Sheila Widnall: Publications
"Wingsail With Adaptable Flexible Flap," Provisional Patent Application 2015. download
"Effects of Spanwise Flexibility on Lift and Rolling Moment of a Wingsail," (with H. Cornwell and P. Williams) 2015. download
"Augmentation of Power Output of Axisymmetric Ducted Wind Turbines by Porous Trailing Edge Disks" 2014
2009 Arthur M. Bueche Award Acceptance Remarks, Oct. 4, 2009. download (pdf 76K)
"Potential Flow Calculations of Axisymmetric Ducted Wind Turbines" 2009 download 1.5
Lean Enterprise Value with Murman et. al. Palgrave Press 2002
"AAAS Presidential Lecture: Voices from the Pipeline", 1988, American
Association for the Advancement of Science September 1988
issue of Science, Vol 241, pp. 140-1745,© 1988 AAAS,
download (268K)
"Digits of Pi", April 26, 2000, S.E. Regional NAE Meeting,
download (56K)
"Some Free Surface Effects on Unsteady Hydrodynamic Loads and
(with H. Ashley and M. T. Landahl) Fourth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics,
B. L. Silverstein, Ed. (Office of Naval Research, Dept. of the
Navy, Washington,
D. C., 1962), pp. 527-549.
"New Directions in Lifting Surface Theory." (with H. Ashley and M.
T. Landahl) AIAA J. 3 (January 1965): 3-16.
"Generalized Aerodynamic Forces on an Oscillating Cylindrical
(with E. Dowell) Quart. Appl. Math. 24 (April 1966): 1-17.
"Generalized Aerodynamic Forces on an Oscillating Cylindrical
Shell: Subsonic
and Supersonic Flow." (with E. Dowell) AIAA J. 4 (April 1966):
"Unsteady Loads on Supercavitating Hydrofoils of Finite Span." J.
Ship Res. 10 (June 1966): 107-118.
"Aerodynamic Forces on an Oscillating Cylindrical Duct with an Internal
Flow." (with E. Dowell) J. Sound Vib. 6 (1967): 71-85.
"Dynamics on an Acoustic Probe for Measuring Pressure Fluctuations on a
Hypersonic Reentry Vehicle." (with H. Heller) J. Acoustic Soc.
Am. 44 (1968):
"Correlation of Fluctuating Forces with Sound Radiation from Rigid Flow
Spoilers." (with H. Heller), NASA CR-1340 (October 1968), presented at
the 77th
Acoustical Society of America Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (April
1969); J. Acoustic
Soc. Am. 47 (May 1970).
"A Numerical Method for the Calculation of Nonlinear Unsteady
Lifting Potential
Flow Problems." presented at the AIAA 7th Aerospace Sciences
New York, NY (January 1969). AIAA J. 7 No. 10 (October 1969) (with
H. Djojodihardjo).
"A Correlation of Vortex Noise Data from Helicopter Main Rotors."
J. Aircraft 6 No. 3 (1969).
"Optimum Lift-Drag Ratio for a Ram Wing Tube Vehicle."
(with T. Barrows)
AIAA J. 8 No. 3 (March 1970)
"An Analytic Solution for Two- and Three-Dimensional Wings in
Ground Effect."
(with T. Barrows) J. Fluid Mechanics (May 15, 1970).
"The Aerodynamics of Ram Wing Vehicles for Application to High
Speed Ground
Transportation." (with T. Barrows) AIAA paper 70-142; AIAA 8th
Aerospace Sciences Meeting (January 1970).
"Pressure Fluctuation Characteristics on Swept Wings Under
Stall Conditions."
(with H. Heller and D. Bliss) 79th Acoustical Society of America Meeting
(April 21-24, 1970).
"Incipient Stall Detection Through Unsteady Pressure
Monitoring on Aircraft
Wings." (with H. Heller) Journal of Aircraft 9 No. 2 (February
"Helicopter Noise Due to Blade/Vortex Interaction." J. Acoust. Soc.
Am. 49 (May 1971).
"Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Stability of a
Vortex Pair."
(with D. Bliss and A. Zalay) Proceedings of the BSRL/AFOSR Aircraft
Wake Turbulence
Symposium (September 1970) Seattle, WA; Plenum Press (1971).
