Preparation for Quiz 3
Quiz 3 is in Johnson Ice Rink from 1:30-3:00 PM on Thursday, May 20th. While Quiz
3 is during finals week, it will only explicitly cover the final
1/3 of the course. Of course, the cumulative nature of this course
means that terms and concepts from the first 2/3 will be used
freely, but the questions will focus primarily on the material
covered on April 13th and onward. Quiz 3 will be 90 minutes, not 50
like the first two.
The quiz will cover material from recitation 18 through recitation
26. The quiz will be
open book/open laptop/no network. That means you can bring along any printed, written
or electronic materials that you think might be useful but you cannot use any network connection.
You can find old quiz questions to practice on in the Problem Sets
section of the class notes. Although there has been a little
rearrangement of material over the years, you should be able to
answer most questions relevant to the subjects we have
Old quizzes: