
Academic year 2001 saw significant advances in academic and educational programs and initiatives. Some of these advances are highlighted in this summary. Others are described in the reports of programs, departments and schools, which follow.


The academic year 2001 saw several changes in the membership of the Academic Council and Dean's Committee. After receiving input from a faculty advisory committee, Professor Robert J. Silbey, Class of '42 Professor of Chemistry, was appointed the Dean of Science effective January 1, 2001.

In January 2001, Professor J. David Litster announced his intentions to step down as Vice President and Dean of Research effective July 1, 2001. The Provost and Chancellor consulted with faculty leaders and initiated a search for Professor Litster's replacement. Professor Alice Gast, of Stanford University, accepted the position in June 2001 and will join the MIT faculty as Professor of Chemical Engineering and Vice President and Associate Provost in the fall of 2001. Professor Litster has agreed to stay in the position on an interim basis until Professor Gast joins MIT.

Professor Steven R. Lerman of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering concluded his two years of exemplary service as Chairperson of the MIT Faculty in June 2001. Professor Lerman will be on sabbatical leave in Academic year 2002. The new Chair of the Faculty is Professor Stephen C. Graves, Abraham Siegal Professor of Management of the Sloan School of Management.

Professor Nancy Hopkins of the Department of Biology joined the Academic Council and the Dean's Committee in recognition of her appointment as co-Chairperson of the Council on Faculty Diversity.

A major change in the senior administration of MIT occurred when Professor Lawrence S. Bacow resigned as Chancellor of MIT in summer of 2001 to assume the Presidency of Tufts University. President Vest appointed Phillip L. Clay, Professor of Urban Studies and Planning and Associate Provost, as the Chancellor effective July 2001. Chancellor Clay will have responsibility for the Offices of the Deans of Undergraduate Education, Student Life, of Graduate Students, and for coordination of MIT's corporate and academic institutional partnerships.

The position of Associate Provost, replacing Professor Clay, will be filled by the fall of 2001. The position will be reconstituted to have a major role in space planning, utilization, construction, and management for all of MIT.

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The Institute remained committed to an aggressive plan for renovation of physical facilities and to the construction of new facilities. The process for prioritizing and planning space renovations was led by Chancellor Bacow who was Chair of the Committee for Review of Space Planning (CRSP). In FY2001 MIT allocated over $24 million in funds for this purpose. Several major renovations were carried out in AY2001. These include the continued, staged renovation of the Dreyfus Chemistry Building, Building 18, and the completion of the renovation of Building 33 for research and teaching facilities for the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. In addition, two classrooms in Building 3 were renovated (3-270 and 3-370), and a Technology Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) classroom was built in Room 12-152.

Construction continued on the Ray and Maria Stata Center which will be the home of the Laboratory of Computer Science, the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, and the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy. The Stata Center will also house a major childcare facility, teaching facilities, and significant social space for students, staff and faculty. Design continued on the expansion of the Media Laboratory, which is being designed by the Architect Fumihiko Maki. The building will be located adjacent to the Wiesner building at the corner of Ames and Amherst Streets. The project design development with construction currently scheduled to begin in summer of 2002 on the site of the existing building, E10.

A major emphasis of new campus construction has been on housing for undergraduate and graduate students. Construction progressed on the new undergraduate residence on Vassar Street designed by architect Steven Holl. The dormitory, named Simmons Hall, will house 350 undergraduates. This added capacity makes it possible to assign on-campus housing to all incoming freshmen. Construction is scheduled to conclude in August 2002. Construction was almost complete in AY2001 on the new graduate residence, 224 Albany Street (Building NW30). This facility will house 120 graduate students and will be ready for occupation in August 2001. Construction also began on the new graduate residence on the corner of Sydney and Pacific Streets. The residence will house over 700 graduate students and also is scheduled for completion in fall 2002.

Construction also began on the Albert and Barrie Zesiger Sports and Fitness Center as part of the athletic complex. The Zesiger Center will house an olympic-sized swimming pool, diving facilities, and a fitness center. It is scheduled for completion in August 2002.

Program developments, site planning and preliminary design work also have begun on the Brain and Cognitive Science Center, which will house the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, the Center for Learning and Memory and Department of Brain and Cognitive Science. It is anticipated that this center will have approximately 200,000 net assignable square feet and will be an integrated facility for neuroscience research on campus. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring of 2002 with completion in 2005.

The process for site selection and for establishing the program for a new facility for the Sloan School of Management also was begun in the fall of 2000 working with the architectural firm of Moore, Ruble and Yudell. The report of their findings is expected in late summer of 2001. The establishment of the program and site will follow after this report.

Planning for these projects has been greatly aided by the work of the Olin Partnership on the creation of a framework for the development of the MIT campus. This process began with a charette in 1999 and will be completed in fall 2001.

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Faculty and Academic Programs

At the end of AY2001, 14 faculty retired from MIT.

Faculty recruitment continued at a vigorous level. In AY2001, 44 faculty were hired at untenured ranks and nine tenured faculty were recruited. Of these (tenured and untenured) 12 are women and 10 are minorities. During 2001, 25 MIT faculty were awarded tenure within MIT. Of these, three were women. The recruitment of minority faculty remains extremely challenging and will be the focus of an intense organization effort in AY2002.

MIT continued its commitment to enhancing the diversity of the teaching staff of the Institute through the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Visiting Professor Program. There were six visiting faculty sponsored by this program during the academic year.

Renewed emphasis on the importance of improving the gender and racial diversity of the faculty began with the formation of the Council on Faculty Diversity in the fall of 2001. The council is co-chaired by Professor Nancy Hopkins, of the Department of Biology, Chancellor Phil Clay, and Provost Robert Brown and includes faculty and administrative leaders from the five schools of MIT. The council's mission is to work with the faculty, departments, schools and the senior administration to help the Institute aggressively promote faculty diversity. These efforts will work to establish a sustained institutional environment that will attract a diverse faculty that reflects the students we educate. The council will work to enhance both racial and gender diversity of the faculty by considering all aspects of faculty development:

The council and its working groups met throughout the academic year and will bring forward several recommendations for new policies for faculty leaves and faculty searches in the fall of 2001.

Six new Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellows were named this year in recognition of their important contributions to the quality of undergraduate education at MIT. The awardees are Mary Boyce, Anne Mayes, David Mindell, Heidi Nepf, Janet Sonenberg, and J. Kim Vandiver.

The Presidential Graduate Fellowship program became fully operational in AY2001 with the awarding of 149.5 fellowships across all MIT academic departments. In addition, 50 new graduate students were awarded Walter A. Rosenblith Graduate Fellowships, in what was the final year of a three-year commitment. While the Rosenblith Fellowships will be eliminated in AY2002, an increased emphasis will be placed on the Presidential Graduate Fellowships. Fundraising efforts are in place to increase these resources ever further.

For new graduate students entering MIT in fall 2001, 167.5 students will be designated as Presidential Graduate Fellows. These fellowships are distributed as follows, and include fellowships named for several individual and corporate donors—Robert T. Haslam (Chemistry and Chemical Engineering), William M. Layson (Physics), Akamai (Mathematics and EECS), and Praecis (Biology):

Architecture and Planning 12.5
Engineering 56
Humanities 20
Sloan School 15
Science 57
VP Research 7
Total 167.5

In addition, five students hold Provost's Women and Minority Fellowships (one in each school) and five minority graduate students hold Norman B. Leventhal Presidential Graduate Fellowships (three in Engineering and two in Science). A Society of Presidential Fellows has been formed and will host several events during the academic year to bring this entire group of outstanding young scholars together.

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FY2001 represented the completion of the budgetary cycle begun in 1999, and marked the second year of a new process of budget approval by the Executive Committee of the Corporation, coupled with a larger distribution of funds from the endowment. The fiscal year financial performance was on-budget, closing with a small (approximately $19M) surplus excluding funds used to established reserve accounts in several areas. This budget included funds for the renovation program, less income from graduate tuition charged to research associates, and funding of the Presidential Graduate Fellowship Program.

The performance of the FY2001 budget benefited from robust growth of the sponsored research base on campus. The research base bearing indirect costs (the MTDC base) grew 7.2 percent in FY2001. The fiscal performance also benefited from an unexpectedly robust performance of technology licensing through the Technology Licensing Office.

The financing of operations relied heavily on income generated by the Institute's endowment. The endowment began fiscal year 2001 at $6.5B up from approximately $4.3B in 2000. The final returns for FY2001 reflect a 5.3 percent decrease in market value to $6.1B. The lack of growth of the endowment will have consequences for the fiscal year 2003 budget and beyond. Planning and budgeting will continue to rely more heavily on the uses of the income from endowment. All funds accounting was implemented in FY2002 budget cycle in recognition of the increasing role of endowment income of operation of the Institute.

The MIT capital campaign, which was launched in FY2000 to raise $1.5B in endowment and expendable gifts progressed well in FY2000. The campaign, which is scheduled to run through 2004, closed this year with approximately $1.2B toward the $1.5B goal. Approximately $222M was added toward this total in FY2001.

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Several major new educational initiatives were moved forward in AY2001. Most notable was the continued development of a number of important educational initiatives funded from funds established by Brit and Alex d'Arbeloff. These experiments focussed on the freshman year. These projects included an experiment in residence-based advising in McGregor House, the development of a Technology–Enhanced Active Learning format for teaching 8.02T Electromagnetism by Professor John Belcher of Physics and support of a project-oriented freshman class entitled Mars 2001 by Professor Kip Hodges of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. Additional support for use of information technology in education was supplied by the I-campus partnership with Microsoft.

Both of these initiatives have been organized through the MIT Council on Educational Technology (MITCET), which was established to advise the senior administration on strategic issues involving information technology and to help select major initiatives and monitor progress. The council is co-chaired by Hal Abelson, Professor of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, Robert Redwine, Professor of Physics and Dean of Undergraduate Education, and Provost Robert Brown. The MITCET also concluded a year long study of the potential for information technology to radically impact on-campus education and access the role of MIT in education of a wider group of students using distance education technology. The strategic working group of the MITCET involved in the study included faculty and staff from across MIT and effective organizational support by McKinsey & Company and Booz, Allan and Hamilton.

MITCET recommended to the administration and the faculty that MIT establish the concept of OpenCourseWare@MIT (OCW) as a web site for all MIT subjects that includes the course content (syllabus, lecture and recitation notes, assignments and solutions) for essentially all MIT subjects and that this website be opened to everyone outside of MIT. The OCW concept was supported by the faculty and endorsed by the administration. Initial support for OCW has been found from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The organization of OCW will commence in the next academic year.

The organization of content creation and transmission resources with MIT has occurred simultaneously with the deliberations of the MITCET. In AY2001, the Educational Media Creation Center (EMCC) began a project to develop a software platform for MIT web sites. This project, referred to the Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI) is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and by a consortium of universities including Stanford University, Dartmouth College and the University of Pennsylvania. A beta-version of the software platform (Stellar) was released for internal use within MIT in July 2001. Finally, the MIT Video Services were combined with EMCC to create a single content creation and transmission service center at MIT, now known as Academic Media Production Services (AMPS) under the direction of Dr. Vijay Kumar, Assistant Provost and Director of Academic Computing.

MIT continued to develop distance education initiatives as Institution-to-Institution partnerships. In the fall of 2000, the Singapore/MIT Alliance (SMA), the partnership between MIT and the two major universities in Singapore, National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University, expanded to include three masters and doctoral level programs. These programs are in advanced materials, high performance computing, and manufacturing. The programs are co-taught by MIT and Singapore faculty, with most of the MIT teaching being delivered by a combination of synchronous and asynchronous communications technology. The SMA program was established under the leadership of the MIT co-Director, Professor Merton Flemings of the Department of Material Science and Engineering. Professor Flemings retired at the end of AY2001 and was replaced as Director of SMA by Professor Anthony Patera of the Mechanical Engineering Department who had served as Associate Director of the SMA Program.

The programs for the collaboration between MIT and Cambridge University of England called the Cambridge-MIT Institute (CMI) continued to develop. Nine MIT undergraduates attended Cambridge University as the first part of a pilot program for the undergraduate student exchange.

Several new graduate degree programs were approved by the MIT Faculty in this academic year. Very notable is the new Master's program in Science Writing supported by the Writing Program in the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. The program is a two-year curriculum designed for journalist and writers interested in science and technology and plays heavily on the emphasis of the Institute.

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MIT remains the preeminent research university combining world-leading research across a spectrum of disciplines with intense undergraduate and graduate education. Efforts in FY1999 have continued to focus on securing increased federal support of research and increasing research support from corporations, foundations and international sources to diversify the support of our programs. These efforts began to impact the research volume of MIT in FY2001.

There was a healthy increase in sponsored research on campus, which was up 6.1 percent to $407.4 million in FY2001 from $384.0 million in FY2000. More importantly, the portion of this research volume bearing Financial and Administrative (F&A) Costs rose 7.2 percent in FY2001 to $201.2 million. The Federal government continued to dominate this budget, accounting for approximately $298.9 million or 73 percent. However, non-government support rose to $108.5 million or 27 percent. In fact, industrial support was $80.9 million and exceeded support from the Department of Defense for the first time in memory. The Lincoln Laboratory research volume in FY2001 was $348.5 million, down slightly from FY2000 at $348.3 million.

Strong growth in research volume was seen in new areas of emphasis at MIT, including neuroscience, through both the Department of Brain and Cognitive Science and the Center for Learning and Memory and at the interface between biology and engineering, especially in the Division of Bioengineering and Environmental Health (BEH).

This report marks the completion of my third year as provost.

Robert A. Brown

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Center for Advanced Educational Services

The Center for Advanced Educational Services (CAES) is the hub for MIT's efforts in distance learning, technology-enabled education, media production and delivery, and in non-degree lifelong learning—both on and off campus. The mission of CAES, encompassing education, research, and service, is:

CAES has assembled under its "umbrella" six operating units that harness the talents of faculty and staff in technology-enabled education, media production and delivery, and lifelong learning. This allows CAES to undertake complex multifaceted projects requiring talent and technology from several of its units at one time, usually under the guidance of a full time project manager. CAES is structured as a holding company of individually managed operational units and interacts with schools, departments, centers, and laboratories Institute-wide. CAES is an integral player in the delivery of educational content with various MIT partners as described below.

Our two academic units are the Advanced Study Program (ASP)—created in the early 1960s—and the Professional Institute (PI), begun in 1949. The ASP, led by Ted Korelitz, serves domestic and foreign students who wish to further their education, usually after receiving their undergraduate degree, but for whom matriculating towards a Masters or Ph.D. is not immediately envisioned. Academic credit and a certificate are given to those completing MIT courses on-campus and via distance learning. The PI offers a non-credit continuing education curriculum of 50-60 three to five day programs each summer in the areas of Computer Sciences, Systems, Design, Materials, Control, Biotechnology, and Management. For the past three years it has also offered a smaller Winter Session.

