April 7, 2006
Please find additional clarifications and details in the DP2 FAQ.
Design Project 2: Delay-Tolerant Wireless Networking with Cheap
Laptops (v2)
(Note: this is version 2 of the design project. If you printed out a
version that does not have this note, please print the current
0. Assignment
You will do design project 2 in teams of three students from your
recitation section.
There are four deliverables for Design Project 2:
- A list of team members emailed to your recitation instructor by April 11, 2006.
- One copy of a design proposal not exceeding 800 words, due on
Thursday, April 27, 2006.
- One copy of a design report not exceeding 5,000 words, due on Thursday, May 11, 2006.
- An in-class presentation on May 16, 2006. Details of the presentations will be posted closer to the
due date.
6.033 design reports are different from quizzes and problem sets.
These projects, like those in real life, are under-specified, and it is
your job to complete the specification sensibly, given the project
requirements. As with real-world designs, those requirements often need
some adjustment as you flesh out your design. We strongly recommend
that you start early so that you can iterate your design. A good design
will likely take more than a few days.
1. Introduction
Now that portable computers and wireless networking are commodity
those who want a low-overhead way to deploy networks
are building small,
local wireless networks.
Unlike traditional networks, these networks cannot depend on the Internet
for connectivity, and their membership changes as users move around.
For example, in the
One Laptop Per Child Project (OLPC), researchers
affiliated with MIT are planning to give low-cost laptops to
millions of students in developing countries. These laptops have displays,
wireless interfaces, and a moderate amount of storage.
The low-cost nature of these laptops
makes them failure-prone. Specifically, their mean time to failure is several months.
The type of failure is fail-stop failures: when the laptop fails,
it stops working altogether. Recovery from these failures requires either
replacing or repairing the laptop, and in either case, the contents of
the laptop's disk will be lost.
In many deployment scenarios, these laptops, though not connected to the
Internet, must still support cooperative applications that exchange data.
Students in the OLPC project, in particular, may want:
- File sharing. Students need to send each other
lecture notes, music, photographs, and applications even when they
are not within wireless communication range. Hence,
laptops need to be able to send messages through one or more intermediate
laptops and to relay messages for other laptops.
- Backup. Because the laptops are failure prone, students
will need to back up their important files on other laptops
(and retrieve them after a failure).
In this project, you will design three components for the laptops:
- A delay-tolerant network-layer protocol that allows
applications running on the laptop to exchange messages with other laptops
without relying on the availability of the Internet or even
continuous connectivity between pairs of laptops. By delay-tolerant
we mean that that intermediate laptops sometimes store messages for
long periods of time (e.g., minutes, hours, or days) before forwarding
them. This network protocol must work even between two laptops that
never come into communication range of each other and must not depend
on there being a maximum number of intermediate laptops between any
sender or receiver.
- The file sharing application described above. This application
will make use of your delay tolerant network protocol.
- The backup application described above, which must
also make use of your network protocol.
Interestingly, the delay-tolerance requirement is a real one faced in
many parts of the developing world. There, disconnected networks may send
their email to the Internet once per week. In those cases, the "first
hop" is an intermittently connected computer. And sometimes this first
hop is a "mobile server"; in other words, the email server travels by
2. Requirements
Your system logically consists of two layers: (1) the lower-level
messaging layer, and (2) the higher-level applications (i.e., backup and
file sharing) that use this layer.
2.1 A Network Protocol that Tolerates Disconnection
Your protocol should provide the following API:
result send_msg(msg, len, dest, app_port);
result register_handler(app_port, handler_function);
Applications call send_msg to deliver a message, msg,
of arbitrary length, len, to a remote laptop, dest.
Note that the laptop cannot necessarily communicate directly with
dest when the application calls send_msg. However,
your network protocol should provide the following best-effort
delivery guarantee: it will eventually deliver msg to the
laptop named dest unless a failure occurs
during that transmission. (Note that the two applications we have
asked you to design have specific reliability requirements; you will need
to decide to what extent those requirements are satisfied by your network protocol versus separately by each application.)
You should assume that
every laptop has a unique name (e.g., a MAC address)
and that applications have a way to discover the names of the laptops with
which they wish to communicate. You do not need to design this naming
service; assume, for example, that users in person tell each other their
laptops' names before their applications communicate. dest is
such a name.
app_port is the
port on the destination laptop that will receive the message.
