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Links & Information
Lots of good information is now available. Please look carefully at the following materials that Chris Lyddy made available to us: http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/~clyddy/Public/City%20Center%20Education%20Packet/

Education Next article "Hope After Katrina" pdf file.

NOAA has a huge collection of photographs, reports, maps and videos at its new Katrina web site.

Independent Levee Investigation Team Final Report, July 31 2006. This entire document can be downloaded as a pdf as well as a number of interesting images.

In 1998, the State of Louisiana and its Federal partners approved a coastal restoration plan entitled Coast 2050: Toward a Sustainable Coastal Louisiana. That document presented strategies jointly developed by Federal, State, and Local interests to address Louisiana's massive coastal land loss problem.

Louisiana Coastal Area (LCA) Louisiana - Ecosystem Restoration Study - November 2004

Can We Save New Orleans? An excellent overview (in pdf form) of many of the issues written by a law Professor from Tulane

The Times-Picayune newspaper—an essemtial source of information. See in particular a remarkable five part series published in 2002 on the possible effects of hurricanes on New Orleans.

Levees.org: A non-partisan non-sectarian grassroots group that holds the Corps and Congress accountable for the Greater New Orleans Flood.

USGS site on the Mississippi River

Corps of Engineers releases its "12 Actions for Change"

van Heerden, Ivor and Bryan, Mike, The Storm - What went wrong and why during Hurricane Katrina - The Inside Story From One Louisiana Scientist.  Viking Press, 2006, 308 pp.

Colten, C.E. An Unnatural Metropolis Wresting New Orleans from Nature. Louisiana State University Press, 2005, 245pp.

Colten, C.E. (editor) Transforming New Orleans and Its Environs, Centuries of Change, Univerity of Pittsburg Press, 2000, 272pp.

McQuaid J and Schleifstein M. Path of Destruction: The devestation of New Orleans and the Coming Age of Superstorms, Little Brown and Company 2006, 368 pp.

Twain, Mark, Life on the Mississippi. Originally published in 1883, a digital version of this book is located here. The first chapter contains a great description of what the river was like 120 years ago. A copy can also be downloaded from Project Gutenberg at http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/245