MIT Lesson 17 Kanji: 第17課の漢字
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copyright 1995, 1996 by Saeko Komori.
In the following definitions, on (Chinese-based) readings
are represented by katakana, and by capital romaji letters;
kun (native Japanese-based) readings are represented by
hiragana, and by lower-case romaji letters. This is a common
dictionary convention, and does not have any bearing on meaning.
- Printed form:
- 伝
- Readings:
- つた
- tsuta
- Meaning:
- transmit
- Mnemonic:
- People 人 (on the left) love to gossip when they meet 会.
- Usage Examples:
- 手伝う (てつだう) to help
- Printed form:
- 送
- Readings:
- おく
- oku
- Meaning:
- send
- Mnemonic:
- A present with a ribbon is going to be sent.
- Usage Examples:
- 送る (おくる) to send
- Printed form:
- 直
- Readings:
- なお
- nao
- Meaning:
- fix; cure
- Mnemonic:
- This character means "to fix to be straight". Careful eyes 目
fix things 十 straight with a ruler--the bottom perpendicular stroke.
- Usage Examples:
- 直す (なおす) to fix
- 書き直す (かきなおす) to rewrite
- 直る (なおる) to get fixed
- Printed form:
- 決
- Readings:
- き
- ki
- Meaning:
- decide
- Mnemonic:
- A person 人 who decides the course of the water (the radical on
the left).
- Usage Examples:
- 決める (きめる) to decide
- 決まる (きまる) to become decided
- Printed form:
- 花
- Readings:
- はな
- hana
- Meaning:
- flower
- Mnemonic:
- The grass radical on the top and a charater 化 "to change".
[茶(ちゃ)"tea; brown"]
- Usage Examples:
- 花 (はな) flower
- Printed form:
- 医
- Readings:
- イ
- I
- Meaning:
- medicine
- Mnemonic:
- Arrows 矢 stored in a box. [知(し)"know"]
- Usage Examples:
- 医学 (いがく) medical science
- Printed form:
- 者
- Readings:
- シャ
- Meaning:
- person
- Mnemonic:
- A person who works daily 日 on a farm soil 土 with a tool ノ.
- Usage Examples:
- 医者 (いしゃ) medical doctor
- 学者 (がくしゃ) scholar
- Printed form:
- 病
- Readings:
- ビョウ
- Meaning:
- illness
- Mnemonic:
- The sickness radical and a person 人 sleeping on a bed covered in
a blanket.
- Usage Examples:
- 病気 (びょうき) illness
- 病院 (びょういん) hospital
- Printed form:
- 痛
- Readings:
- いた
- ita
- Meaning:
- painful; hurts
- Mnemonic:
- The sickness radical and katakana マ(person bending down with
pain) and 用(lots of affairs to attend).
- Usage Examples:
- 痛い (いたい) painful
- Printed form:
- 頭
- Readings:
- あたま
- atama
- Meaning:
- head
- Mnemonic:
- The big shell radical 頁 and 豆 (beans). [お願い(おねがい)"request"]
- Usage Examples:
- 頭がいい () be smart
- 頭が痛い () to have a headache
- Printed form:
- 体
- Readings:
- からだ/タイ
- karada/TAI
- Meaning:
- body
- Mnemonic:
- The person radical and 本, the origin and source (of knowledge).
- Usage Examples:
- 体 (からだ) body
- 大体 (だいたい) for the most part
- Printed form:
- 薬
- Readings:
- くすり
- kusuri
- Meaning:
- medicine
- Mnemonic:
- A medicine made from grass (on the top) to make oneself relaxed.
- Usage Examples:
- 薬 (くすり) medicine
- Printed form:
- 科
- Readings:
- カ
- KA
- Meaning:
- division; branch
- Mnemonic:
- 禾 grains and a standard containe 斗.
- Usage Examples:
- 内科 (ないか) internal medicine
- 外科 (げか) external medinice
- 教科書 (きょうかしょ) textbook
- Printed form:
- 失
- Readings:
- シツ
- Meaning:
- lose
- Mnemonic:
- An arrow 矢 went through the top 失.
- Usage Examples:
- 失礼する (しつれいする) to excuse oneself
- 失礼な人 (しつれいなひと) implolite person
- Printed form:
- 礼
- Readings:
- レイ
- Meaning:
- gratitute, civility
- Mnemonic:
- When you are at a shirne 社, you have to show your thanks to God.
- Usage Examples:
- お礼 (おれい) gratitude
- Printed form:
- 足
- Readings:
- ソク / あし
- SOKU / asi
- Meaning:
- leg; foot
- Usage Examples:
- 手と足 (てとあし) hands and legs
- 足が速い (あしがはやい) runs / walks fast
- Printed form:
- 耳
- Readings:
- ジ / みみ
- ZI / mimi
- Meaning:
- ear
- Usage Examples:
- 目と耳と口(めとみみとくち)eyes, ears, and mouths
- Printed form:
- 枚
- Readings:
- マイ
- Meaning:
- sheet (counter for flat thin object)
- Usage Examples:
- 百枚 (ひゃくまい) one hundred sheets
- 何枚も (なんまいも) a large number of flat units
- Printed form:
- 員
- Readings:
- イン
- IN
- Meaning:
- member, staff
- Usage Examples:
- 銀行員 (ぎんこういん) banker
- 店員 (てんいん) shop clerk
- New Readings:
- 口 (くち) mouth
- 木 (き) tree
- 出す (だす) to take out
- 茶の間 (ちゃのま) living room
- 家の外 (うち(/いえ)のそと) outside the house
- 近所 (きんじょ) neighborhood
[J3 Kanji]
[Japanese 3]