In response to send_msg, your network protocol may return a
result that corresponds to an error code. This error code might
mean that your network protocol was unable to accept the message for
delivery (e.g., because its internal queues are full or because dest is
unknown). However, in the absence of an error condition at the time
that the application called send_msg, your network protocol
must give the best-effort guarantee described above.
An application uses register_handler to register a procedure,
handler_function, that your network protocol calls when a message
arrives on a particular port, app_port. Specifically, when
this event happens, your network protocol calls
handler_function(recvd_msg, len), where recvd_msg is the
message that just arrived and len is its length.
register_handler returns an error if another application on the
same computer has already registered for app_port.
In addition to providing this API, your implementation of this API
should provide the following features:
- Disconnected delivery: Some laptops rarely come
into communication range of each other. These computers may still wish to
exchange data; you will need to design a system that allows them to do
so by relaying data through one or more intermediate laptops.
Laptops also contain software that keeps track of
other computers with which they have
recently communicated (see Section 3 below). You may assume that recent communication history
is a good predictor of future contacts.
- Tolerance to disconnection: Your protocol must tolerate
events like two laptops moving out of communication range of each other
before one is finished transmitting a message to another. The
numbers in Section 3 below suggest that for large messages, the
likelihood of this event is high.
You may need to extend or modify
the API given above to satisfy all of these requirements.
Your protocol will need to use the link-layer software that is installed
on laptops and described below in Section 3.
The security and delivery acknowledgment are not required features
of the network layer, but the backup and file transfer applications
need both of these features (so you may wish to consider end-to-end
arguments here).
2.2. File Transfer Application
The users of the file transfer application are either users or programs
on the laptop that want to send a particular file from the local laptop
to a particular remote laptop. The file transfer application provides
the following API:
send(file, dest, callback);
In response to a call to send, the file transfer application
should attempt to deliver the specified file to the
specified dest. This application has several additional requirements:
- Reliability:
Your application should ensure that, with high probability, the
file is delivered successfully.
In designing this mechanism, you will want to use techniques like
retransmissions, timers, and duplicate elimination that we have studied
in the context of reliable network protocols.
Your scheme may not be able to reliably deliver a message
in the event of a network failure, or because it cannot confirm
delivery after some long period of time.
- Acknowledgments: Once the file has arrived (which
might be hours or days after the user calls send), the
application should invoke the user-supplied callback to
inform the user that its request is complete and that the file has
been delivered successfully. Alternatively, if your application cannot
deliver the file, it is okay for your
application to invoke callback with an error code
indicating that the message could not be delivered.
- Authenticity: The file transfer application on the
receiving laptop needs a way to verify that the file it received is in
fact identical to the file that the sender sent, and that the claimed
sender is in fact the actual sender. In particular, it is possible
that an intermediate laptop that forwarded the file may have tampered with the file contents or tried to forge the
identity of the sender. Your design should describe how the receiver
detects this situation.
- Privacy: The files may contain sensitive information.
Thus, the file transfer application must guarantee that intermediate
laptops cannot read data that they relay.
2.3. Backup Application
The users of the backup application are either users or programs on the laptop
wish to protect a given file from loss. They invoke the backup
application by giving it the name of a file. In response to this input,
the backup application sends the file "into the network" by storing the file
at other laptops. The backup application expects to be able to retrieve
the file later, at the user's request. Users do not specify where
(i.e., on which remote laptops) the file should be stored -- it is your
application that makes this decision. Your backup application must
expose the following interface:
- backup(localname, netname, callback): Store the file called
localname in the network and give it the name netname.
When your backup application has stored the file successfully (we define
success below), it invokes the user-supplied function callback.
Many laptops may use the same netname and your
design will need to be able to differentiate which laptop a given
file belongs to.
- restore(netname, callback): Retrieve the file with network
name netname from the network. You can assume that users remember the
names of the files (or the name of a directory containing the names of their files).
When your application completes the restoration
or determines that the file could not be found in the network,
it invokes callback with an appropriate result code.
Note that
restore may take some time (hours or days) while it searches
for the laptops that the files were stored on, though your application
should be able
to guarantee that it calls callback eventually.
You may assume that remote laptops will not maliciously refuse to return
a stored copy of a backed up file.
You may likewise assume that
remote laptops will not maliciously delete files backed up on them.
remote laptops can certainly fail, just like your laptop can!
This application has several additional requirements:
- Recoverability: After your application backs up a file,
it should be able to restore the file unless all of the replicas
it chose as backup sites simultaneously fail.