"Vortex Control." (with M. Landahl) Proceedings of the BSRL/AFOSR
Aircraft Wake Turbulence Symposium (September 1970) Seattle, WA;
Plenum Press
"Slender-Body Analysis of the Motion and Stability of Vortex Filaments
Containing an Axial Flow." (with D. Bliss) J. Fluid Mechanics 50 Pt. 2
"Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Helicopter Noise Due
to Blade-Vortex
Interaction." (with Sing Chu and Albert Lee) Proceedings of
the ARO Helicopter
Noise Symposium, Durham, NC (September 1971).
"Fluctuating Forces on Rotating Airfoils and their
Relationships to Radiated
Sound." (with H. Heller) 82nd Meeting of Acoustical Society of America
(October 1971).
"Stability of a Helical Vortex Filament." J. Fluid
Mechanics 54 (1972):
"On the Stability of Vortex Rings." (with J. P. Sullivan)
Proc. Roy.
Soc. London A332 (1972): 335-353.
"Experimental Studies of Rotational Noise in Forward Flight." (with
P. Bauer and A. Lee) AHS Symposium, Philadelphia, PA (September 1972).
"Wind Tunnel Studies of Rotational Noise in Forward
Flight." Presented
to the Acoustical Society of America Meeting, Miami, FL (November 1972).
"A Study of Vortex Rings Using Laser-Doppler Velocimeter." (with J.
P. Sullivan and S. Ezekiel) AIAA Paper No. 73-105, AIAA Journal 11
No. 10 (October
1973): 1384.
"Aircraft Wake Dissipation by Sinusoidal Instability and
Vortex Breakdown."
(with A. Bilanin) AIAA Paper No. 73-107.
"Self-Induced Motion and Stability of Concentrated Vortex
(with D. Bliss) XI Biennial Symposium on Advanced Problems in Fluid
Sopot-Kamienny Potok/Poland (September 1973), Archives of Mechanics 26 No. 3,
Warszawa, (1974): 459-478; also presented at Euromech Colloquim 41, Norwich,
England (September 1973). See Riley, N., J. Fluid Mechanics 62
(1974): 33.
"Predictions of Unsteady Airloads for Oblique Blade-Gust Interaction in
Compressible Flow." (with S. Chu) AIAA Journal 12 No. 9
(September 1974):
"The Instability of Short Waves on a Vortex Ring." (with D. Bliss
and C. Y. Tsai) J. Fluid Mechanics 66 Part 1 (1974): 35-47.
"The Structure and Dynamics of Vortex Filaments." Annual Review of
Fluid Mechanics 7 (January 1975): 141-165.
"Lifting-Surface Theory for a Semi-Infinite Wing in Oblique Gust."
(with S. Chu). AIAA Journal 12 (December 1974): 1672-1678.
"The Stability of Short Waves on a Straight Vortex Filament in
a Weak Externally
Imposed Strain Field." (with C. Y. Tsai). J. Fluid Mechanics
73 Pt. 4 (1976):
"A Study of Helicopter Rotor Rotational Noise." (with A. Lee and W.
L. Harris). AIAA Journal of Aircraft 14 No. 11 (November 1977).
"The Instability of the Thin Vortex Ring of Constant
Vorticity." (with
C. Y. Tsai). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Soc. London 287 No. 1344
(October 1977): 273-305.
"An Interaction Mechanism Between Large and Small Scales for
Water Waves." (with M. T. Landahl and L. Hultgren). Proc. of the Twelfth
Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington, D. C. (June 5-9 1978).
"An Examination of Group-Velocity Criterion for Breakdown of Vortex Flow
in A Divergent Duct." (with C. Y. Tsai). Physics of Fluids 23
No. 5 (1980):
"Unified Aerodynamic-Acoustic Theory for a Thin Rectangular
Wing Encountering
A Gust." (with R. Martinez) AIAA Journal 18 No. 6 (June 1980).
"The Effect of Tip-Vortex Structure on Helicopter Noise Due to
Interaction." (with T. Wolf). AIAA Journal of Aircraft (1980).
"The Structure of Organized Vortices in a Free Shear Layer." (with
R. Pierre-Humbert). J. Fluid Mechanics 102 (1981): 301.
"The Two- and Three-Dimensional Instabilities of a Spatially
Periodic Shear
Layer." (with R. Pierrehumbert). J. of Fluid Mechanics 114
(1982): 59-82.
"Unsteady Lifting-Line Theory with Applications." (with A. Ahmadi).
AIAA Paper 82-0354, presented at AIAA 20th Aerospace Sciences
Conference; Orlando,
FL (January 11-14, 1982).
"The Interaction Between Long and Short Wind-Generated
Waves." (with
M. Landahl and J. A. Smith). Proceedings of the Symposium on Wave
Dynamics and
Radio Probing of the Ocean Surface, Miami, FL (May 1981).
