Muslim Dynasties
in Delhi:
- The Mamluk kings of Delhi
- The Khaljis of Delhi (1290-1320)
- The Tughluqid Dynasty of
Delhi (1320-1414)
Muslim Dynasties
in the Provinces:
- The Sharqi Sultans at Jaunpur
- The Bahmanid Sultanate at
Gulbarga (1347-1527)
Trabeate Architecture:
The characteristic architectural principle of Hindu India based on the post-and-lintel
system, mostly done in stone, and related stylistically and decoratively
to carved wood architecture.
Arcuate Architecture:
The contrasting architectural principle based mostly on vaults, arches,
and domes, executed in brick. It is generally attributed to Mesopotamia
and Persia, and seen as the Islamic style brought to India with the invading
Turkish armies.