
That bastard owes me an explanation! Why did he just stop calling?

Hey jerk!@#!
Uh you talking to me? Are you talking to me?

You know I am dumbass.

You konw I am. How could you? You still never gave me an explanation.
Look Karina I don't know. Things just happen.

What do you mean? What the fuck are you saying?

Things just happen?!#!? Things just happen?! I hope that one day when you find that one girl and you bare your soul and pour your heart out to her that she laughs at you for the little man you are. You never had the guts to face up to things like a man. Always running away.
Well gee Karina if you weren't always so fucking psychotic trying to find out where I was every freaking minute of the day maybe I wouldn't feel so smothered. You sucked the life out of our relationship Karina. You're were such a control freak you know that? You're also a spoiled brat, selfish and egocentric. You also spend way too much time in front of mirror. Wear too much makeup. You're chubby. Your nose is big. You want me to go on?? I never liked you. I don't know how I was attracted to you in the first place! I must have been high or something.

What? Too much makeup? I'm chubby? My nose is big? These are the reasons?

FUCK you Devin. Go to hell you prick.
Haha. How eloquent Karina. You know you'll never find another man as dumb as I was when I was with you. You'll grow old and alone you know that? One big fat ugly loner bitch.

What a bastard. What a fucking, hurtful asshole.

Hey do me a favor? Go shoot yourself asshole. I don't know why I even bothered with you in the first place.
Look you old whore. You're wasting my time. Now fuck off cuz I gotta go talk to my new girlfriend. Yeah that's right. I've been seeing her behind your back. Later loser.