Our research and development unit is the Center for Educational Computing Initiatives. CECI, headed by Professor Steven Lerman, advances the state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice use of computation and communication technologies for learning and teaching. Founded in 1991, it joined CAES in 1995.

There are three units that create, deliver, and maintain various multimedia content. MIT Video Productions (MVP) provides a broad range of video recording and editing services. MVP, directed by Lawrence Gallagher, maintains and operates broadcast, post-editing, video-server and web-streaming technologies in our newly created electronic classrooms. The Educational Media Creation Center (EMCC), launched in the fall of 1999, focuses on production of web-based interactive courseware and architecture. EMCC is administratively housed in CAES and is a joint effort in conjunction with Academic Computing. Dr. Vijay Kumar, Director of Academic Computing, serves with Professor Richard C. Larson as Co-Director of EMCC. Lastly, digitization and compression, Internet2, and video-server retrieval of any archived programming, is managed by the Streaming Media and Compression Services (SMCS). SMCS, directed by David Mycue, is now fully operational and works in parallel with MVP and EMCC.

CAES educational offerings have benefited learners of all ages. These include K-12 learners who download world-wide news from our web-site video archives, on-campus students who are beginning to see the fruits of our labors in on-campus technology-enabled learning, and lifelong learners who take MIT subjects and programs either on-campus or via distance learning.

Hiring of new personnel, particularly in the three production facilities, has escalated this past year. Processes to expedite and coordinate delivery between and among the three have evolved. There is a need for increased alignment and coordination between multiple agencies that will be necessary to deliver services coherently and efficiently to the expanding universe of academic initiatives. A planned restructuring of the production units is expected to be a constructive step in this direction.


Academic Programs

Professional Institute (PI) had 1,025 registrants in 41 summer session programs, and 80 registrants in six winter session programs. The summer session increased by 15 percent over the 1999 program while the winter session saw a 30 percent decrease due in large part to the harsh New England winter. It appears the concept of an on campus synchronous winter session may not be viable. Net revenues from these sessions were distributed to faculty, guest speakers, departments and the Institute. Eighty percent of PI's students are employed in industrial and non-profit institutions, and demographically 80 percent are U.S. or Canada based and 20 percent arriving from other parts of the world.

The spring term marked the introduction by the Advanced Study Program (ASP) of the System Dynamics Advanced Topics, thus completing the series of four subjects in Systems Dynamics. In addition to Advanced Topics, the others include: Strategy Dynamics; Advanced Technology; and Project Dynamics. The ASP had a 10 percent growth in revenue from its on campus programs. The total number of registered students for its off campus programs increased from 135 to 167. CAES administrative staff continued to collaborate with the Bursar's Office and the Registrar's Office to streamline the ASP tuition transfer process.

Research Programs

The Center for Educational Computing Initiative (CECI) focuses on advanced technologies emerging for educational uses, and evaluates their effectiveness. CECI shares its findings and recommendations regarding new technologies in education through published research reports. Another key part of CECI's mission is to collaborate with other CAES units to create new educational products and services. Some of CECI's projects are as follows:

The Physics Interactive Video Tutor (PIVoT), is a video-rich interactive web-based learning environment to augment the teaching of Introductory Newtonian Physics. It was completed in the summer of 2000 and released last fall to faculty and students at MIT, Wellesley, and Renssleaer Polytechnic Institute. The results of a controlled experiment conducted at RPI revealed that students in the experimental group that used PIVoT showed a stronger increase in comprehension of physics concepts than students in the control group, as indicated by scores on pre- and post-tests.

PIVoT individualizes each user's experience by providing customized tutorial information. The latest implementation of the Personal Tutor is included in the current release of PIVoT (, which is being used during the summer of 2001 by the 80 high school students enrolled in MIT's MITE2S program.

The second funded implementation of the PIVoT technology is Masters' Voices, a Web-based tutor project sponsored by the Ford-MIT Alliance. The centerpiece of this project is nine hours of videotaped interviews with senior Ford brake system engineers, in which we attempt to elicit and capture their unique experiences and craft knowledge learned over many years. The goal of the Masters' Voices Web tutor is to help preempt costly brake system design and manufacturing errors by imparting the valuable knowledge of master engineers to younger engineers. The finished prototype web site, which focuses on braking systems, was demonstrated to education and training leaders at Ford in June 2001. CAES/CECI is pursuing additional funding from Ford to further the development of this web-based tutor, with the goal of producing one complete module, as well as authoring tools that Ford can use to create additional modules. The completed Masters' Voices site will be distributed internally at Ford through the Ford Learning Network Web environment.

CECI is also the home for Professor John Belcher's Technology Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) project that will implement an entirely new version of 8.02 this coming fall. The TEAL project is the single largest educational initiative currently ongoing at MIT. We have developed a prototype for a reform of physics education at MIT which is designed to help students develop much better intuition about, and conceptual models of, physical phenomena. This reform is centered on an "active learning" approach—that is, a highly collaborative, hands-on environment, with extensive use of desktop experiments and educational technology. The TEAL project is funded by the d'Arbeloff Fund, the Microsoft-MIT Program, and the School of Science. Previous funding for the early work on TEAL was provided by the National Science Foundation.

Other projects include the following:

Production Units

MIT Video Productions

During fall 2000, MIT Video Productions (MVP) delivered Distance Education Courses in support of the SMA and SDM programs from Room 1-390. Utilizing state of the art technology all video, audio, and control signal processing were done from 1800 feet away via fiber in the CAES Distance Education Central Control Facility in Room 9-427. In addition, other architectural changes were made to the room based on our experience from three years use of the Triad facility for technology-enabled course delivery. This new approach to distance education delivery will result in significant savings in technical support, hardware and connectivity expenses. During the year, MVP worked on the retrofit of two additional classrooms to this centralized distribution facility. When this facility is fully built the plan is to connect approximately 15 classrooms throughout the Institute

MVP deployed its portable recording studio to several locations throughout the Institute to videotape and/or broadcast a variety of conferences, seminars, and special events. These included the HASS 50th Anniversary Celebration, Commencement, Enterprise Forum Seminar Series, the 6.270 and 2.007 contests, and Tech Day.

In FY2001 MVP purchased three Tandberg 600 videoconferencing CODECs. We upgraded our videoconferencing capability in the Linc Room, the Ford room, and in Room 1-390. MVP also significantly upgraded the audio system in the Linc room during January 2001.

Educational Media Creation Center

In its second year of operation, the Educational Media Creation Center (EMCC) continued to make progress in addressing its mission to support the production of sustainable, qualified media and Web/Internet based educational materials for MIT faculty and academic programs. During the past year, EMCC's efforts have been directed toward a mix of internal and external institutional initiatives, including, notably: the Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA); various iCampus funded educational innovation projects (I-Fluids, Unified Engineering); PBS courses; and two projects for Pfizer—Richard C. Larson Principal Investigator and Dr. Robert Rubin clinical specialist—Good Clinical Practices and Fungal Infections. There has also been a series of smaller projects and operations, such as support for the Museum Loan Network, MIT World and the CAES web site. The SMA engagement has been extensive and has included direct support to faculty for their asynchronous on-line educational needs and maintenance of the SMA web site.

In the past year, the EMCC has directed attention and effort toward organization development (team orientation), project orientation and modern project management practices. Regular weekly core team meetings and reporting have been supplemented with such initiatives as regular Tech Lunches where experts, both on staff and from other areas, can share their knowledge. A focus of considerable effort over the last year has been design and development of Stellar, a software system that provides MIT with the basis for an open framework, scalable and extensible learning management system that can be used across the Institute. The production prototype of Stellar, targeted for SMA was developed on time and received favorable reviews by independent consultants employed by SMA. The Stellar work will continue during the next year with deployment to various academic programs and alignment with the specifications of the Open Knowledge Initiative project.

