canadian Operational Research Society annual meeting, June 2002, and one at the third CLM Delaware Valley roundtable, May 2002. He was interviewed by Parcel Shipping and Distribution for the article "On the Horizon: Postal service to Realign vast Network," May 2002, and by InBound Logistics in April 2002 for the article "Supply Chain Planning in a Global Economy." His book Designing and Managing the Supply Chain was selected in the Business 2.0, December 2001 issue, as the best source for slashing time and cost and increasing productivity in the supply chain.

Professor Joseph Sussman received the Transportation Research Board's (TRB's) Roy W. Crum award, the TRB's highest honor, in January 2002, for contributions to research on railroads, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and other large integrated systems. The Intelligent Transportation Society of Massachusetts (ITS MA) established the Joseph M. Sussman leadership award in April 2002. Professor Sussman also won the MIT Technology and Policy Student Society (TPSS) faculty appreciation award for 2002 for his work in ESD.10, a new, introductory required subject in the Technology and Policy Program.

During his European sabbatical, Professor Nigel Wilson did research at Delft University as part of the seamless intermodal transportation program of the TRAIL Research School and participated in several short courses, including one on rail capacity analysis and another on options for restructuring urban public transport provision. At Napier University in Edinburgh, he did research on the most recent ramifications of bus deregulation in Great Britain focusing on the implications of on-street competition in service provision on service quality, fares, and coverage.

Engineering and Environmental Mechanics Group

Professor Oral Buyukozturk delivered the keynote lecture on the use of high performance materials in tall building design in the symposium on Building a Safer, Stronger New York City sponsored by the New York Structural Engineering Association. Following several mutual visits, Mr. Michael Parlamis of New York has donated to the department $250,000 for fellowships in our structural engineering education program.

Professor Jerome Connor developed a new research initiative on sensing and monitoring physical infrastructures using MEMS based sensors and actuators. He introduced a new subject 1.962 in the fall on MEMS. He has submitted the final version of a new text on Structural Motion Control to be published by Prentice Hall.

Professor Patricia Culligan was appointed to the National Research Council's committee on long-term institutional management of DOE waste sites. In addition, she was awarded a faculty fellowship from the Center of Academic Excellence at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental laboratory. In conjunction with Professor Herbert Einstein, Professor Culligan is co-directing the 12th Panamerican Conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering and the 39th US Rock Mechanics Symposium, to be held in Cambridge, Massachusetts in June 2003.

Professor Herbert Einstein was invited to deliver the keynote lectures at both the International Landslide Conference in Davos, and at the 50th Geomechanics colloquium in Salzburg. In September the CEE department also presented him a special service award for his outstanding services to the undergraduate program. Together with Dr. George Kocur, he is proposing a new undergraduate program (1-I) in information technology. He also led the preparation for ABET site review on our 1C program which received excellent rating for the department.

Professor Eduardo Kausel achieved considerable media recognition with his studies of the collapse of the World Trade Center towers. In October of last year, he and Professors Buyukozturk and Connor staged a public discussion at MIT on the WTC. This forum motivated an article in the November issue of Scientific American. He also appeared in a documentary on the WTC that aired last January around the world. His analyses of the relationship between speed of the aircraft and damage to the towers made front page news in the New York Times last February, which was then carried by major news media, including the CBS Evening News. He was interviewed by the BBC in London, and by Emily Rooney in Channel 2 in Boston. This month, Kausel and five of his colleagues have submitted for publication a book manuscript with the title Lost Towers and Beyond.

During its annual meeting last May, the International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures (RILEM) announced the Robert L'Hermite award to Professor Franz Ulm. He will receive the award and deliver the award lecture in Madrid in September. Aside from a prolific output in journal publications, Ulm will celebrate later this year the publication of his first book, Mechanics and Durability of Solids, vol. 1, authored jointly with Professor Olivier Coussy of Paris.

Professor John Williams has made significant advances on coupled lattice-Boltzman fluid and particle mechanics to simulate particle-laden fluids. This study has applications in oil recovery, biomechanics and pharmaceuticals and nanoscale materials. It has led to new work on drug manufacturing processes and to the establishment of Sandia fellowships for MIT doctoral candidates.

In January 2002, Professor Andrew Whittle was a keynote lecturer at an international conference on advances in civil engineering, held to celebrate the 50th anniversary ("Golden Jubilee") of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He and Professor Emeritus Charles Ladd, along with Charles Aubeny (former student of Whittle's now at Texas A&M University) were awarded the 2002 Thomas A. Middlebrooks award by the American Society of Civil Engineers for a paper entitled "Effects of disturbance on undrained strengths interpreted from pressure-meter tests."

This was a year of bumper harvest for Professor Shi-Chang Wooh, who registered thirteen publications in prestigious journals related to composite materials and nondestructive evaluation. He has been invited to serve on the advisory board of the Journal of Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation International. In the first Mehl honor lecture at the American Society of Nondestructive Testing, Professor J. L. Rose listed Wooh as one of the giants in the area of guided waves during the period of 1970–2000.