In particular, the application needs to guarantee that the file is replicated at
more than one location so that a single failed laptop does not cause the
file to be lost. Your application also needs to ensure that after one replica
fails, some replica eventually detects this failure and adds a new replica of the
file (like all communication in your system, this failure detection process
may take hours or days!). Finally, your application needs to ensure that
it can actually find files it has previously stored (so that it can respond
successfully to
- Acknowledgments: Users of your application need to be
notified (via callback) when their file has been backed up
successfully. Here backed up means successfully stored on more than
one remote laptop.
As with the file transfer
application, a user may have to wait a long time (hours or days) for
this acknowledgment.
- Authenticity: The backup application
needs a way to verify that a
file it recovers via restore is in fact the same file
that it previously stored in the network. In particular, it is possible
that a remote laptop it chose to backup files on may have tampered
with those files. Your design should describe
how the recover function can
detect this event.
- Privacy: The backup application needs a way to guarantee
that the remote laptops on which it performs backup are not able to read
its files, since those files may contain sensitive information.
- File lookup failure: The restore function must be able to
indicate when it has determined
that a file does not exist in the
Since both the file transfer and backup applications have similar security and
message delivery guarantees, you will need to decide
if these features should be implemented by the applications
or by the network layer.
3. Existing Components and Parameters
As in real-world designs, you are neither starting from scratch
nor working in an unconstrained environment.
Existing components
The laptop already has some useful software installed:
In addition, you may, depending on your design, need to assume
the existence of a Certificate Authority (CA) that is trusted by all
entities (users, laptops, applications, etc.) If you make this
assumption, then further assume (1) that all laptops already have the public
key of the CA and (2) that the CA has given each laptop a certificate that
attests the validity of the laptop's public key.
Quantities and Parameters
As with real-life designs, you should keep the particulars of the
scenario in mind. We gave a qualitative description of the scenario
above and now quantify some of that description. You may need to take
these quantities into account when developing your design:
Parameter | Value |
Number of laptops | 1000 |
Average time elapsed between when a particular pair of senders come
into communication range of
each other, assuming those senders ever meet.
(This means that any laptop will, on average, come into contact with
every other laptop once every 48 hours.) Some pairs of laptops may never
meet, and some laptops may meet with all other laptops with
relatively high frequency. | 48 hours |
Average number of bytes that can be transmitted when two laptops come into contact | 1 megabyte |
Maximum size message that can be sent in link_send | 10 kilobytes |
Average file size | 100 kilobytes |
Maximum file size | 10 megabytes |
Average number of files per laptop | 10,000 |
Average number of files that any given laptop wishes to backup
elsewhere | 1000 |
Storage capacity of each computer | 10 gigabytes |
4. The Design Report
Your report should demonstrate how your system meets the
requirements described in Section 2. We encourage you to make
judicious use of figures, pseudo-code, and protocol diagrams to
explain your design. Make sure that, in the process of explaining your
design, you include the following elements:
- A protocol for routing and forwarding. Forwarding
is how your network layer encapsulates messages and
sends them over the link layer from one laptop to the next. Routing
is the
process by which your laptop discovers a path (i.e., a sequence
of laptops) through the network
to a destination laptop. Keep in mind that the intermediaries
in this path may need to hold the message for a long time (as mentioned
in Sections 1 and 2). Be sure to include pseudocode, a flowchart,
or other procedural description of how send_msg() is
implemented. Provide a qualitative argument that your implementation
will usually result in successful message delivery.
Be sure you show how laptops discover each other and begin
exchanging data via the link_send function.
- A design for how your system provides reliability and acknowledgments of delivery
to the file sharing and backup applications. You may need to
think about retry timers, duplicate elimination, and queuing.
- A design for the implementation of send(), from the
file sharing application. Include pseudocode, a flow chart,
or other procedural description. Provide a qualitative argument
that your approach results in the delivery of files and acknowledgments
in most cases.
- A design for the implementation of backup() and
restore(), including where files are placed in the network, how files
are replicated and named, and how restore() finds one of those replicas.
Include pseudocode, a flow chart,
or other procedural description. Provide a qualitative argument
that your approach leads to correct backup and recovery in
the absence of multiple simultaneous failures.
- A description of how the backup and file sharing applications
determine the authenticity of their messages.
- A description of how the backup and file sharing applications protect their data
so that unauthorized users cannot read it.
