Chapter 2, page 2-14, 2nd Paragraph, 4th sentence
"Devices use the control wires to start", insert "signal" before "start"
Chapter 2, page 2-14, 2nd paragraph, 6th sentence
arbitrer -> arbiter
Chapter 2, page 2-15,
"one messages" should be "one message"
Chapter 2, page 2-15, 4th par
"middle and higher layer" should be "middle and higher layers"
Chapter 2, page 2-16
"discuss the trade-off" should be "discuss the trade-offs"
Chapter 2, page 2-16, 3rd par
"(the file pointers is also called the cursor)" should be "(the file pointer is also called the cursor)"
Chapter 2, page 2-16, 4th par
" that when a computer is restarted the file system..." should be " that when a computer is restarted, the file system..."
Chapter 2, page 2-18
"As another, if one application" should be "As another example, if one application..."
"It it crashes..." should be "If it crashes..."
Chapter 2, page 2-19, first par
"files not only are a convenient abstraction" should be "files are not only a convenient abstraction"
"Similarly, to interact with the display a program" should be "Similarly, to interact with the display, a program"
Chapter 2, 2-27, 3rd par
"a trusted intermediary that allow client to share memory devices" should be "a trusted intermediary that allows clients to share memory devices"
Chapter 2, 2-29, 2nd par
"(and thus also the magnetic disk) in protected manner" should be "(and thus also the magnetic disk) in a protected manner"
Chapter 2, 2-32, 4th par
"but in push the clients sends the data, while in push the client ask the server..." should be "but in push the client sends the data, while in pull the client asks the server..."
Chapter 2, 2-32, 4th par
"uses a pull protocol, such as POP and IMAP" should be "uses a pull protocol, such as POP or IMAP"
Chapter 2, 2-36, 3rd par
"a block is a container of a page and a physical memory..." should be "a block is a container of a page and physical memory..."
Chapter 2, page 2-36 and 2-37.
The text that ends 2-36 and start 2-37 should read: should add "which accomplished" after dynamic.
Chapter 2, page 2-38, par 2
the hardware modules -> the hardware module
Chapter 2, 2-45, first par of 5.1
The first "OFF" for "enable bit is switched OFF" should be "ON".
Chapter 2, 2-45, last bullet
"The interrupt handler return from the..." should be "The interrupt handler returns from the..."
Chapter 2, 2-47 and figure 2-14
The text says the kernel pushes 0 on the user stack when it's setting it up. Then the RTE instruction pops this into PC to start the user code. (2-47 P5). 0 should be equal to the address where the user program is located.
Chapter 2, 2-47 and figure 2-14
The leaving and entering stubs are not at the right address in the kernel address space. Best is probably not to use the first page of user memory (so that writes to 0 are caught too).
Chapter 2, 2-48, 3rd par
"as soon as the kernel has loaded with the PMAR with the page table" should be "as soon as the kernel has loaded the PMAR with the page table"
Chapter 2, 2-48, last par
"the" shouldn't be in the fixed-width (i.e. "code") font
Chapter 2, 2-50, par 1
"One way to achieve this goal is to run many services just ordinary user-level modules." should be "One way to achieve this goal is to run many services as just ordinary user-level modules."
Chapter 2, 2-50, last par
"virual memory hardware, many designer make the kernel also the trusted" should be "virual memory hardware, many designers also make the kernel the trusted"
Chapter 2, 2-52, 3rd full par
"Both monolithic and microkernel implement, for example" should be "Both monolithic and microkernel designs implement, for example"
Chapter 2, 2-62, 4th par
"the tread table" should be "the thread table"
Chapter 2, 2-65, first par
"implements the dispatch mechanism we separate..." should be "implements the dispatch mechanism, we separate..."
Chapter 2, 2-68, first par
"and when the scheduler selects it to run it checks the" should be "and when the scheduler selects it to run, it checks the"
Chapter 2, 2-69, 2nd par
"a few simple things, calling NOTIFY, and returning." should be "a few simple things, calling NOTIFY and returning."
Chapter 2, 2-71, 2nd par
"by adding a virtual virtual page map" should be "by adding a virtual page map"