A related focus at EMCC has been on developing sustainable, extensible tools that can be reused across the smaller web sites that the EMCC often develops. This effort has resulted in a library of useful tools, including registration, form handling, and similar generic tools that can be applied in various web sites mostly by configuration, as opposed to programming. EMCC also provides orientation to educational multimedia and demonstration of applications through the New Media Center facility.

CAES completed renovations on the second floor to house the EMCC with public, private and work areas for students, staff, temporary workers and faculty interaction. The CAES Administrative areas also benefited from this space renovation.

Streaming Media and Compression Services

In its third year of operation, Streaming Media and Compression Services (SMCS) continued to support the efficient and high-quality production of cutting edge rich media for MIT programs, including distribution via Internet2, the commodity internet, and CD. During the past year, SMCS's work includes: the Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA); an advanced in-class presentation project with Professor Staelin's course 6.661 Receivers, Antennas and Signals; MIT World; the PIVoT project; and the continuing work with Ford Motor Company; webcasting for multiple MIT events, such as Commencement, the MIT 50K contest, the MIT E-Business Awards, 2.007, etc.; PBS courses; and two projects for Pfizer—Good Clinical Practices and Fungal Infections.

Smaller projects and operations include support for the System Dynamics and other distance education courses offered through the ASP program, special streaming video tutorials for 6.002 with Professor Paul Gray and CECI's Jewish Women's Archive Project. The SMA project is the most resource-intense, entailing support for Internet2 based videoconferencing, physical infrastructure renovations, and development of new systems for asynchronous access to course materials—all of which require coordination with Singaporean staff to operate smoothly.

In the past year, internal work has been geared toward two goals. Similar to the other production facilities, there has been an effort in SMCS to systematize the process to provide a more scaleable and efficient operating model. To this end, an automated process of capture and a complementary physical renovation have been researched and designed, with implementation taking place over the summer. Staffing issues comprise the other significant area of activity. SMCS projects have enjoyed substantial growth and positive feedback over the past year. While there have been growing pains, the knowledge gleaned from the process will make the necessary future expansion manageable. It is clear that growth will continue, not merely at its current rate, but at an even brisker pace.

MIT World

MIT CAES is creating a new on-demand video service, soon to be a 24/7 TV station, MIT World. Each semester, on the MIT campus, scores of internal and external speakers give public talks, seminars, colloquia, and other presentations. These talks are substantive, often newsworthy, and are of great interest to a much broader community, including MIT's corporate partners and alumni, on-campus faculty, staff, students, and members of the public. A selection of these public events will be professionally videotaped, digitized, and ported into MIT World. The choice of videotaped lectures will be chosen by CAES, working closely with the Alumni Association, Industrial Liaison Program and other stakeholders appointed by the Provost. The streaming videos will be accessible both on demand and via a TV station continuous broadcasting mode. MIT World brings the intellectual content of campus activities to anyone, anywhere in the world. On its web site, lectures so far include: Ford/MIT Nobel Laureate Lectures by Professors Franco Modigliani, Paul Samuelson and Robert Solow; Lecture on the Human Genome Project by Professor Eric Lander, Director of the Whitehead Institute; 2001 Howard Hughes Lecture by Professor David Baltimore, President of Caltech; the Wallenberg Lecture on Sustainability and the Environment at MIT by Leif Johansson, President and CEO of Volvo; Technology and Culure Forum lecture by Professor Noam Chomsky; Ford/MIT Nobel Laureate Lecture by Professor Charles Townes; and the Pappalardo Distinguished Lecture in Physics by Professor Frank Wilczek, Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics, MIT.

PBS the Business Technology Network: CAES introduced new major programming for PBS the Business Technology Network: EBusiness 2001: Predictions and Projections, co-taught by Thomas Malone, Stuart Madnick, Chrysanthos Dellarocas, Steven Lerman and Richard Larson; Logistics taught by Lawrence Wein; and Integrated Supply Chain Management taught by Jeremy Shapiro. Certificates of completion for courses offered through PBS/NTUC were issued to nearly 1,000 learners during this reporting period.

During last year, our alliance with PBS/NTUC shifted when NTUC changed its name to Stratys Learning Solutions in November 2000 to reflect its broader scope of e-learning and distance-learning strategies. The MIT programming (still shown under the brand PBS the Business and Technology Network) experienced a dramatic shift in interest in asynchronous web-based delivery and CD ROM format rather than live synchronous satellite delivery. Course scheduling now allows for enrollment throughout the year. This enhancement provided flexibility for distance students and was a major contributing factor for increased enrollments and revenue.


In 2000, CAES hosted many groups and individual meetings during the year, giving presentations on distance learning and technology-enabled education at MIT. These included groups from the following companies and institutions: Novartis, Integris, Athenium, Harcourt University, Japan Audio Visual Education Association, Harvard Medical International, the War College, US Navy, Objectivo (Brazil); Universities of Witwatersrand and Pretoria (South Africa); Waseda University (Japan); University of Dublin, University of Cambridge (UK). Presentations were given to delegations from the Parliament of Finland and the VaNTH Conference sponsored by the HST program.

The first part of 2001 saw continued interest in the work of CAES by visitors from abroad. These included: educators from the University of Southern Denmark; Petronas (Malaysia) oil company; Lyons Business School; an Eisenhower Exchange Scholar from Argentina; a German delegation of university professors and members of the Federal Ministry of Education, and British Telecom. An updated information packet has been produced and the web site now includes a "What's New" section featuring the latest activities at the Center. CAES joined the U.S. Distance Learning Association to promote the development and application of distance learning for education and training.

Impact of Institute-wide Recommendations

CAES faculty and staff, in collaboration with other faculty and staff throughout the Institute, made significant contributions to a major recommendation by the MIT Council on Educational Technology (MITCET). The concept was named A revolutionary notion of OpenCourseware@MIT could radically alter the entire lifelong learning and distance learning field and MIT's role in it. The proposal resulted in $11 million in initial funding.

CAES has launched additional initiatives in keeping with the goals of the recommendations from the MITCET report issued in the Fall of 2000. In its executive summary, the report recommended a financially viable lifelong learning program called "Knowledge Updates" (KUs: short, focused, learning modules) with significant on-campus and off-campus benefits. A CAES business plan for KUs is in development.

New International Partners

Many of the CAES operating units have already reported on their work in support of the SMA and SDM course delivery. In addition, CAES is in discussion with the Cambridge/MIT Alliance for similar course delivery. There are ongoing discussions with several new international partners, especially in Asia and Africa, for shared efforts including delivery of educational content and collaborative research in educational technologies.

Administrative Changes and Collaborations

September 1, 2000 marked the 5th anniversary of the reorganized CAES. June 30, 2001 will also mark the start of another important shift as CAES is reorganized again. A new educational technology organization, the Academic Media Production Services (AMPS) will be announced during the summer of 2001. Three CAES production facilities will be at the nucleus of AMPS: EMCC, MVP, and SMCS. Together they will operate as a separate administrative unit reporting to the Provost and led by Assistant Provost, V. Kumar as Director.

Cost analysis and pricing structure of the three production units, services, and facilities were undertaken and will be implemented in FY2002.

A new visitors policy to meet the growing demand for presentations to visiting groups was put in place in April 2001. In 2001, we received over 150 requests for a presentation or meeting with members of the center's staff.