In becoming an associate editor of Water Resources Research, a premier journal on hydrology, Professor Daniele Veneziano may no longer be recognizable by his former colleagues in structural engineering. Extending his expertise on statistical theories, he is now concentrating on stochastic and mutifractal analyses of rainfalls and subsurface flows. He was co-organizer of a 2003 symposium on hydrofracals and convenor of a special session on fractal methods in hydrology in the annual European Geophysical Society meeting in France.

Environmental Systems Group

Under the direction of Dr. Eric Adams, the masters of engineering program continues to flourish. The incoming class of September 2002 is projected to exceed 70. Adams was also chief scientist on the summer 2002 field experiment to explore the physical, chemical and biological changes associated with the direct injection of carbon dioxide into the ocean. With support from the Cambridge-MIT Initiative, Dr. Adams is helping to establish an MPhil program at Cambridge University with offerings covering sustainability of water resources, sensing and control of buildings and e-commerce business development. At the beginning of the fall semester he received a special department award recognizing his contributions to the MEng program.

Though on sabbatical, Professor Rafael Bras played a pivotal role in promoting the Earth Systems Initiative and Terrascope. He also chaired the NASA Earth Sciences and Applications advisory committee, and serves as a member of the advisory committee for NASA. In addition to his election to the National Academy of Engineering, he was elected president of American Geophysical Union's hydrology section. To the department he continues his contributions in fund raising, one of which is the Donald and Martha Harleman professorship. He also completed an agreement with Prentice-Hall for a book series on civil and environmental engineering. As the next chair of the faculty, Professor Bras's leadership talent will be tapped again by MIT.

After a year of tireless work, Professor Penny Chisholm led a search committee of seven colleagues and succeeded in recruiting Professor Patrick Jaillet as the new department head. The visionary work led by her and by Professor Bras on the Earth Systems Initiative is bearing fruits as Terrascope is launched. Forty students have preregistered. Prochlorococcus marinus, the particularly tiny phytoplankton discovered 15 years ago by Professor Chisholm, then at Parsons Lab, was one of several featured microbes in the June issue of Natural History magazine.

Professor Elfatih Eltahir has achieved significant progress towards understanding the role of oil moisture conditions in shaping the summer climate of North America. He has achieved similar progress in the development of a new class of land surface models that includes explicit representation of ground water aquifers. He is also starting a project on the impact of desertification in Dhogar. The results have implications on environmental problems ranging from sustainability of water resources and assessment of environmental impact due to human inuded land cove change to the predictability of droughts and floods at the regional scale.

Professor Dara Entekhabi is leading a multi-institution and multi-million dollar proposal for the development of a satellite to NASA's explorer program. It aims to provide the first global view of the earth's changing soil moisture and surface freeze/thaw conditions. Passive and active microwave measurements will be combined to investigate variations in the water cycle and its effect in terrestrial ecosystems. The system will enable new hydrologic applications and new scientific studies of global change and atmospheric predictability.

In charge of our 1-E program which serves nearly half of our undergraduates, Professor Philip Gschwend led the preparation for this year's visit by ABET on Environmental Engineering. He is close to completing the second edition of his popular text on Environmental Organic Chemistry, first published in 2003.

The Civil Engineering Department at Pennsylvania State University has just established the annual Donald Harleman environmental fluid mechanics lecture. Professor Emeritus Harleman gave the inaugural talk last fall on the engineering, cultural and political efforts to save Venice from steadily rising sea levels by erecting a series of movable gates to be raised and lowered in response to storms.

In a project on arsenic poisoning of drinking water in Bangladesh, Professor Charles Harvey has conducted field and laboratory experiments that provide evidence for the geochemical and hydrologic conditions that cause very high arsenic concentrations. He showed that arsenic is mobilized by reduction and adsorbed after oxidation, and that irrigation pumping may help create condition that mobilize arsenic.

Many years of fruitful research on the Aberjona Project, Professor Harry Hemond is now poised to publish a number of articles, which compare the relative roles of toxicity, and physical habitat alteration as impacts on aquatic life. The study will also compare human impacts on watersheds in Aberjona with those in Tokyo, Switzerland and Brazil.

For his seminal research in coastal engineering, Professor Ole Madsen was presented by American Society of Civil Engineers the 2001 International Coastal Engineering Award. He was further recognized by Army Corps of Engineers through a three-year grant to develop a predictive model for sediment transport along beaches.

With five colleagues from CEE (Dara Entekhabi), EAPS and EECS, Professor Dennis McLaughlin led the Interdisciplinary Initiative on Environmental Data Assimilation, which has been funded by NSF's Information Technology program for five years at $5 million. This endowment and his other grants from NSF and NASA put him in an enviable position to work on the interfaces of hydrology, meteorology and oceanography, and to complement the Earth System Initiative.

Professor Chiang C. Mei became the first holder the new Donald and Harleman professorship in July. One of Mei's new research highlights is the effect of random seabed on the propagation of ocean waves. He and students have developed an effective method to predict the attenuation of waves by multiple scattering, a phenomenon similar to Anderson localization in modern physics. His group is studying further the combined effects of nonlinearity and localization. As a practical application of theoretical hydrodynamics, two of his students are developing numerical models to help the design of the mobile storm gates for the protection of Venice, Italy. In the spring Mei was a member of an international committee to review mathematics research in Norwegian Universities. He also served as the interim department head during 2001–2002.

