Due Friday, November 4 at 11am.
In this problem you will use principal components analysis (PCA) and the SVD to classify a large number of images.
The code below downloads a collection of 136 images found by searching amazon.com for "teapot" in Fall 2022, shown in miniature here:
Each image is resized to a common size of $350 \times 380$, and then reshaped into a vector of $350\times380\times 3 = 399000$ numbers (the red, green, and blue intensities of each RGB color pixel), and stored in a matrix $X$ of "measurements" for 136 images: $$ X = 136\times399000 \mbox{ matrix} = \mbox{(# images)} \times \mbox{(data per image)} $$ Think of this as 136 points in a 399000-dimensional space, i.e. each image is a point in $\mathbb{R}^{399000}$!!
PCA allows us to figure out which combinations of these 399000 variables explain most of the variations, and allows us to project from $\mathbb{R}^{399000}$ to a much lower-dimensional space in order to help us classify the data and identify clusters of similar images. In this problem, you will perform the PCA clustering analysis yourself.
You will need to install some Julia packages to help extract the image data.
import Pkg
(or type ] add ZipFile Images FileIO
You can then run the following code to download the data and reshape it into our $X$ matrix:
using ZipFile, Images, FileIO, Statistics, LinearAlgebra, PyPlot
# download the files as a zip archive:
imagezip = download("https://math-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/~stevenj/amazon-teapots.zip")
rows, cols = 350,380 # common size to resize all of the images to
# extract the images from the zip file, load them, resize them, and stick them into a big array Xdata
Xdata = Float64[]
r = ZipFile.Reader(imagezip)
for f in r.files
# load image and rescale to rows x cols
image = imresize(load(IOBuffer(read(f))), rows, cols)
imagedata = Float64.(channelview(image))
if length(imagedata) == rows*cols # grayscale
imagedata = [imagedata; imagedata; imagedata] # convert to RGB
append!(Xdata, imagedata)
# remove duplicates and reshape into 136×399000 matrix X
Y = reshape(Xdata, :, length(r.files)) # reshape to (imagesize) x (numimages) matrix
X = reduce(hcat, unique(eachcol(Y)))' # remove duplicates and transpose
@show size(X)
# a useful function to reshape a length-399000 vector into a color image and plot it
function plotimg(imgdata, rows=rows, cols=cols)
u = copy(imgdata)
u .-= minimum(u)
u ./= maximum(u)
imshow(permutedims(reshape(u, 3, rows, cols), (2,3,1)))
Once you have the data:
(a) As in class, subtract the mean of each column of $X$ from that column to form a new matrix $A$. (That is, subtract the mean of each pixel/color over all the images.) A = ....
Given A
, compute U, σ, V = svd(A)
and plot(σ, "b.-")
(be sure to add a title and axes labels too) to see the singular values $\sigma$. As usual, some singular values should be much bigger than others.
(b) Compute the coefficients of the orthogonal projection of each mean-subtracted image (each row of A
) onto the two dominant singular vectors _____ and _____, to obtain 136 coefficients $c_1$ and 136 coefficients $c_2$, respectively.
Plot these coefficients, along with a numeric label for the index each image, with the following code (be sure to add axes labels and a title). You have now reduced your 399000-dimensional data into points in 2 dimensions.
plot(c1, c2, "r.")
text.(c1, c2, string.(1:length(c1)), fontsize=11);
(c) In the 2d plot of (b), clusters of nearby points should represent similar teapots in some way. Pick three clusters of 3 nearby points each, with different clusters far from one another in the plot from (b). For each cluster, plot the 3 corresponding images (rows of X
) with plotimg
. For example, here is how you would plot (side-by-side) the 27th, 33rd, and 49th images:
You should find that the nearby (clustered) teapots are much more similar to one another (in some way) than they are to the clusters far away.
(from Strang pset 5.1)
If a $4\times 4$ matrix has $\det A = \frac{1}{2}$, find $\det(2A)$, $\det(-A)$, $\det(A^2)$, and $\det(A^{-1})$.
(from Strang pset 5.1)
True or false (give a reason if true or a $2\times 2$ counter-example if false), using the properties of determinants. $A$ and $B$ are square matrices.
(a) If $A$ is not invertible then $AB$ is not invertible.
(b) The determinant of $A$ is always the product of its pivots.
(c) $\det(A-B)$ always equals $\det(A) - \det(B)$.
(d) $AB$ and $BA$ must have the same determinant.
(a) If $Q$ is a unitary matrix, from the properties of determinants explain why $\det Q$ must be ________ or ________.
(b) If $P$ is a $3 \times 3$ projection matrix onto a 2d subspace, then explain why its determinant must be ________.
(c) If $A$ is a $5 \times 5$ matrix that is anti-symmetric ($A^T = -A$), then explain why its determinant must be ________. Try it for a few random matrices: if B = randn(5,5); A = B - B'
produces an anti-symmetric A
, and check det(A)
. (Be sure to load using LinearAlgebra
first to get the det
Find the determinant of the $6 \times 6$ matrix: $$ A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ -1 & 2 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & -1 & 2 & -1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & -1 & 2 & -1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 2 & -1\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 2\\ \end{pmatrix} \, . $$