CAES serves all five schools at MIT, and currently has major projects and on-going relationships with four of them. Collaborations are currently active with the Physics Department, the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, the Singapore MIT Alliance, the Systems Design and Management Program and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

CECI and EMCC staff are directly involved in the Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI), mostly in providing expertise in the architectural design of the software.

Professor Richard Larson served on the Peer Review Committee of Section 8 of the National Academy of Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Operational Systems Engineering (IMOSE), where he is Vice Chair, and Chair of the Membership Committee.

Professor Steven Lerman, Laura Koller, and several other MIT faculty and staff were deeply involved in the conceptual development of MIT OpenCourseWare, (OCW), including the successful proposal to the Mellon and Hewlett Foundations that secured the commitment of $11 million for the first 27 months of the program. Professor Lerman is now serving as the Chair of the OCW Interim Management Board and in 2000-2001 served in his second year as Faculty Chair. Vijay Kumar, Richard Larson and Steve Lerman served as members of MITCET. MITCET's first two major recommendations were MIT OpenCourseWare and Knowledge Updates.

MVP, EMCC, SMCS, and CECI are delivery partners for SDM and SMA distance education programs.

Major Donations and Bequests, Grants, Financial Assistance, Fellowships, Internships

A portion of the Lord Foundation funds awarded to CAES last year was directed toward the first phase of creating video tutor materials for Professor Paul Gray. Professor Gray created content for a web-based video tutor to support the course he teaches, 6.002 Introduction to Circuits and Electronics. He worked with MIT Video Productions to produce a series of video help sessions, much like those produced by Professor Walter Lewin for the PIVoT project. A two-camera studio setup showed Professor Gray talking directly to viewers and explaining circuit theory concepts with drawing diagrams and equations. The help sessions were digitized in both high-bandwidth and low-bandwidth versions and posted on a freely accessible web page ( for students to review at their own pace.

Lounsbery Foundation funds were secured for the final modifications to 8.01 PIVoT project. The results of the student evaluation conducted last fall, suggested modifications that would improve the effectiveness of the PIVoT site and consequently of future web tutors based on the same technology.

Two major projects with Pfizer are underway entitled Good Clinical Practice and Fungal Infections. The scope of the first project is to develop an interactive web-based course on Good Practices in Clinical Research to physicians, initially in Latin America, and eventually worldwide. The course will describe the principles of Good Clinical Practice and will cover a wide range of topics that include: introduction to clinical research, ethical considerations, applied statistics, planning and implementation of clinical trials, conducting clinical trials, and the future of clinical research. The content will include 25 lectures, and three interactive exercises and will have lectures and slides in English and audio-only lectures and slides in Spanish. The second project, Fungal Infections, will have seven one-hour lectures and supporting x-rays, slides and pathology, and 15 interactive case studies. The first version will be in English with multi-lingual versions in the future.

MIT CAES is involved in the design and production of these projects since they are pushing the state of the art in e-learning and will be available without charge to those in need of its content. In developing areas, this effort should help to reduce any growing "digital divide."

CAES signed an agreement with College Coach, a leading provider of employer-sponsored college counseling services. Called the Virtual Learning Center (VLC), this tool will guide families through the most important steps towards completing the college admissions process. MIT faculty and staff members will have free access to this service for one year following completion of the project.

The PIVoT team continues to collaborate with WGBH's National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM) to research web accessibility for deaf and blind users. WGBH also receives funds through the National Science Foundation and Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation. This year's research activities have focused on digital video captions for deaf users, video descriptions for blind users, alternative modes for presentation of equations and graphics, and other web accessibility issues. CAES visited local universities to discuss PIVoT as a supplement to their pedagogy and planned to present the platform at the annual meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers.

Professor Steven Lerman, Dr. Judson Hudson, and Dr. George Kocur received a d'Arbeloff Fund grant for the migration of Subject 1.00/1.001 to a studio format. This grant will fund the transformation of the course from a lecture/recitation presentation to a series of guided, "hands-on" learning experiences that involves small groups of students working under with faculty and teaching assistant mentorship. The first pilot trials will be introduced in approximately six units in 1.00/1.001 this coming fall. Further refinement of the materials being created will be done in the spring semester, with the goal of complete conversion of the course in fall 2002.

Future Plans

The academic year 2001-2002 will see the six units of CAES repositioned for accelerated growth and service to the MIT Community. The three production units, to be placed on an accrual method of accounting as a means of pricing services under a sustainable method to recover capital costs, will operate efficiently and effectively as services businesses within MIT under a new department called the Academic Media Production Services (AMPS). CAES will remain one of the largest customers of AMPS.

CAES has its major growth objectives rooted in two Administration-supported initiatives: MIT World and Knowledge Updates. A business plan is being developed for Knowledge Updates, short web-based educational offerings to be delivered asynchronously to the learner. Working with other MIT schools and departments, these offerings will be market-driven and will be an important focus of MIT's contribution to distance learning corporate training.

In addition, CAES will continue to seek partners off campus for collaborative research and development and for its lifelong learning educational offerings. In these efforts, CAES seeks to add a significant international component to its activities in the years to come.

Work will continue during the next academic year to provide CAES academic services to both on campus and off campus learners. This means that portions of the programs of both the ASP and the PI will be "virtualized" and delivered to students perhaps an ocean away from MIT.

Virtual Tutors

Funding from the Lord Foundation will allow CAES to begin the production of PIVoT 8.02, a web site that will support Electricity and Magnetism. Professor Walter Lewin will teach 8.02 in spring 2002, and his lectures will be videotaped, digitized, and tagged in preparation for PIVoT 8.02. Additional funding is being sought for the development of a full-featured PIVoT 8.02 site.

CECI is currently working on a research initiative in what we are calling "near synchronous education." This includes multimedia support tools that facilitate rapid turnaround in asynchronous, student-student and student-teacher interaction.

Personnel Changes

Appointments, Promotions, Departures, Retirements, and Leaves

Affiliated Staff from Academic Computing were available to the EMCC in a variety of roles: Michael Barker, Craig Counterman, Heather Buch, Andy Oakland, and Katie Livingston-Vale as programmers/developers; Phillip Long as a coordinator for faculty engagement and projects; and Jeffrey Merriman providing leadership and management to the Stellar and OKI efforts.

New Staff includes Mark Bessette, Joanna Binkowski, Dianne Brooks, David Constine, Mary Curtin, Edward Grady, Michael Leoncini, Elaine Mello, Shannon Rutherford, Stacy Scheingold, and Janet Wasserstein.

H. Scanlon, Todd Rautenberg, and Jay Collier left the office this year.

Brian Bermack and Robert Hawley were on leave this year.

The following people held visiting appointments: Solveig Bjoernestad, Ana Chiquito, Norman Derby, Judy Dori, Shlomo Maital, Richard Olivo, and Jesse Heines.

Papers Presented, Articles and Books Published or In Process

L. Koller and G. Willman: "Physics Interactive Video Tutor Helps Students Master 8.01," I/S Newsletter, Vol. 16, No. 1, September/October 2000, pp. 1-2.

Dr. A. Lipson, Associate Director for Educational Studies, MIT Teaching and Learning Laboratory: "A Comparative Analysis of PIVoT Use in Three Schools: MIT, RPI, Wellesley."

J.W. Belcher, and M. R. Bessette: "Using 3D Animation in Teaching Introductory Electromagnetism, Computer Graphics," February 2001.

K. Delong, E. Vemulapalli, and R. Zbib: "The Use of XML Technologies for Mapping Information Between Partially Consistent Data Models;" March 2001. Federated Laboratory 5th Annual Symposium on Advanced Telecommunications/Information Distribution Research Program (ATIRP). 107-111, Proceedings.