- A brief rationale for how you decided which functions (reliability,
privacy, etc.) to place in which layers. As mentioned several times in
Section 2, there are different possibilities for these decisions.
Indeed, there is no single correct answer, and the important thing is
that you justify your approach with logical arguments.
- A discussion of the limitations of your design, and of situations in which
your solution fails to meet the best effort backup and delivery guarantees
of the backup and file sharing applications.
It's okay, and sometimes desirable, to say, "no, my design
doesn't do that" as long as you can identify what your design can and
can't do, and explain why you made the trade-offs you did.
Remember: a simple, correct design that meets the requirements laid
out above is more important than a complex one that is hard to
understand and does a flaky job. When in doubt, leave it out!
5. Your Written Work
The following are some tips on writing your design proposal and report.
Audience: You may assume that the reader has read the DP2
assignment but has not thought carefully about a solution.
Give enough detail that your project can be turned over
successfully to an implementation team.
5.1 Design Proposal
The design proposal should be a concise summary of your design
choices and of the overall system design. It should include a
description of your basic network protocol, including how it routes
and forwards messages, Include a diagram or pseudocode illustrating
the basic operation of these two processes. Describe how the file
sharing and backup applications are implemented on top of your
networking protocol. Be sure to describe how the applications meet
their reliability, recoverability, and security goals. Provide
rationale for your major design decisions, and specify any limitations
(such as cases where your system fails to deliver messages) your
design imposes. You should have a complete design but do not have to
present detailed protocols or pseudocode for all of the APIs. Also,
if any of your design decisions is "unusual" (particularly creative,
experimental, risky, or specifically warned against in the
assignment), it would be wise to describe them here.
5.2 Design Report
Report Outline (use this organization for your report):
- Title Page: Give your design report a title that reflects the
subject and scope of your project. Include your name, recitation time
and section, and the date on the title page.
- No Table of Contents.
- Introduction: Summarize the salient aspects of your design, the
trade-offs you made and give a brief rationale for the design you have chosen.
- Design Description: Explain and elaborate your
solution. Show how your solution satisfies the design constraints and
solves the design problem (or how it fails to do so). Be sure to
identify trade-offs you made, and justify them. You
will want to sub-divide this section into subsections. Use figures
and pseudocode or other procedural descriptions of the network and application
APIs where needed, to support your design choices.
Be sure to describe any limitations
of your design.
- Conclusion: Provide a short conclusion that provides
recommendations for further actions and a list of issues that must
be resolved before the design can be implemented.
- Acknowledgments and References: Give credit to individuals whom
you consulted in developing your design. Reference any sources cited
in your report. The style of your references should be in the format
described in the
Handbook's explanation of the IEEE style.
6. How do we evaluate your report?
When evaluating your report, your recitation instructor will assign a
letter grade based both on content and writing. (Note
that for DP2, the writing center will not grade the proposal or
report, but they are happy to help you with your writing. You should
visit them.)
Some content considerations:
- Does your solution actually address the stated problem?
- Do you explain your decisions and the trade-offs?
- How complex is your solution? Simple is better, yet sometimes
simple will not do the job. On the other hand, unnecessary
complexity is bad.
- Is your design correct and clear?
- Do you analyze and explain the
performance of your protocols?
- Are your assumptions and decisions reasonable?
Some writing considerations:
- Is the report clear?
- Is the report well-organized? Does it follow standard
organizational conventions for technical reports? Are the
grammar and language sound?
- Do you use diagrams and/or figures appropriately? Are diagrams
or figures appropriately labeled, referenced, and discussed
in the text?
- Does the report use the concepts, models, and terminology introduced in
6.033? If not, does it have a good reason for using different
- Does the report address the intended audience?
- Are references cited and used correctly?
7. Collaboration
This project is a team effort. You will work in teams of 3 students
from your recitation. You may not work with students in other recitations.
8. Tasks and Due Dates
- List of team members Send your list of team members to your
recitation instructor and TA by April 11, 2006.
- One copy of design proposal (800 words or fewer)
Due: April 27, 2006.
- One copy of detailed design report (5,000 words or fewer)
Due: May 11, 2006.
In class presentation on May 16, 2006.
Please state the length (in words) of your writeup on the last page
of your design report.
Please choose a font size and line spacing that will make it easy for
us to write comments on your report (e.g., 11 pt font or larger;
1.5-spaced or greater). Please use 1-inch margins.