"Predictions of Low-Frequency Sound from the Mod-1 Wind Turbine."
(with R. Martinez and W. L. Harris). Solar Energy Journal 104
(1982): 124-130.
"A Flow Visualization Study of Transition in Plane Poiseuille
(with Dale R. Carlson and Martin F. Peeters). J. of Fluid Mechanics
121 (1982):
"An Aeroacoustic Model for High-Speed, Unsteady Blade Vortex
(with R. Martinez) AIAA Journal 9 (1983): 1225-1231.
"Aerodynamic Theory for a Wing with Side Edge Passing
Subsonically Through
a Gust." (with R. Martinez) AIAA Journal 21, 6 (1983): 808-815.
"Energetics and Optimum Motion of Oscillating Lifting
Surfaces." (with
A. Ahmadi) AIAA Paper 83-1710, presented at AIAA 16th Fluid and
Plasma Dynamics
Conference, Danvers, MA (July 12-14, 1983).
"Application of Unsteady Aerodynamics to Large-Eddy Breakup Devices in
a Turbulent Flow." (with P. Balakumar) Physics of Fluids., vol. 29, June
1986 p. 1779-1787
"Growth of Turbulent Spots in Plane Poiseuille Flow." Presented at
the International Symposium on Turbulence and Chaotic Phenomena in
Fluids; Kyoto,
Japan IUTAM; (September 1983); Proceedings; T. Tatsumi, Editor;
Elsevier Science
Publishing; North Holland, Amsterdam (1985).
"Unsteady Lifting-Line Theory with Applications," (with
A. R. Ahmadi),
AIAA paper No. 82-0354, presented at AIAA 20th Aerospace Sciences Conference,
Orlando, FL (1982).
"Unsteady Lifting-line Theory as a Singular Perturbation Problem,"
(with A. R. Ahmadi) J. Fluid Mech., vol. 153, pp. 59-81, (1985).
"Energetics and Optimum Motion of Oscillating Lifting Surfaces of Finite
Span," (with A. R. Ahmadi), J. Fluid Mech., vol. 162, pp.
261-282, (1986).
"Energetics of Oscillating Lifting Surfaces Using Integral Conservation
Laws." (with A. Ahmadi) AIAA Paper 87-0193, presented at AIAA
25th Aerospace
Sciences Meeting; Reno, Nevada (January 12-15, 1987).
"Energetics of Oscillating Lifting Surfaces Using Integral Conservation
Laws," (with A. R. Ahmadi), AIAA Paper No. 87-0193, presented
at AIAA 25th
Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, (1987).
"Review of Three-Dimensional Vortex Dynamics: Implications for
the Computation
of Separated and Turbulent Flows." Studies of Vortex Dominated
Flows, pp.
16-32. Edited by M. Y. Hussaini and M. D. Salas. New York:
Springer-Verlag New
York, Inc., 1987.
"Calculations of axisymmetric vortex sheet roll-up using a panel and a
filament model" (with Kantelis, J.P. ), National Specialists' Meeting on
Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics, Arlington, TX, Feb. 25-27, 1987, Proceedings,
American Helicopter Society, 1987
"Voices From The Pipeline" AAAS Presidential Lecture. Science 241:
(4874) 1740-1745 Sep. 30, 1988.
"Wave Patterns in Plane Poiseuille Flow Created by
Concentrated Disturbances",
(with F. Li), J. Fluid Mech., vol. 208, pp. 639-656, (1989).
"Reform Of The Aeronautics And Astronautics Curriculum At MIT" With
Crawley, EF; Greitzer, EM; Widnall, SE; Hall, S; Mcmanus, H;
Hansman, JR; Shea,
JF; Landahl, M., AIAA, Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit,
31st, Reno, NV,
Jan. 11-14, 1993. 16 p.
"Women In Engineering: Choices, Changes, And
Contributions" Woodruff
Lecture, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1993
"Energetics of Oscillating Lifting Surfaces Using Integral Conservation
Laws," (with A. R. Ahmadi), J. Fluid Mech. vol. 266, pp.
347-370 1994
"Partnership & Progress: Science, Academia & Public Domain"
1st Knox Millsaps Memorial Lecture, Univ. Florida 1995
'Shaping Our Boundless Future'. Aviation Week & Space Technology v. 146
(Apr. 16 '97) p. 23-4 , 1997
"Global Engagement" with R. Foglemen, 1997 Aerospace International,
vol. 24, no. 6, June 1997, p.12-18