Y.J. Dori and R.T. Tal. (2000): "Formal and Informal Collaborative Projects: Engaging in Industry with Environmental Awareness." Science Education, 84, 1, 95-113.

M. Barak and Y.J. Dori (2000): "Computerized Molecular Modeling: Enhancing Meaningful Chemistry Learning. In B. Fishman & S. O'Connor-Divelbiss (Eds.),Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 185-192. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

N. Barnea and Y.J. Dori. (2000): "Computerized Molecular Modeling the New Technology for Enhancing Model Perception among Chemistry Educators and Learners." Chemistry Education: Research and Practice in Europe, 1, 1, 109-120.

Y.J. Dori, R. Lazarowitz, and R.T. Tal. (2000): "A Project-Based Alternative Assessment System." Studies in Educational Evaluation, 26, 2, 171-191.

M. Barak and Y.J. Dori (2001): "Virtual and Physical Molecular Modeling: Fostering Model Perception and Spatial Understanding." Educational Technology & Society, 4(1), 61-74.

Y.J. Dorie, S. Keiny R.T. Tal, and U. Zoller. (2001): "Assessing Conceptual Change of Teachers Involved in STES Education and Curriculum Development-The STEMS Project Approach." International Journal of Science Education, 23(3), 247-261.

Melinda G. Cerny and Jesse M. Heines, 2001: "Evaluating Distance Education Across Twelve Time Zones." T.H.E. Journal 28(7):18-25

G. P. Strehle, Distance Learning in America: "How Institutions and Corporations are Stimulating Growth," September, 2000.

M. Cerny and D. Mycue, The Singapore-MIT Alliance: "Lessons Learned in Technical Delivery," November, 2000.

R.C. Larson and G. P. Strehle: "Edu-Tech: What's a President to Do," December, 1999, revised February, 2000.

E. De Rienzo: "MIT's Experience Education," Technion Institute of Management (TIM) Times, Volume 4, Winter 2001.

Publications about CAES include:

Conference Presentations

Dee Dow-Chase and Lawrence Gallagher presented "High-tech learning at MIT spawns a new classroom and production infrastructure" at the Tradeline Conference.

Professor Richard Larson presented at the following conferences this past year: NE section Syllabus, "PIVoT: A web-based supplement to a core science course" (with L. Koller); NAS panel, Workshop on the impact of IT on the future of the research university, "The impact of IT on the organization and structure"; Eastern Association of College and University Business Officers, "E-business in education"; University of Maryland, "Edu-Tech: How may it change higher education"; Eduventures, "The digital education marketplace 2001"; NE chapter of the American Society for Information Sciences, "E-learning: Myths and realities"; US House of Representatives Committee on Science, "Technology-enabled education, the Internet, distance learning and the research university"; Indiana University Plenary Speaker, "Technology-enabled education: What it can do for Operations Research"; ASPEN Forum Conference Co-Director, Forum on "The Internet and the university"; Tehran, Iran. A series of invited plenary lectures on industrial engineering and operations research, and on technology-enabled education and distance learning, Sharif University of Science and Technology, and Iran's First National Conference on Industrial Engineering.

Michael Barker and Melinda Cerny, NE section Syllabus Conference "The Singapore-MIT Alliance: Lessons Learned in Technical Delivery," David Mycue was co-author on this paper.

Professor Steven Lerman, Educational Technology at MIT, presented to the MIT on the Road Program, March 2001.

Awards and Honors

Craig Milanesi and David Mycue received MIT Infinite Mile Awards.

CAES Departmental Award Recipients include: Dianne Brooks, Ben Brophy, Joanne Flood, Kirky DeLong, Pam Homsy, Laura Koller, Elaine Mello, Meg Westlund, Carol Sardo, and Gayle Willman.

Outstanding Guest Speaker Award was given to Professor Richard C. Larson, the First Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, May 30-31, 2001, Sharif University of Technology and Iran Institute of Industrial Engineering.

Changes in Curriculum

We strengthened our relationship with General Motors/Technology Education Program (GM/TEP) who decided to rerun the original Systems Dynamics course and to add a course in manufacturing.

Findings, Inventions, Products (Videos) Breakthroughs

CECI developed a plug-in module for Virage's video segmentation software that automatically detects potential segmentation points in SMA lectures that make use of electronic whiteboards. This tool is of use in subdividing SMA lectures for placement on the video server both here and in Singapore.

Richard C. Larson

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Center for Archaeological Materials/Center for Materials Research in Archaeology and Ethnology

The mission of the Center for Materials Research in Archaeology and Ethnology (CMRAE), a consortium of eight Boston-area educational and cultural institutions, is to advance our understanding of prehistoric and non-industrial culture through analysis of the structure and properties of materials associated with human activity. Plant and animal food remains, human skeletal material, as well as metal, ceramic, stone, bone, and fiber artifacts are the objects of study, along with the environments within which these materials were produced and used. At the Center for Archaeological Materials (CAM) at MIT, investigators concentrate on the materials processing technologies that transform natural materials into cultural objects.

At MIT, CAM is administered by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE). DMSE established a new, undergraduate major in Archaeology and Materials, Course III-C, as well as an interdisciplinary doctoral degree program in Archaeological Materials. Both sets of curricula were reviewed by the appropriate MIT committees during the 1997-1998 academic year and were in place in 1998-1999. These are the only academic degree programs of their kind in the United States.. Jennifer Meanwell, the first student to enter the III-C program, graduated in June 2001 and won the prize awarded by DMSE for outstanding senior thesis. Her research on ceramic production in ancient Guerrero, Mexico was supervised by Professor Dorothy Hosler. Three additional undergraduate students entered Course III-C by the end of the 2000-2001 academic year.

Archaeological Science, the CMRAE/CAM undergraduate subject introduced during the 1995-1996 academic year, and offered jointly by DMSE and the Chemistry Department, continues to enjoy high popularity among students from CMRAE institutions. Eighty-three students enrolled: 67 from MIT, two from Boston University, nine from Brandeis University, three from Harvard University, and two from Wellesley College; eleven faculty members from five CMRAE institutions lectured in the subject.

DMSE admitted three students to the doctoral degree program in Archaeological Materials. This first cohort of doctoral candidates will matriculate in the fall of 2001. Jennifer Meanwell received a Presidential Fellowship from MIT. Michael Tarkanian will receive a Research Assistantship funded by a joint CMRAE-DMSE grant from the Division of Materials Research at NSF. Katherine Kershen received a Fulbright Scholarship to study archaeology and archaeological science in Turkey and will defer her matriculation to the fall of 2002

CMRAE and DMSE jointly received a grant in May 2001 from the Division of Materials Research at NSF. The three year, $750,000 award will support an MIT Summer Institute in the Materials Science of Material Culture. Professor Heather Lechtman is Principal Investigator for the project; and Professors Dorothy Hosler, Linn Hobbs, and Samuel Allen are Co-PIs. The purpose of the Summer Institute (SI) is to assist professors at liberal arts colleges in introducing materials science and engineering to their undergraduate curricula. At each two-week SI session, MIT faculty, faculty from undergraduate liberal arts institutions, and DMSE Archaeological Materials graduate students supported by the grant will consider case studies that combine materials science and engineering with social science and humanities fields. The case study modules will include intensive laboratory exposure to the processing and testing of materials. The pedagogic aims of the modules are: to put people at the center of the materials polyhedron described by structure/properties/processing/and product, and to provide case studies exemplifying these relationships that college professors can use to present engineering science and human sciences to their students.

The SI philosophy is based on principles the PIs consider fundamental to the design of higher education in the 21st century: (that science and engineering have their origins in multiple cultural traditions which account for their richness and permanence in human endeavors; and that access to the social wealth of society lies in education that allows people to generate and interpret a wide range of data from a broad methodological base.

The CMRAE two-semester graduate subject Materials in Ancient Societies offered during the 2000-2001 academic year considered bone as an archaeological material. The fall semester focused on zooarchaeology and was taught by Dr. Richard Meadow (Harvard University). The spring semester treated human osteology and was taught by Professor Michael Gibbons (University of Massachusetts, Boston).

Heather Lechtman

More information about this center can be found online at

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Council on Primary and Secondary Education

The Council on Primary and Secondary Education (CPSE) develops programs that bring the strengths of MIT to bear on the American K-12 educational system. The projects sponsored by the Council include the MIT/Wellesley Teacher Education Program, Teacher Sabbaticals, and the MIT's Educational Outreach Programs Directory. The Council's Chairman is also involved in a number of K-12 educational efforts, including the Science and Engineering Program for Teachers and its product, the New England Science Teachers, as well as a collaboration with the Association of American Universities (AAU).

MIT/Wellesley Teacher Education Program

To foster the growth of a cadre of new teachers who meet MIT's standards of excellence in science and mathematics, yet appreciate the value of different ways of approaching and understanding a problem, MIT has created a joint program with Wellesley College, the Teacher Education Program (TEP). It prepares undergraduates for Massachusetts State Certification in mathematics and science at the middle and high school levels. This program, started in the fall of 1993, has now been integrated into MIT's Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Enrollment in TEP's introductory Course 11.124 has steadily increased. During this six-year period, TEP has enrolled over160 students in the initial course toward completing Massachusetts State Teacher Certification. Many of the students who have completed certification are now teaching in public middle or high schools, mostly in the Boston area. Others entering the program have been recruited by private, independent, schools, while some have gone on to become graduate students in schools of education such as Harvard, Stanford, University of California-Berkeley, and Columbia. Two students have entered the Peace Corps.

Undergraduates in the program must complete a major in the subject area in which they wish to teach. In addition, they must complete three courses at MIT and two at Wellesley; one of the latter is a seminar taken in conjunction with the required 150 hours of supervised practice teaching. Students must also complete 75 hours of supervised classroom observations.

The MIT's Class of 1952's Educational Initiatives Fund was key to launching TEP in 1993. TEP was funded from 1994-1997 by the National Science Foundation through a collaborative called Teacher Education Addressing Math and Science in Boston and Cambridge (TEAMS-BC) which included MIT, Harvard, UMASS-Boston, Wheelock College, and the Boston and Cambridge school systems. TEP is supervised by Professor Eric Klopfer. Dr. Klopfer has a B.S. in Biology from Cornell and a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. He has taught full time in the Amherst Regional High School and prior to his MIT appointment served as a Lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Massachusetts. He has studied the impact of computer systems on student learning in science, math and language arts. His current research focuses on the use of educational technology in science education and is particularly interested in computer simulation as a tool in science education. More information about TEP can be found online at

The council is pleased to announce the establishment of the Joseph B. ('54) and Rita P. Scheller Career Development Professorship for Teacher Education. Professor Klopfer is the first holder of this professorship. The Scheller Professorship represents an historic milestone in the evolution of MIT's K-12 agenda.

Teacher Sabbaticals

The Class of 1952 Educational Initiatives Fund also launched the MIT Teacher Fellows Program, which brings middle and high school teachers together with MIT faculty. Not only is this program effective in helping teachers develop new and creative ways to teach math and science, it allows MIT faculty to share their expertise in the development of K-12 math and science curricula.

Four high school teachers were on campus for year-long sabbaticals. They are Mr. Dana Dunnan of Masconomet High School (Topsfield, MA); Mr. Ken Brody of Boston Technical High School; Ms. Lynda Beck of Philips Exeter Academy of Exeter, NH and Ms. Isabel Courtney of the Greenwich Connecticut school system. Although the '52 fund contributed to the stipends of teachers in the past, the above teachers were self-supporting. Mr. Brody will return to MIT in AY2001-2002. Mr. Brody continues to serve as the Secretary of the Network of Educators in Science and Technology (NEST). Additionally, he arranged tours of MIT by NEST teachers and students. We are pleased to have precollege educators with us. Their understanding of the needs of classroom teachers is essential to the development of MIT's agenda in K-12 education.

Educational Outreach Directory

The council's MIT's Educational Outreach Programs has been widely circulated. Approximately 65 programs are listed; programs are either conducted on MIT's campus or have the involvement of a person from MIT's faculty, staff, or student body. The directory is now also available through the council's home page. Activities range from the Chemistry Magic Show, a 45-minute long road show of attention-getting chemistry experiments along with a running commentary, to the Voyage of the MIMI, an interdisciplinary, multimedia math and science presentation geared toward 4th-8th graders using connected educational television, software, and other instruction materials.

Programs by the CPSE Chairman

Since October of 1997, CPSE Chair Latanision has led a Task Force on K-16 Education, an arm of the AAU President's Committee on Undergraduate Education. The Task Force is leading an AAU-wide Implementation Plan that includes action that will accomplish the following:

The Clearinghouse and National Conversations are being developed with a $2.4 million grant from the Pew Charitable Trusts, which began in April 2000. Both topics are incorporated into a program now known as Standards for Success.

Science and Engineering Program for Teachers: Professor Latanision directs the Science and Engineering Program for Teachers, which shares the Council's goal of science literacy for all students. Key to a good education is an enthusiastic, knowledgeable teacher. Since 1989, this program has endeavored to give educators a unique perspective of how the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering are integrated to meet the technological challenges and needs of commerce and society. In 2001, the program ran from 24-30 June and had 74 participants from across the United States and four countries. Once again, this program was offered on a fee-bearing basis. Every participant covered his/her own expenses. One-third of the participants were fully supported (travel, room and board) by MIT Alumni Clubs, testimony to the concern of MIT Alumni for precollege education. NEST teachers also participated in the Star Logo Community of Learners Workshop aimed at developing useful, curriculum supporting modeling tools. The workshop was led by Professor Klopfer and supported by the Siemens Foundation.

The alumni of this program, now totaling approximately 800 people, become members of the Network of Educators in Science and Technology (NEST). This year, NEST members came to MIT's campus on June 29th for a two-day meeting to assess the program and determine future directions for the organization. The year 2001 Agenda for returning NEST alums represents a new alliance between NEST and MIT's Center for Materials Science and Engineering. CMSE Director, Michael Rubner, arranged a full day program for NEST on 29 June. The Annual Fall Retreat of NEST was held in Falmouth, MA on 10-11 November 2000.

We are very pleased to report that MIT alumnus, Johan von der Goltz has pledged a gift of $350,000 over a five year period to sustain the Science and Engineering Program for Teachers and NEST. For the first time, eight Siemens Scholars were identified from among the participants in the Science and Engineering Program for Teachers. These

teachers were supported during their visit to MIT by the Siemens Foundation. In addition, the Foundation provided the resources for MIT's first Siemens Teacher Fellow: a teacher, Ms. Rebekah Ravgiala, is in residence at MIT during the summer of 2001 as a member of the research team of Professor Michael Rubner, Director of the Center for Materials Science and Engineering. The object of this effort is to make research experiences available to

in-service teachers. It is my goal to have 40-50 such teachers on campus during the summer in a few years.

