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MIT Physics 8.02 - Electricity & Magnetism


About the TEAL/Studio Physics Project:

The TEAL (Technology Enabled Active Learning) Studio Project is an educational initiative of the MIT Department of Physics. It represents a merger of lecture, recitations, and hands-on laboratory experience into a technologically and collaboratively rich experience for incoming MIT freshmen. A large part of this effort is the development of software for simulation and visualization. This and additional material will appear on MIT's OpenCourseWare site by the Spring of 2004 (

This material is also available online at

Pedagogy: John Belcher, Peter Dourmashkin, Sen-ben Liao, David Litster, Norman Derby, Stanislaw Olbert

Assessment: Yehudit Judy Dori

Staff Credits for TEAL Visualizations:

Project Manager: Andrew McKinney

Java Simulations: Andrew McKinney, Philip Bailey, Pierre Poignant, Ying Cao, Ralph Rabat, Michael Danziger

3D Illustration/Animation: Mark Bessette, Michael Danziger

ShockWave Visualizations: Michael Danziger

Visualization Techniques R&D: Andreas Sundquist (DLIC), Mesrob Ohannessian (IDRAW)


     Supported by the MIT Department of Physics, the d'Arbeloff Fund for Excellence in MIT Education, the MIT/Microsoft iCampus Alliance, and NSF (Grant #9950380). This material is produced at MIT's Center for Educational Computer Initiatives. The content contained herein can be freely used and redistributed for non-profit educational purposes, as long as an acknowledgment is given to the MIT TEAL/Studio Physics Project for such use. Copyright © 2004 MIT.