As the newest pride of CEE department, the Institute named Professor Heidi Nepf a McVicar Fellow for her splendid teaching. Her unique research on vegetation hydrodynamics has attracted wide attention in Europe, Australia, and Canada, in addition to the US. She was invited as a special lecturer at this year's annual meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography.

The group of Professor Martin Polz is playing a leading role in the quest to understand the diversity of unculturable bacteria, which make up over 99 percent of the environmental microorganisms. In collaboration with nuclear engineers, Polz has found that metal-reducing bacteria are likely capable of fractionating uranium isotopes, which has implication on plutonium reduction. He and Professor Franz Ulm are exploring the bacterial dissolution and hence decontamination of concrete.

Professor Tina Voelker is gaining new grounds in her work on metal complexation reactions. She has received new funding to study copper binding compounds in fresh and coastal waters. She and graduate student Megan Kogut, have completed a study of how copper binds up with humic substances—the tea colored organic material found in soil and rivers and coastal waters

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Student Awards

Andrew P. Armacost, a PhD student of Professor Barnhart, received the George B. Dantzig dissertation prize and the INFORMS transportation science section dissertation prize. Recent CEE grads Joan Walker SM '94 and PhD '01 and Jon Bottom SB, SM '96 and PhD '00 were awarded first and second place honors, respectively, by the transportation science section of the Institute for Operations and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) for their doctoral theses.

Graduate student Song Gao received the UPS doctoral fellowship award.

Our MEng students are also garnishing awards. In the annual MIT $1K entrepreneurial competition, a chlorine generation plan won the tip prize. The CEE project is built upon an SM thesis by Nadine van Zyl MEng '01,"Sodium Hypochlorite Generation for Household Water Disaffection in Haiti."  MEng student Luca Morganti provided background details. The business plan was developed and will be implemented by a multi disciplinary team of MIT students from Sloan School, Chemical Engineering, Economics, Media Lab, and Mechanical Engineering. Senior Lecturer Susan Murcott of Parsons Laboratory is the faculty advisor.

Senior Yanni Tsipis '01 published his second book, Building of the Massachusetts Turnpike, that chronicles the construction from 1954-1965. His first book was on the central artery.

A PhD student of Professor Simchi-Levi, Mr. Yao Zhao has recently been awarded an honorable mention in the 2001 MSOM student paper competition for the paper "The Value of Information Sharing in a Two-stage Supply Chain with Production Capacity Constraints: The Infinite Horizon Case."

At the annual CEE senior recognition dinner on June 5, Sandi Lin '02 received the Steinberg prize for academic achievement and demonstrable interest in construction management. Lin, Matthew Van Horne, and Daniel Feldman shared the Richard Lee Russel awards. The Leo '24 and Mary Grossman award for an undergraduate with a strong interest in transportation and a strong academic record was given to Isaac Moses '02.

At the first IDEAS design competition on May 9, 2002, sponsored by the d'Aberloff Foundation, the Edgerton Center and the Service Learning Center, two students of Senior Lecturer Susan Murcott took the two top prizes, one for a water filter project in Nicaragua (Rebecca Hwang, MEng) and the other for an arsenic filter for Nepal, Bangladesh, and India.

The $5000 Lemelson International technology award went to Innovative Drinking Water Technology for Bangladesh, West Bengal and Nepal, a project by graduate students Tommy Ngai and Heather Lukacs, and Debu Sen, cofounder of iDL Systems Inc.

Daniel Collins, a PhD student under Professor Rafael Bras, received an Outstanding Student Paper award for his poster presentation at the AGU meeting last December in San Francisco. The poster described "Meta-stable Vegetation Cover and Erosion Cycles."

As the winner of Switzer Foundation environmental fellowship, graduate student Janelle Thompson will study the link between the deterioration of coastal environments through anthropogenic pollution and the increase in growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

Ralph Hall, student of Professor Joe Sussman, and Natalia Ramirez, student of Professor Richard de Neufville, shared the Technology and Policy Program award for best thesis.

This year the Tucker-Voss award goes to Benjamin Cheatham, a graduate student in construction engineering and management.

The department presented three special recognition awards, all for outstanding service to the department plus something extra. Graduate student Yo Ming Hsieh was honored "in particular to making computers user-friendly to all of us."

The 2001 Effective Teaching Assistant awards went to Steve Margulis for an undergraduate subject (1.070 Introduction to Hydrology), and Kristen Jellison for a graduate subject (1.725 Chemicals in the Environment).


As of August 1, 2002, the department will be headed by Professor Patrick Jaillet who came from University of Texas/Austin where he was chair of the Management and Information Sciences Department in the School of Business. He is an expert in operations research and transportation systems.

Chiang C. Mei
Acting Department Head
Donald and Martha Harleman Professor
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

More information about the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering can be found on the web at


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