R. M. Latanision

More information about NEST can be found online at
More information about the Council on Primary and Secondary Education can be found online at http://

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Office of Educational Opportunity Programs

The Office of Educational Opportunity Programs was created in January of 1992 to organizationally locate the MIT/Wellesley Upward Bound Program, the MIT Educational Talent Search Program (ceased operation in FY1998), and all future programming serving low-income community youth. MIT has operated the Upward Bound Program since 1966 and began operation of the Educational Talent Search Program in September of 1991.

Upward Bound and Educational Talent Search are two of six U.S. Department of Education: Special Programs For Students From Disadvantaged Backgrounds (TRIO Programs) created under the Higher Education Act of 1965.

The goal of these programs is to provide college admission and preparatory information, academic support, advising, career information, and college and career exploration opportunities to the economically and/or educationally disadvantaged youth of Cambridge and formerly Somerville.

To a large extent, the development of both programs was influenced by the research done by psychologist Kurt Lewin and his associates. Lewin's hypothesis was that ego growth and academic performance were closely related. Moreover, he concluded that a developing ego needs to experience success in a warm and personal, structured environment for greatest development, in both a personal and social sense. Lastly, it was determined that this personal and social growth could be achieved through intervention outside of the institutions of family and school. Educational Talent Search and Upward Bound, through their year-round academic support and advising, and cultural experiences represent just such interventions.

MIT/Wellesley Upward Bound

The MIT/Wellesley Upward Bound Program is a year-round, co-educational, multi-cultural, college preparatory program for high school youth who reside or attend school in Cambridge. Currently in its 34th year, the Program serves 70 academically promising young men and women from disadvantaged backgrounds. The goal of Upward Bound is twofold: to motivate client high school youth such that they persist on to post-secondary education; and, at the same time, and to provide them with the fundamental skills necessary for success at the collegiate level.

The following is an overview of the program's operational phases:

The six-week summer program, conducted in residence at Wellesley College, is designed to provide the participants with a rigorous academic experience. Classes are taught by experienced high school teachers, and graduate and undergraduate students from MIT, Wellesley College, and other local colleges and universities. Each participant is required to enroll in a Mathematics course, an English course and an elective course: Social Studies, Science, or World Languages. (Additionally, due to an agreement with the Cambridge Public Schools, students may receive summer school credit for up to two failed major courses taken during the preceding school year.)

The academic year program located at MIT, plays an equally important role in the educational development of participants. Building upon the motivation and enthusiasm developed during the summer, the academic year program is designed to assist and support the participant while in school. To accomplish this task, the following programs, staffed primarily by MIT and Wellesley College students when appropriate, have been developed.

(We continually strive to maintain MIT and Wellesley College students' participation through our continued involvement as a pre-practicum site for the Wellesley College Teacher Certification Program and through various outreach efforts.)

One hundred percent of the program's graduating seniors have been accepted into postsecondary education institutions. The program's Class of 2001 has enrolled in the following colleges and universities; Clark Atlanta University, Johnson and Wales University, Salem State College, Marymount College, Michigan State University, Morris Brown College, Norfolk State University, South Carolina State University and Suffolk University.

Ronald S. Crichlow, Evette M. Layne

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McGovern Institute for Brain Research

On 28 February, 2001, Patrick and Lore McGovern and Charles Vest signed an agreement to create the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT with a gift expected to total $350 million over the next 20 years. The McGovern Institute's mission is to investigate the basis of human higher brain function, using a multi-disciplinary approach that includes applied physics, engineering, computer science, computational neuroscience and cognitive psychology in addition to biological sciences. Phillip Sharp is the founding Director of the Institute. The Institute will be housed in a new state-of-the-art building on the MIT campus which will be available at the end of 2004 and currently occupies interim space until the building is finished.

The McGovern Institute will sponsor cutting-edge research concerning how the brain acquires information and assesses its significance, how information is stored in memory, and how information is processed and organized within the brain to form decisions, and to communicate with others. McGovern scientists will apply a wide range of experimental approaches to the study of the brain, including neurophysiological recording, computational analysis, neuroimaging, and genetic and molecular techniques. Amidst this diversity of disciplinary origins and technical approaches, the intellectual coherence of the Institute will derive from a common commitment of the McGovern faculty to understand higher brain function. McGovern faculty will hold primary appointments in several departments at MIT, including Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Biology, and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. When fully developed with its own building, the Institute will have 16 faculty members and associated research staff.

The research programs of the McGovern Institute initially emphasize three rapidly advancing areas which are central to understanding the brain and its functions: experimental and computational investigations of integrated systems in animals with complex behavior, development of high spatial and temporal imaging of the brain, and genetic analysis of behavior and neurobiological systems. The McGovern Institute provides a focus for synergistic interactions among various research communities at MIT, with the overarching aim of achieving a deep understanding of the brain and its role in mediating mental function.

In addition to Professor Sharp, the following appointments have been made to the McGovern Institute.

Emilio Bizzi is the Eugene McDermott Professor in the Brain Sciences and Human Behavior in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. Dr. Bizzi's work focuses on how the central nervous system translates brain messages signaling motor intent into muscle activation. He recently discovered that the spinal cord contains a map of limb postures that is key to this transformation.

Martha Constantine-Paton is a Professor of Biology in the Department of Biology, with a joint appointment in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. She studies activity and brain development, glutamate receptor regulation, and sensory physiology of vision and audition. Professor Constantine-Paton's recent work has focused on the role of the N-methyl-D-asparate subtype of glutamate receptor (NMDAR) in activity-dependent connections between neurons. It is possible that upregulation of this receptor could be important in recovery from brain damage. She studies these processes in rodent and frog systems. Ann Graybiel is the Walter A. Rosenblith Professor of Neuroscience in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. She studies the neurophysiology of a brain region that is implicated in the control of movement and cognition, as well as in our ability to learn habits. Disorders in this region have been implicated in Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases, and in neuropsychiatric disorders such as Tourette's syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder and addiction.

H. Robert Horvitz is the David Koch Professor of Biology in the Department of Biology and an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Professor Horvitz is studying how the nervous system controls behavior using genetics, laser microbeam ablation and pharmacology. He recently discovered that the animal's serotonergic nervous system plays a central role in its response to experience. This has led to the identification of a serotonin-uptake transporter similar to the target of the human antidepressants(e.g. Prozac). He also was a major figure in the collaboration that discovered the identity of a human gene responsible for the inherited form of amyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease) and he continues an interest in this problem.

Nancy Kanwisher is a Professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. She studies human visual perception and cognition, using functional magnetic resonance imaging to look at brain activity in people as they carry out visual tasks. Her work focuses on understanding the neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying object recognition and other aspects of visual cognition. She has identified several regions of the brain that play specialized roles in the perception of specific categories of visual stimuli such as faces and places.

Tomaso Poggio is the Uncas and Helen Whitaker Professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Dr. Poggio is also co-director of the Center for Biological and Computational Learning. He is a computational neuroscientist whose recent work focuses on the process by which the brain learns to recognize and categorize objects. His work is important not only towards understanding higher brain function, but also for its applications to computer learning.

We are pleased to report that James DiCarlo has accepted a faculty position and will join the McGovern Institute and the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences as an Assistant Professor early next year. Dr. DiCarlo is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Baylor College of Medicine and studies object recognition in the visual system.

Members of the Board of Directors of the McGovern Institute have been appointed and will hold their first meeting in the Fall. The Board is chaired by Patrick McGovern and other members include Lore McGovern, Elizabeth McGovern, Gerald Fischbach, Robert Langer, Edward Scolnick, Robert Silbey, Sheila Widnall, and Torsten Wiesel.

Phillip A. Sharp

More information about the McGovern Institute can be found online at

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